Christmas Toys 2010

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I'm eager to know what everyone is getting this year!

    (I didn't see a thread for this, but for more specific items. If I missed it and it's already going, moderators, please delete!)
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am not buying anything really big this year. My two just don't need any more toys & we are running out of room for more. From Santa, Lila is getting a Tinkerbell costume, the new Tinkerbell movie on DVD, and a set of the fairies to go along with it. Luke is getting the Cars DVD, Lightening McQueen costume, and a set of the Cars to play with. Plus all of their stocking stuff (mostly some candy & practical things like toothpaste, some cute bandaids, shampoo, etc.). The gifts from us are new sheets (Tinkerbell & Cars to go with the Santa stuff), a pillow pet, and a new game for their Explorers. A few more really small things & that is it.

    Can't wait to see what everyone else is doing!
  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    To share: Toy Story 3 Landfill Playset (found it on and Leapster Fridge Wash and Go Magnets

    Each: Toy Story 3 Dump Truck (to go with Landfill), remote control cars, 3 wheel scooter, and Scooby Doo characters (they love Scooby Doo!!)

    Plus stocking stuffers. And new jammies on Christmas Eve.

    Birthday on January 3rd:

    Toy Guitar (each)
    Hotwheels race track (to share)

    We also didn't do anything really big. They have so many toys and are getting more from grandparents, too.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    For Christmas: Callico Critters Townhouse and animals was our big buy; roller skates, tennis shoes, bathrobes, pillow pets, tinker bell and Toy Story 3 DVD, stocking stuffers

    They also get new Christmas jammies to open up on Christmas Eve (had these all year in our closet).

    For Birthday on New Year's Eve: Leapster Explorers and games; DH will be getting them sports stuff (he's so hopeful for little athletes :D )

    I've saved up all year in preparation and bought a little here and a little there.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Our big gift for the younger one from Santa is a wooden kitchen.

    They are getting probably 3-4 med sized toys from us each but I don't know what yet... I'm a black friday shopper so it will depend on the sales :woohoo:
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Train table here.

    (there's a sticky thread at the top)
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No big presents for Christmas:
    DD-Dora sheets, stuffed Snoopy, Peanuts movie, Snoopy in an airplane action figure/toy/unsure what to call it, Olivia doll house, talking Buzz lightyear
    DS- Toy story sheets, stuffed Snoopy, Peanuts movie, Alfie robot, play washing machine, Phillies PJs

    Their b-day on 12/26-
    DD-Little Mommy Newborn twins playset
    DS-Toy story shake and race Toy Story race track
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    so far to share they've gotten the Toy Story trilogy on Blu-Ray, a large set of free form Legos, and some tag books...they've each gotten an outfit and then i got Abby a moon dough set and Ian another set of legos - its a tanker truck...

    still want to go to borders and peruse their game section as well as another outfit and Christmas jammies...
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    So far

    I bought them both Leapster explorers and 2 games each

    A Jessie doll from Toy Story 3 (but she told me today that she DOES NOT like Jessie she WANTS WOODY LOL!!)
    Shimer, shine and glimmer faries (she is such a diva)
    that fur real dog that walks on a leash
    Barbie from Toy Story 3

    Thomas the train Remote control where Thomas follows the light on the floor
    Iron man figure
    I will get her a buzz light year
    and I am still thinking about what slse to get!! she is such a tom boy!!
  10. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We are not really doing a big present this year.

    So far, they are each getting:
    • zhu zhu pet hamster
    • zhu zhu pet funhouse
    • pillow pets
    • dress up stuff (princess stuff for DD, cowboy and batman for DS)
    • a pair of slippers (house shoes)
    • super hero t-shirts
    • tag jr. books

    DD is dying to get one of those Hide and seek Jo-Jo Bunnies. We are considering it...we shall see.
  11. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We have no idea because all of our ideas have been stolen by family members! :laughing:

    One set of grandparents got them a great swing set for outside.
    The other set is getting them bikes.
    And yet other grandparents are getting them a reading system.

