chubby comments

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Gimena, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    Our babies were premmies born at dd 3.9 and ds 4.9 (almost 33 weeks)

    Now dd is 19 lbs and ds is 18

    Ds eats a little less formula than dd ... but moves a lot, constantly
    while dd loves to eat and does mostly all her excercise with her mouth :D

    but I get so tired now of hearing the "oh my God what at you feeding that child!! OH MY GOD SHE IS SO CHUBBY! - In a not
    so cute way.

    The Pedi said she is fine, she is on the high end of the percentage but once she starts moving she will be fine.

    THey are both wearing 12-18 months clothes (starting to get use to shopping in the toddler section now :eek: )

    But I look back at pictures of when my babies were just born and they were so tiny... I see them
    now big and healthy and it just fills me with joy.....until I get those comments..

    I do not give her more than 30 oz per day and feed her only when it is time to eat...
    ...and yesterday I found myself putting pants on her just so that people would not look at her legs when we went out...
  2. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you have to hear those rude comments. It is rewarding to see them become healthy after being soo tiny! Next time just ask them "They are growing, what's your excuse?" Some people just have no idea how rude they are when they make comments.
  3. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    What ridiculous people! I feel the same way you do. My babies are completely different. DD is a tall, thin baby, always has been. Whereas DS is a little shorter and a CHUNK. And I take great pride in that fact!! I'm thrilled to see both my babies happy and healthy. When people say things like that to you, you should just act as if they've said something nice. "Why THANK-YOU! We are very proud of both our girls. They were born tiny, but are just so healthy now!" :D I'm sorry people are being rude. I say, good job mama :)
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Gimena @ Mar 17 2009, 07:25 PM) [snapback]1233143[/snapback]
    Our babies were premmies born at dd 3.9 and ds 4.9 (almost 33 weeks)

    Now dd is 19 lbs and ds is 18

    Ds eats a little less formula than dd ... but moves a lot, constantly
    while dd loves to eat and does mostly all her excercise with her mouth :D

    but I get so tired now of hearing the "oh my God what at you feeding that child!! OH MY GOD SHE IS SO CHUBBY! - In a not
    so cute way.

    The Pedi said she is fine, she is on the high end of the percentage but once she starts moving she will be fine.

    THey are both wearing 12-18 months clothes (starting to get use to shopping in the toddler section now :eek: )

    But I look back at pictures of when my babies were just born and they were so tiny... I see them
    now big and healthy and it just fills me with joy.....until I get those comments..

    I do not give her more than 30 oz per day and feed her only when it is time to eat...
    ...and yesterday I found myself putting pants on her just so that people would not look at her legs when we went out...

    I would try my best to brush it off (easier said than done--I know). Plus, women and girls in this society have enough issues with body image; the last thing people need to do is project that on to a baby.

    They are just big kids, and like your pedi said babies body shapes change a lot when they start moving.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I :wub: chubby babies! They have come a long way, way to go momma!
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Ignore those people. I can imagine what they would have said about my kids. At 4 months they were 19 lbs(Ryan) and 16 lbs(Sofia). They have continued to be large for their age. It might just mean that you will have really tall kids.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Your babies are healthy and happy and that's all that matters. I know it's hard to ignore the comments but I would try to brush them off. You are doing great, Momma and it sounds like they are too!
  8. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I'm getting that a lot right now too. Aaden is about 18 lbs. and Izak, 16. Everytime I show pics the people will comment on how big Aaden is. He does have quite a few rolls and is high for his weight percentile too but the ped said it's really not a concern until they are toddlers and they see this kind of weight on a two or three year old. He will eventually lose it once he starts crawling.

    But I know how you feel ... it's frustrating when you can hear that "not so cute tone" in their voice when they make those comments. I'm trying not to get too concerned about the sometimes snide remarks because we really struggled with weight gain in the beginning and it's amazing to see how far we've come. Our babies are healthy, happy and really loved and that's all that matters to us.
  9. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My 33 weekers were born under 4lbs and I think I would just have to say "She was born so tiny (even give the weight) and we're so proud of her for thriving". That will shut them up. However, I know the most annoying part is that they are even saying that at all. I'm sure they wouldn't even say that if they weren't comparing with her brother. My boys are only 1 pound apart, but people always make a fuss over how much bigger Ryan is.
  10. lisa69bubbles

    lisa69bubbles Member

    COngrats on having such healthy babies! End especially born premie! Maybe using humor to respond to the rude comments will help, and then it will also remind you of how well you ARE doing with them. My oldest was 34w1d as a single born @5lb4oz, so I know how you feel that she is thriving!

    Maybe tell them she's storing up to be an athlete. Tell them that brain cells need fats to work faster so she'll obviously be pretty smart. Tell them she's got a sense of humor and was just trying to get them to say something about a chubby baby.

