Childbirth classes

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ellaila, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. ellaila

    ellaila Well-Known Member


    Starting to look into taking a multiples childbirth class and was curious when is a good time for twins-moms to take them. For singleton moms, I've heard that 4-6 weeks before delivery is the time, but since our delivery dates can be a bit more unpredictable :rolleyes: I figure you should allow yourself more time. Plus who knows how we'll be feeling later on in the pregnancy!! The next three classes available for me are late August (I'll be about 21 weeks), mid-September (but it's smack dab on our one-year wedding anniversary!), and early October (when I'll be 28 weeks.) So I'm wondering if 21 weeks is too early -- I think it is, b/c won't I forget what I've learned by the time I actually need the info?! -- and/or if 28 weeks is too late for comfort (literally. Will I be too uncomfortable to sit in classes at that time?).

    What do you guys think?
  2. jhaumann

    jhaumann Active Member

    I started my Marvelous Multiples class last week, at 15 weeks. The hospital that offers it recommend you take it during the second trimester. I had wanted to get a head start, in case I ended up on bedrest or something, but when I registered for the class, I didn't realize that August first was the following week (pregnancy brain, I guess), or I would have registered for the September class. So I'm taking it even earlier than I had planned. All of the other women in the class are closer to 28 weeks.
  3. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I wanted to take mine in August at the end of the second trimester. Since my husband is going to be out of town most of the month we went in July. That seemed early but the Sept. one began with me at 30 weeks and I thought that might be too far along.
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I took mine when I was around 20 weeks, and it was just a regular childbirth/infancy class. No lamaze or anything like that; just basic delivery and infant care. I remember feeling HUGE at that class, and being quite tired and uncomfortable sitting in a folding chair for a couple hours. It was a four day class. The earlier, the better, IMO. If I had waited longer, I would have missed it because I went on bedrest.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Aug 6 2007, 07:52 PM) [snapback]359957[/snapback]
    I took mine when I was around 20 weeks, and it was just a regular childbirth/infancy class. No lamaze or anything like that; just basic delivery and infant care. I remember feeling HUGE at that class, and being quite tired and uncomfortable sitting in a folding chair for a couple hours. It was a four day class. The earlier, the better, IMO. If I had waited longer, I would have missed it because I went on bedrest.

    Similar story -- mine was a 5-session class that met once a week (after work) for 2 hours each time. I started it at 24 weeks and was already really uncomfy sitting in the hard chair for that long. By the last class, when I was 28 weeks, I had to use a wheelchair for the hospital tour (soooo embarrassing) because I couldn't walk around for 25 minutes. So, the earlier the better!

    Also, sign up for an infant care class (early!) if you don't have older children, and have DH go too! We signed up for a 2-session class and I wound up missing both sessions because I got put on bedrest, but DH went to both of them. Not only did he share his handouts with me, but I think it was really good for him to go by himself and know that he had to pay attention for both of us. ;)
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