    Then we thought of dress-up clothes, but today we found out that's what one set of aunt/uncle/cousin is getting them.

    So now I have no idea. Books will be there. And I'm thinking of Little People stuff, but that's the idea I gave another aunt/uncle when they asked for ideas.
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I never know what they're going to get from family... My mom usually sends money so it pays back for some of our stuff, and dh's family does a lottery type thing so only one person buys for each, and last year we got books. This year if they ask I'll ask for Alphie and a doctor set.

    From us, they're getting

    Train table
    Some play food/pots and pans
    Melissa and Doug fridge/pantry food
    Melissa and Doug magnetic dress up doll each
    Melissa and Doug Shopping cart
    A sing-a-majig each

    DS is getting matchbox cars, Thomas trains to go with the table, some Cars shake cars, Leapfrog text and learn, Vtech 3 in 1 guitar
    DD is getting more snap'n style stuff, a Gotz doll, doll stroller and accessories and a Dora doll with clothes

    Stockings are PJ, puzzle, and random vehicles for him and dolls for her. We'll have to do Christmas twice as we're traveling though, so gifts will be split up.

    Oh and I love sales! Didn't pay full price for any of that stuff.
  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    Main gift from us is Balance Bikes.

    Also got them the dolls that they can do the zipper, snaps, buttons etc on.

    Also have a cute small dog & cat that fit in a little zipper pet bag. I bought those a long time ago, and hope they'll be a hit this year.

    Misc. puzzles and art supplies

    I haven't firmed up what else they might get.
  14. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    where did you find the doll with the zipper, snaps and buttons?
  15. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Just bought a train table today - have no idea what else we will be getting but that was the one big shared gift from Santa
  16. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Main Gift

    - Kid Kraft Kayla Dollhouse

    Other Gifts

    - Some Books
    - Camelbak Water bottles (just like mommy has so they can stop using mine)
    - Melissa & Doug Apple Pie Set and Brownie Set
    - Disney Princess Shoes (Dress up ones)
    - Dolls for the dollhouse

    Stocking Stuff

    - New Panties (woo hoo!)
    - Toothbrushes (woo hoo again!)
    - Some candies and an orange

    I'm pretty sure they are going to love opening the gifts just as much as the gifts themselves. I may even add some bath bubbles to the stockings just so they can have more little things to rip open!
  17. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, our big gifts will be bikes (I'm still not sure which ones...I need to get on it!).

    The rest will be small items. Probably some Melissa and Doug puzzles, etc. I love their stuff. I would like to get Toy Story 3, but I have a feeling my sister will buy it for them.

    For the question above, last year I bought a doll at TRU that had the zipper, button, shoe laces, etc...
  18. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Shelly's twins' date='22 November 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1290485166' post='1725792']
    where did you find the doll with the zipper, snaps and buttons?

    My mom got my girls these dolls last year. I'm pretty sure she found them at Carters.
  19. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I bought one of those dolls are Carter's last year also.
  20. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    DH and I will probably get the boys a play kitchen, and my mother will buy them accessories for it.

    I have to have a "strategy" for the ILs, because they will go overboard buying 6032 cheap toys if I don't curtail it. So I found out their budget and am suggesting 2 balance bikes and a Brendam Dock set for their train table. Sometimes DILs have to be sneaky.... :laughing:
  21. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We're doing Leapster of some sort. My husband had a gift certificate to Dell where they had them. He spent $8.00 on the leapster, the power cord, and shipping. So I'm going to go on Leapster's site, buy one of their bundles, and split the games, get another charger.

    That is their big present. And we might be going to Disney, but I'm not sure about that yet.
  22. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    About the "learn to dress" dolls... I got a set (well, hope they will come soon) from on sale for $11.

    here's a link to the same doll at walmart Its adorable! especially for the sale price I got.