    My hubby also makes occasional comments about one of our boys who's only 1/2 lb larger than the other... they both happen to be 50% in weight and 75% in height for 9weeks old. He calls him "butterball". I often want to respond, "Yep! but he's one lil' turkey that we'll have at the table rather than on."
  11. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Awwww. . .I wish my babies had chub on them when they were littler. Congratulations on getting some weight on them!!
  12. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I used to get the same thing. My response was "I know, aren't we lucky to have two such healthy kids?" - that usually shut people up. Now I get comments about how TALL my boys are (which I also heard as a young person and found annoying). So I just say, "I know, aren't we lucky?".

    Don't let anyone put their adult weight issues onto a child. Children regulate their own intake and rarely make mistakes. It's only adults who eat too much of the wrong kind of food. Who ever heard of getting overweight on milk and pureed fruit and veggies?!
  13. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry they are making these comments. Don't let them get to you, because if they were skinny you'd be getting those comments too. <_< I know I did, so it just shows that people are going to always say something, it's in their nature. Show off your babies legs, chunky babies are the best! :wub: Enjoy the great job you and your babies did going from teeny tiny babies to what they are today, that is a great accomplishment. :good:
  14. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I totally understand. Mine are 18 and 19 lbs and they are only 5 months (born at 34 weeks) I always hear how "oh, they're healthy" or that I made a couple of football players. I am glad they are big, they are thriving and so are yours :)
  15. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    Mine are the same way!!!! DD is just now starting to move around...mostly rolling & shuffling backwards. She wants to be catered to already!!!!

    They are cute & healthy, that's all that matters :banana:
  16. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I was always THRILLED by the "chunky" comments. Lived on them and loved every single one. I'd much rather have a chubby baby than a skinny baby.

    Espeically given the preemie status. I loved it and worked to have them chubbier!
  17. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    I used to get that all the time, and now I still do on occasion. My daughter has always been a bigger baby - she is nearly 10 months and 24lbs!! She is also in the 95th percentile for height. My son is around 21lbs. I always tell them that I used to be exactly the same as a baby, and then when I was about a year old, I skinnied out.

    I did have one lady at Target last week ask me in all honesty "why is that one so much bigger?". Umm, well, clearly I give all the food to my daughter and starve my son. Honestly. Duh!
    I even had the FIL tell my daughter "you're FAT" in a disgusted way a few months back, and now all I hear him say to her is how beautiful she is. Some people are just stupid.

    Try to ignore it if you can, but for what its worth, I love chubby babies! Much more to love and cuddle :)
  18. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh I love seeing chunky monkey babies! My first thoughts are "that's a healthy baby there!" (especially when you have seen tiny little babies born a little premature)
    It makes me sad that you felt like you had to cover her legs-you need to show off those cute dimply rolls! And tell those morons to shove it!
  19. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are having to hear that all the time. You know they are happy and healthy but people just can't help themselves sometimes. I always try to say a comment and end it with a smile. That gets people everytime. Like...the dr's said she is right on target and then give a big smile and walk away. I know it is hard hang in there.
  20. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    Some of the replies I should use really made me laugh :D

    I just bought her a bathing suit...I can't wait to see her in it :D
  21. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Show off those chunky, adorable legs! I'm not sure if there is anything cuter than a chubby baby! Ignore those idiots and just know that both your babies are doing beautifully! And have fun putting your DD in her new bathing suit!! :)
  22. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I have two "petite" babies especially the one now who is under the 3 % for weight and despite so many times trying to brush it off, it continues to be something we always have to be aware of.

    The other day I had another mother make a comment about my daughter's size and how she thought my 16 month old was 12 months. It always seems to be comments by women who don't seem very "swift" so I ignore it. Once I was getting my two weighed one day and had a mother with a high weight percentile baby make a comment..... I just thought it was rude since I didn't feel the urge to make a comment to her.

    There is a great book "child of mine: feeding with love and good sense" -- it really made me realize how much pressure in society people put into the weight of a child -- over or under weight. It really made me hear other peoples comments as a society issue that other people have with their own body image and this drive to be "perfect". Size as a baby/ toddler has no determination of their size as an adult.

    I just wish people would say "what a cute baby" and just move on.

  23. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Gimena @ Mar 18 2009, 09:51 PM) [snapback]1234680[/snapback]
    I just bought her a bathing suit...I can't wait to see her in it :D

    Good for you! It will the only time in her life people want to smoosh her adorable chubby legs! Can you share a pic with us??
  24. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry! :hug: I do know how it feels though. My "friend" said to me when my munchkins were around the same age as yours about my daughter..."gosh Stacy she's so sweet, but do you ever worry how our society treats or...ummm...thinks about....ummmm....chunky girls?" :blink: :mad: (mind you my daughter has always been in the 50th percentile for her weight, but she did go through a squishy faze). I was so angry. All I could think to say in this half-defensive, half-choked up way was "Janean?! What am I supposed to do, NOT FEED HER?!!!?!!"
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