Chomp Chomp Chomp

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by timba09, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    Ethan and Isa both got their two bottom teeth around 9 months. Their fussiness and discomfort was managed well with chewy toys, Tylenol/Motrin, ice cubes in a mesh bag, frozen washcloth, etc. Now, they are cutting their top two teeth and all heck is breaking loose, especially with my son. I was joking at the dinner table last week that we have a carnivore on our hands, lol, as DS loves his chicken and beef. I *didn't* mean he's a carnivore LITERALLY though until a couple days ago when he started biting his sister...hard enough to leave bruises...lots of them. :( He's always been a huggy & affectionate boy, but now he chases after his sister on a mission with his mouth wide open and when he catches her, CHOMP! What the heck?

    Is this aggression or just teething discomfort or a little of both? If he's doing this now, will it get worse? I've been trying to redirect him, saying, "Ethan, we do not bite" but it's just fun and games to him. I've taken to removing him and placing him in the pack n play for a couple minutes. Is this normal for an 11-month-old? Am I handling this right? Sheesh, I've heard of toddlers doing this, but didn't think this sort of thing started so early. Any advice? We, especially DD, would love some ideas on what to do if any of you all have experienced this.
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Luke was a biter, too, at that age. I always told him no & redirected him (even though I'm not sure he really understood). Honestly, I never felt like it was aggressive behavior, I think it was just one more way of exploring things and learning cause & effect. Unfortunately, Lila was the one who always paid the price. He never really bit anyone but her or me. The good news is he eventually just outgrew it.
  3. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    Awwww :( dd1 was a biter, but when she was 15mo, I don't think he's doing it to be mean b/c he doesn't understand that he's hurting his sister. Probably keeping a distance between them will be the only thing that will stop it.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yep, Tyler was my only biter and it started with teething and got worse around 13-15 months when he could just walk over and bite someone. Ugh! Sorry. :hug:
  5. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    Eeeek, thanks ladies. Well I guess we'll have to grin & bear it. Poor Isa. That li'l girl's gonna have to get tough. :girl_devil:
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