changing the clocks

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cohlee, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    This is so dumb! I hate that the govt says what time it is, make it lighter to motivate people! Grrr!

    Anyway, how is everyone handling the time change? Probably twice a week my girls wake at 4am, thats going to be a problem (as if it isnt already lol)!
    Do I start putting them to bed later?
    Even if they wake at 6am, thats going to be 5am. :wacko:

    I boycotted the time change in the spring and let the girls work it out on their own, but we had no life then and time was no concern. :p Now we go out ad do have to be aware of things like TIME.

    Help! Please!! Thank you!!
  2. Andrea415

    Andrea415 Active Member

    This is my plan. I will try to keep them very active all day (hope the weather is nice so we can go for long walks) and keep their nap short and then put them to bed late. Follow this for Sat and Sun then keep naps short for a week. It has worked for me in the past. I am lucky it is pretty easy to keep my girls up later if I do stuff with them and they do tend to sleep in then.

    Hope you do not have to get up to early.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Last time I tried to adjust their schedule leading up to the change, and it did me no good. I started trying it again this time but gave up after a week. I'm going to fly by the seat of my pants and see what happens. :D I'm totally expecting some messed up bed/nap/wake times for 1-2 weeks.
  4. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I would just continue doing everything at the same time, including naps. My experience, also with jet lag, is that that works best and fastest. Luckily no time changes for us ... the same year round!
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just kind of played it by ear each time and never had a problem. My kids are actually already sleeping later with the darker mornings.
  6. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    I'm going to wing it.

    They are also SO ready to give up napping. I'm waiting til Daylight Savings Time and biting 2 bullets at once!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've never adjusted anything for any of my kids for the time change. :pardon:
  8. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I don't adjust them to it either. Why fight a losing battle? I will still just go with the flow like I always do. DLS was never an issue for us when it came to babies. It is the summer that was hard. The girls did not want to sleep until 10pm b/c it was light so late.
  9. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I'm just going to wing it. I think our bedtime routine is probably a much more powerful cue for them than the time of day.
  10. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I really stressed about how to handle this the first two years. I tweaked their schedule by 15-minute increments for a week so that the transition would be seamless. :rolleyes: Frankly, I don't think it did anything beyond giving me something neurotic to chew the flavor out of for a few weeks.

    This year, I am officially doing NOTHING in preparation. My kids tend to prefer a late afternoon nap (some days they'd sleep until 5pm if I let them). So, I'm planning to just not bother to wake them if it's one of those days, then plan to go out for a fun evening activity and let bedtime slide an hour or so as a result.

    FWIW, my kids woke up between 4:45-5:30am pretty much EVERY day for over a year. It was exhausting, but I am happy to say that we officially outgrew the phase at ~26m. They aren't late sleepers by any means, but when 5am has been the usual for that long, 6:45 or 7am feels utterly, sinfully luxurious by comparison.
  11. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I was just thinking about this too. I hate the time changes, though I prefer the fall change over the spring because to me I see it as getting an "extra" hour in the morning, so if they wake up at 6:00, it's really 7:00, etc... at least for the first few days. I think we'll be winging it over here, as well. Good luck!
  12. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I didn't tell my boys about springing forward and we had a luxurious summer of 6:30 bedtimes and 6:00 wake-ups. I am completely emotionally and physically unprepared to go back to 5:30 bedtimes (don't see them when I come home from work) and 5:30 wake-ups. I've been pushing bedtimes for the past couple of weeks and am now at 7:15 but they are still waking up at 6:00 (or earlier) so I'm quite concerned about next week. It's going to be killer, thats for sure. The question will be - killer for a week or killer until next summer!
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