Cheapest place to buy formula?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by hhc, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. hhc

    hhc Well-Known Member

    We're going through the Enfacare cans at a record pace and those darn things only come in the small 12.8 oz cans. We went through the 2 free cases even before my second twin got home! The cheapest website I found was but I'm hesitant to order it from them. Where do you buy formula?
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I am going to move this to the First Year forum. I think you will get more views and help over there for now.
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Do you have to buy that brand? We switched to Target brand as soon as possible (around a month I think when we ran out of free Similac), and that saved us a ton. Similac at the time was between $25 and $30, and Target was $11 a can - with 10% off for us because of credit card rewards. I think it's gone up to $13, but really store brands are the best bet for saving money. Otherwise, you are just forced to shop the sales.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Rachel, we had to shop the sales because our kids were on Similiac Sensitive. If you haven't yet, it might be worth it to see if Enfacare has a program where they will send you checks for money off of your formula. I know Similac and Nestle had those type of programs. Good luck!
  5. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    We bought at babies r us. The prices were pretty close to identical at most other places, and like you, I hesitated to buy it online. I couldn't find it in a bigger can, either. We switched to enfamil premium lipil at about 3 months, and then could buy bigger cans. If you contact your Mead Johnson rep in your area, they will send you another free case or two. Every little bit helps...
  6. lindynewman

    lindynewman Member

    My son was put on Enfamil AR a couple months ago. I found that walmart's brand of the AR (added rice) formula worked just as good and it's about 12 dollars cheaper per can. I don't know if they have that kind of formula in walmart brand though. It'd be worth checking out anyway! Good luck!
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The cheapest around here is Wal Mart but Enfamil AR does not come in a generic and that's what mine were on.
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never found generic Enfacare..sorry:( The cheapest I found it was Walmart..but they didn't have it in stock all the time. It was about $12/can.
  9. LsuTwinMama

    LsuTwinMama Active Member

    Check Ebay. I've gotten some excellent deals on Enfamil Enfacare from there ($7-$9 a can, Walmart sells it for ~$15). I was hesitant to buy there at first, but the formula always arrives quickly and the seller should be able to tell you the Exp date before you buy so you know it's fresh.

    Also ask your doctor to talk to their Enfamil formula rep. They were able to get us 4 cases total to start and an extra case at every check-up. We don't qualify for WIC, so this is a huge money saver for us.
  10. Kaffeetee

    Kaffeetee Well-Known Member

    Did you try Costco or Sam's club? I have no checked thier prices yet recently ( twins r not here yet ) but we have been using Costco formula for our son about 5 years ago. It was the best deal at that time- diapers and wipes too!
  11. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    We got ours at Sam's Club, our DS was on it for 3 months, then we were able to switch.
  12. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Did you buy those 18 cans of Enfacare on Ebay from me a few months back?? ;) Kidding, but I did sell 18 cans of Enfacare on Ebay because our boys just could not tolerate that formula when they were so little. So I sold them on Ebay with a Buy Now price plus shipping, which made it only about $9 a can even w/ shipping. They were factory sealed and I included the expiration date in the ad. I would say 99.9% of the people selling formula through Ebay are legit and just wanting to get some money for formula that their babies no longer need or couldn't use in the first place.
  13. hhc

    hhc Well-Known Member

    Yes, we need to buy Enfacare or Similac's version which is Neosure. They are 22 calorie formulas for preemies. The normal formulas are 20 calories. I'm going to ask the Pedi about switching my son to regular formula since his cheeks are overtaking his face now but I think my daughter will still need it for a while. There are no generic brands of these from what I can tell and the Enfacare/Neosure aren't the easiest to come by either. Costco/BJs/Sam's Club doesn't stock these. Seems that coupons always exclude Enfacare/Neosure even if they include all the other sensitive formulas. =(
  14. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    As soon as they can switch to regular, I'd switch them to a store brand to save lots of money. For the preemie formulas, I liked some of the suggestions of asking your pedi. It reminded me that our pedi was good about giving us boxes of Similac when the babies were tiny. They take pity on moms of twins, I guess. Good luck! Formula is ridiculous, but at least it's only for a year. Unlike diapers....
  15. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Oh, I have another tip too. Maybe get a credit card with rewards. For example, we have a Target Visa. We put all our monthly expenses on our Target Visa and then pay it off each month. We earn 10% off certificates. You only get one a month, so from the time the babies were tiny, we made one monthly trip to Target and bought 10-13 cans of formula, plus all the diapers, etc. we needed. So we always saved 10% off the cost of formula, which is really a pretty good deal considering how hard it is to find on sale. I know our Kroger has a similar rewards program, and I'd guess other stores do too. Plus, then you save 10% on diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, clothes, medicine, etc. It saves us hundreds of dollars every year!

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