    Totsy is a sort of auction website, where the deals are only offered for a few day. And I didn't realize that they don't ship for 3 to 5 weeks!

    Here's another link - though i've never bought from this website.
    amazon webstore

    anyway, I saw something at a bookstore a coupld of weeks ago, at Borders.
  23. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I've heard really bad things about Totsy... things take weeks or even months to get there and customer service is awful. I'd buy it somewhere else... those dolls look really nice, the Carter's ones are pretty small.
  24. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yeah... I as quite surprised when it hadn't shipped. then I read the shipping policy.. ugh! should have read before. anyway, I ordered 2.5 wks ago... so hopefully by Dec. 10 it will have shipped at the 5 wk mark. I probaby should just cancel the emails I get b/c most of the time you order something you want it to come sooner. but both items I got I think will be worth it -- if they come!
  25. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member I said previously we weren't really doing big gifts this year. Well, we ended up getting DS a real drum set. :pardon: He loves music and loves to pretend to play a guitar and/or drums all the time. So, we want to encourage it. Now...we have to figure out what to get DD that is equivalent.
  26. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We got a Melissa and Doug tree house (think doll house meets Swiss Family Robinson tree house) from Kids Woot last year, and we are giving it to them this year. They are also getting magnetic dolls, some dress up clothes, and some Toy Story figures. Along with stocking drifters and other miscellany. And we are going to Disney in January.
  27. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The big stuff from us is a princess castle doll house. It's the Melissa and Doug deluxe folding doll house and we got the furniture and wooden people that go with the house. We had planned on that being the only big present, but Amelia has been saying for weeks that all she wants is Thomas the train. So now I have ordered a Thomas around the tree train set. It is not a big table train, it's just a small circle track with a Xmas Thomas that is made to put around the base of the Xmas tree.

    One set of grandparents got them the V Tech readers and the other got them scooters.

    Small gifts from us are my little ponies, magnetic dress up dolls, and a pair of toy story pajamas.

    My parents got them all kinds of stuff in addition to the VTech readers. I know they got them keyboards, sing a majigs, grinch dolls and dr suess books, toy story 3 dvd, I can't remember all of it. I will put some of those toys in my closet to take out later during the year.
  28. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm going back and forth!

    We got the boys a Black and Decker tool bench from Costco. It was $42, can't beat that. I am pretty sure I want to get them an art desk from Step 2. It's on sale for $99 from $129.99 with $4.99 S&H. I would buy my kids the world if I could! Let's see... Oh-Anthony has mentioned the Imaginex Air Craft Carrier since he saw it at TRU. He walked up to a Santa decoration in our home and 'told' him that's what he wanted. So-Santa will most definitely bring that. As an FYI, my boys have three Imaginex toys-the one from Toy Story 3, the Spaceship, and the Boat. They LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Great toys if anyone is looking. Oh-and my SIL got them the firehouse for Christmas. They are going to freak! Nicholas mentioned wanting an airplane(there are two small ones on the air craft carrier), so we may get a Playmobil passenger airplane I saw on amazon.

    Who knows what my mother got them. She gets them random things. My mil so far has gotten them CandyLand and Chutes and Ladders. And she got a back pack of Black and Decker toold for $10 on Black Friday at Target. I'm sure there is other stuff she will get...

    My sister got them some fire fighter hats and construction worker hats to far. I will pick up the gifts as she is in Boston, so she won't have to lug them here.

    And my SIL got them the Melissa and Doug instruments. They are big into doing parades, etc, so that will come in handy. They were BOGO at Macy's on Black Friday, so I got two sets, to quell any fights among the three of them. She really wants to get them bikes. Anthony is 28 inches tall. I am not sure he's going to be able to reach the pedals. He can't on a tricycle. And I was debating a balance bike. So we will see what I decide.

    Annabella, who will be 18 months old, I am at a loss for. I'm thinking Weebles and maybe some Little People. I don't know. She seems to like trucks and cars currently! ;)
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