CIO and teething

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by trustinHim, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    It's getting a little ridiculous around here. . . B woke up three times last night and S once. S has bottom two molars and working on top two, B has no molars and none breaking through but they have to be coming through soon right?
    Anyone do CIO while their kids are teething? Is it teething that's making them wake up or are they working me over?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    What do they do when they wake up? If they are crying a lot and seem really upset, I would go to them, but if they're just waking up and maybe fussing a little, I would wait it out. Mine went through various phases of waking briefly at night (I never knew if it was teething or what), but rarely cried and were usually back asleep in less than 5 min. It's still sort of stressful to lie there in bed wondering if they'll go back to sleep, but at least we avoided ruining all the sleep training. But if they were really crying, I still went to them, offered hugs, Tylenol, etc. We were just lucky that that rarely happened.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    If you think or know they are teething, try giving them motrin right before bed and see if that does the trick.

    They know at this age if they cry, you'll come in. I remember Jake would wake up and I would go in there asap and pick him up. He'd fall back asleep but would wake again an hour or two later. One night it went on for over 4 hours. By then I figured out he knew if he woke and cried, I would come in. I was so tired I had to let him cio. The next night I just ignored it and he put himself back to sleep within a few minutes.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I always found when I tried to let them CIO something was wrong... so I never truly did it...

    Teething kicked us in the bu** at 15 months! I was so "mad" at them for waking up... poor little things. anyway, you will get through it. I think its the teething... ours wake up when they are sick too... bu then go back to sttn.
  5. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    When mine are teething, I give them medicine before they go to bed and that usually helps. If they cry in the night, I go to them to ensure they have everything (paci, blankie) and that they arent thirsty. DD tries it on but we ignore her and she goes back to sleep. Listen to their cries. I can usually tell when they really need me. GL!
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i think that if you suspect or know that they are teething than that's not a good time to CIO. teething can be very painful, especially at night when they're lying down & can definitely be a cause of night waking. even giving motrin or tylenol may not be enough to take care of all of the pain. both my girls have just cut three teeth - we spent about a week in a row up with one, both or the other every night anywhere between 12:00am & 5:00am (sometimes the whole 5 hours on & off). Danika's gone back to STTN the night on her own, although Riley's still waking periodically. she's definitely starting to sleep more though - and now, when she does wake it's usually just a minute or two of fussy crying & then she goes back to sleep vs her i-need-you-right-this-instant-and-i'm-not-going-to-shut-up-until-you-get-in-here scream. i just wanted to share that so you would know you're not the only one going through it! all that being said, however, you know your children best & are the best person to say whether they do really need you or whether you think they're just trying to "play the system".

    a couple of things i try to do when i do get up with the girls at night so that getting them to sleep through again is a bit of an easier transition - i keep the lights off or low and i keep interaction to a bare minimum (i try to avoid talking & making eye contact although i often use soothing shush sounds). i also avoid rocking them or otherwise assisting them to go completely back to sleep. usually what i'll do is go in, pick them up for a quick cuddle on the floor (usually 2 - 3 minutes) & then lay them back down in their crib. if they squirm or try to get away or get to their toys, then i immediately put them back to bed & leave.

    anyway, good luck! sleep issues are never fun. :hug:
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