Chores for the 4 year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by m/d+4, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. m/d+4

    m/d+4 Member

    My boys will be 4 Dec 8th and 9th. I know they are way past the age of starting chores but I have always thought it's just easier to do them myself. I've started to realize done is better then perfect and want all of my kids to start helping out. My questions is at this age what is appropriate for them to be doing?
  2. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    My 4yo doesn't do much :blush: but I have him pick up his toys, let the dog out in the morning, clear the table, fold towels, swap out the laundry (put from washer into dryer). Things like that. I set up a chore chart one day and it only lasted about 2 days, but mostly due to me being lazy. I need to get him doing more things consistently.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't four, but they have things they hlep me with. I let my girls wash the glass doors and my glass coffee table. They don't do a great job, but they think they are "cleaning" I also let them help me when I wash dishes. They will get on their stool and I will hand them dishes to put in the drain; usually just the forks, spoons, and plastics. They also pick up toys and I will hand them the clothes from the wash to put into the dryer. They take their dishes to the sink and they also wipe off their trays. Of course, it's not done to perfection and I always have to go back over it, but they love to clean and at least they are learning how to clean up after themselves.
  4. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My girls are 4. They don't have a set list of chores, but they do help with certain things, but not on a regular basis. I agree that they are capable of doing more, I just need to let them. My girls can make their bed, put their plates/cup in the sink or dishwahser, put a new trash bag in the trash barrell, wipe down the kitchen table, switch clothes from washer to dryer, fold clothes/ towels, pick up theri toys (their least favorite!), bring the dirty clothes from the bathroom to the laundry room, sweep (I have to re do this! ;). Now that I'm making this list, I rtealize there is a lot that they canbe helping with more oftern. I think I'll put them to work!
  5. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    My babes are 4 and like the pp, they don't have set chores. However, they have to pick up their toys daily and make their bed. Sarah loves to sweep, so I let her do that (even though when she's not looking I have to redo it. lol)

    Elijah is my lil'clean freak. A couple days ago, he cleaned the living room beautifully and even dusted the spots he could reach. :lol: Then he went on to my room, picked up and "folded" clothes. That was the sweetest thing! :wub: Then Sarah asked for presents for doing it! LOL!
  6. Carefulove

    Carefulove Well-Known Member

    My boys are 5 now (Oct babies), but for a while now I have involved them in chores around the house. ie.

    - They help me unload my truck when I do groceries. Now, they can carry a small bag and bring it from the garage to the kitchen. Before, when they were 2, I would put the bags on the kitchen floor (the ones with cans and veggies, no glass) and they would unpack them and put things away.
    - They have always pick up their playroom (with my help when they were younger), now they do it by themselves and do a pretty good job too!
    - They put their dirty clothes away (just dump it on the basement stairs though) :lol:
    - Now they make their bed in the AM
    - They have always help me fold laundry, since they were very little. Now I ask them to put their clothes away. They love to help me hang their clothes in the closet.
    - They help me set the table, they get the table cloth out and set it, I do the plates and cups, they do silverware (not the kifes) and napkins
    - They help me unload the dishwasher everyday.

    These are some of the tasks that I involve them in, as well as baking, making breakfast, etc. Anything that they can do from the countertop and doesn't invlove dangerous utenzils. ;)

    Oh, almost forgot, they also love to help DH pick leaves, and pretty much anything that he does around the house. If he is installing a window or framing the basement, they take their little hammers and go help. DH teaches them things without letting them get in trouble (which is relatively easy for them) :lol:
  7. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Mine are only three, but we just started a chore chart. Their chores are:

    -Clean up after Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (three different chores on their chart). This means putting their dishes in the dishwasher, wiping off their place mat and chair, and using the little electric sweeper I have to sweep the floor around their seats.
    -Pick up toys before nap time
    -Pick up toys before bed time
    -Put dirty clothes in basket
    -Other (I put this in in case they did an extra chore during the day)

    They get a star for each chore they do and at the end of the day, we count their stars and they get a penny for each star that they put in their piggy bank. They love money, but have no idea about values. :lol:

    I'll add chores as they are better able to do different things. I'll also up the reward as they get older.
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We don't have set chores necessarily, but they do have responsibilities.

    *clear the table
    *clean up toys and put them back in the correct spot
    *dirty clothes in hamper
    *wiping up the coffee table/art table
    *folding towels and matching socks
    *unloading groceries from the car
    *Putting away the silverware from the dishwasher
    *set the table
    *help daddy sweep in the yard
    *dust buster crumb-patrol
  9. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    My DS is almost 5 and I've never really had a set chore list for him, but I do plan on starting one soon.

    He helps by putting his dish in the sink after meal time, putting his clothes in the dirty clothes basket, helping fold laundry (mostly wash rags, underwear, tshirts), helping bring groceries in the house... etc

    He is also the best big brother anyone could ask for (when he wants to be of course) He always helps w/ the smaller children w/out even being asked. i.e. yesterday my 2 yr old DD was in her highchair and had to go potty and he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom and sat w/ her so I didnt have to stop cooking ! :FIFblush: (my mother was with him the whole time supervising as well, but its the thought that counts! :D )
  10. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Mine don't do lots of things but I do expect them to;
    Tidy up (all toys and help with clearing up from art/messy activities)
    Put their clothes in the wash when they get undressed
    Lay/clear the table (just their own things)
    They do sometimes help with other things-like emptying the dishwasher-if they want to. We don't have any sort of chore chart.

    If you are just starting I would pick a couple of things for now and then add more things one by one as they get used to helping.
  11. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    My kids like to make their own beds every morning. Not that they really make them, just pull the covers into place and fluff up their pillows. But it's the start of a habit I have no intention of breaking ;) They also put away all their toys before bedtime (that's a rule). Other chores include helping me if they like with folding a little laundry, dusting this and that etc. Since the last month they've been setting the table for dinner themselves and seem to enjoy doing that. Oh and they also put their own plates into the sink after every meal and dirty clothes in the hamper.

    Never told them they "have to" do anything, just made it a fun thing to do and it caught on. ;)
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