charm necklaces to tell twins apart

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Pottstwins, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Pottstwins

    Pottstwins Well-Known Member

    I can't believe that i haven't posted in about a year and this is what i come up with... but.... I am frustrated as i am trying to come up with a clever way for people to tell my identical twin 2.5 year old girls apart. I thought necklaces would be a good way, but I can't find any decent ones that won't break the bank. I just want some initials... does anyone know how I can do this (I even made them each one- but they broke, so Annie now wears a leather cord around her neck-- works, but not so classy) or other ideas to give people cues so that Annie and Ellie can be addressed by name? Any ideas appreciated!
  2. Pottstwins

    Pottstwins Well-Known Member

    I can't believe that i haven't posted in about a year and this is what i come up with... but.... I am frustrated as i am trying to come up with a clever way for people to tell my identical twin 2.5 year old girls apart. I thought necklaces would be a good way, but I can't find any decent ones that won't break the bank. I just want some initials... does anyone know how I can do this (I even made them each one- but they broke, so Annie now wears a leather cord around her neck-- works, but not so classy) or other ideas to give people cues so that Annie and Ellie can be addressed by name? Any ideas appreciated!
  3. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    I cut Lauren's bangs shorter than Laney's to help tell them apart. It works great!
  4. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We've always dressed them in different colors. Ainsley tends to wear yellow or pink and Sierra wears blue, green, & purple. We started this as babies so people could always call them by name. Their personalities are so different that many people can now tell who is who just by looking but the colors are a big help to those who only see them once a week or so. (As an added bonus, I never have to guess who is who in old pictures. [​IMG])
  5. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    How about one wears a bracelet, and the other wears a necklace (if she wants some jewelry, too!)
  6. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    If you can make those knot bracelets using the embroidery floss, you can make name bracelets. I found a website that showed you how to do each letter with knots.
    Or you could make the simpler bracelets and just do different colors (you could even make necklaces) It it would only cost you a couple of dollars.
  7. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Jennifer P:
    If you can make those knot bracelets using the embroidery floss, you can make name bracelets. I found a website that showed you how to do each letter with knots.
    Or you could make the simpler bracelets and just do different colors (you could even make necklaces) It it would only cost you a couple of dollars.

    I love the knot bracelets.... I bought some from a craft show last year with my boys names on them and I wear them... I love them...
  8. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    We kept a thin, soft cord of elastic around Brady's wrist as an infant. It was easy for everyone to remember (B for Brady, B for bracelet) until they learned who was who.

    Now, for the sake of playmates and teachers, I usually dress Brady in blue or green, Hayden in red or yellow. And they have different shoes (Hayden's with Thomas, Brady's with a fire truck), which helps their friends tell them apart.
  9. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    When ever there is a family get together where we will be seeing people they don't see often, I dress them in their "special clothes". Sweatshirts and t-shirts that I have decorated with puffy paint. They have a big B or G on the front, their full name down one arm (if it's long-sleeved) and a smaller intial on the back so from just about any angle you see a B or G or their name. For people who see them regularly, they should be able to tell them apart by now. By their personality, their way of walking, their facial expressions, the look in their eyes, or recently, if one is whining, that must be Gabby [​IMG].
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