Chronic ear infections

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Britten, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Just got back from taking Breena to the pediatrician. She has yet another double ear infection. This is getting ridiculous. Am I doing something wrong? I'm a SAHM...they don't even go to daycare.

    I couldn't breastfeed but I never, ever let them lay down with their bottles. I was sure they were picking up these infections from Gymboree, but the place closed and they have both had ear infections since.

    They swap sippies and spit in general. How would I ever stop that? I would have to watch them like a hawk.

    My house is clean, though I'm not a clean freak. My friend has twins and hardly ever cleans. In fact, I wear shoes (not flip flops) when I go there because the floor is so dirty and always find a reason to have our playdates at my house or the park. YET HER KIDS ARE NEVER SICK!

    What am I doing wrong?? The doctor finally said it's time to go to an ENT and start talking about tubes. Maybe this will finally stop the infections and I can stop blaming myself??
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    First off, I don't think it is anything that you are doing. You can try and try to protect them from all the germs, but honestly you can't unless they live in a bubble. I assume your husband works? He brings home germs and if you go out any, you get germs. My girls have been in daycare since they were 8 weeks old and last year Mattie had 10 ear infections in 12 months. Lauren has had only 2 in her life, she gets bronchitis instead. The tubes have helped Mattie so much and I am sure they will for yours as well.

    One more thing... the pedi told me that these germs will build up their immunity so atleast when they start school they won't be as sick as the other kids who haven't been.

  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's anything you are doing, I think kids are pre-disposed to getting ear infections. I had them constantly when I was little and I was not in daycare. One of my DD's had a lot, even before she started in daycare, and it just got worse when she was in daycare.

    She got tubes in September, and no ear infections since then (and she's had two colds since then). I highly recommend the tubes. It was a totally uneventful procedure, she was fine, and (fingers crossed) I think it's really helped.
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's not anything you are doing. Some kids are just more prone to ear infections than others. My nephew has had a lot of them as well. He is 21 months old.

    The doctor may talk to you about tubes at some point. I know friends who've had their children get them and they do a lot better with them.
  5. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Like the others said, it's not you. My son got ear infections all the time and they were at home with a nanny the first two years. We got tubes in May and it has been wonderful. Thus far, no ear infections and it was very uneventful (the surgery). Best of luck!
  6. cole715

    cole715 Well-Known Member

    You are doing everything right. One of my DDs got tubes a month ago just before her first b-day. She went through 3 antibiotics and three shots, noen of which cleared up the infection in both ears. My girls are home with me and I clean like crazy, but if a child had ear problems, it is just going to happen. They passed a cold back and forth for a month. It is hard to control it when they are touching toys and pacis and sippys all day long.

    The surgery for tubes was easy with a quick recovery. She has not had an infection since.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Nope, you are not doing anything wrong. We are a family of tubes-all 3 of my kids have them. They are awesome and now when they get a cold it no longer turns into an ear infection with the need for antibiotics. FWIW, my exclusively BFed older DD got tubes at 9 months for chronic ear infections and fluid. Her bottle fed brothers get them at 18 months ;)
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