chiropractor during pregnancy?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by zanetaya, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! I am new to this website and am loving it! We just found out a couple weeks ago that we are expecting twins and are excited, as well as overwhelmed. My hips have started hurting already (I'm only 13.5 weeks) and my Doctor says I am NOT allowed to go to the chiropractor. Did anyone else go to a chiropractor while preggo with twins? Curious.....With my other 2 children I went many times and it really helped the back/hip pain. Does anyone have any suggestions to relieve the pain? Thanks...any suggestions will be appreciated!
  2. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i know all docs are different but mine let me see the chiro while i was pregnant, but honestly it didn't help my hip pain and sciatica. only delivery helped me!
  3. shj52429

    shj52429 Active Member

    I have hip pain as well and go to the Chiropractor every 2 weeks. My dr. has never said anything about not being able too, I think the fear is adjusting the pelvis will cause PTL. My chiro is actually a friend of mine and I trust her completely and she knows her limits. I would maybe have your chiro get in contact with your Dr and see if there is a happy medium they could reach. On a side note, I finally gave in and ordered a Snoogle (pregnancy pillow) and have gotten a lot of relief of my back/hip pain with that. I was close to getting steroid shots in my hips as they were hurting so bad and now I think I might be able to completely forgo them. Also, it helps me sleep sooo much better since I am entering the uncomfortable stage at 28 weeks. Good luck and congrats!
  4. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I had really bad hip and pelvic pain starting early with my twins. I went to chiropractor, massage and physio once a week and my doctor was okay with that. It didn't take the pain away completely but it did make it bearable. My chiropractor wouldn't do certain adjustments because I was pregnant but the rest were okay. I would search out one that has worked on pregnant women that might help ease your mind. best of luck
  5. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    I saw my chiro while pregnant... although towards the end it got uncomfortable as his table didn't come apart enough for my belly!
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i had one doctor tell me he thought chiro was great & another doctor tell me absolutely no way should i see a chiro! :pardon: i went though because it was the only way i got any relief from my hip pain - i was going twice a week towards the end of my pregnancy. i worked with a chiro who had a lot of experience working with pregnant ladies as there are some manipulations that shouldn't be done when you're pregnant & it's important they're up to date on that info.

    i would maybe ask your doc for some more info on why he feels chiro isn't a good idea. GL with your decision!
  7. swilhite

    swilhite Well-Known Member

    I was going regularly before I got pregnant and continued to go throughout my pregnancy. My doctor never said anything when I said I would go. He did specialize in pregnant women and children though. It helped, but I agree that only delivering really helped me. And I was going more for migraines than anything.
  8. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    I have awful hip pain (24 weeks) and go to a massage therapist every 3 weeks to work out those muscles. Swimming helped, but now I get too out of breath too quickly.
  9. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    My chiropractor said she could practically open up a new business catering just to pregnant women. Some doctors just plain don't believe in them....maybe yours is one!
  10. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I went to the chiroprator when I was pregnant. My OB had no issues with it.
    I really think it helped, they even set me up with a pregnancy belt to help with back pain.
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