changing baby's schedule

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, May 30, 2012.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    currently my baby eats at 8, 12, 4 and 8
    we then dream feed her at 11 and she will sleep from essentially 8 - 8.

    i went back to work today and we had to wake her at 6. of course, all day she took cat naps without her usual long afternoon nap, etc.

    looking for some advice.
    i only have to work for 3 weeks and i would REALLY like to keep her on her original schedule since it mimics the twins. they also all nap at the same time. this morning i woke her at 6 and fed her, put her in the infant carrier and off to the babysitters we went. do you think i can just plop her in at 6 and see if she'll sleep through the 45 minute drive and eat around 730ish?

    any thoughts or advice?
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow...4 hrs between feeds, I don't think I'd be complaining about that! Mine never went 4 hrs between feeds even when they were closing on a year old.

    You can try taking her without feeding her in the morning, but I'd suggest having a bottle ready just in case she gets starving when she gets there.
  3. Nanny88

    Nanny88 Well-Known Member

    I would try just putting her is her seat. She is use to not eating so she might sleep all the way there but be prepared for her to cry if she decides she wants to eat when you are driving.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    It can't hurt to try, like pps said just make sure you have the feed to hand in case she kicks off.

    Does she take a pacifier? Or have any other comfort item? That might help to keep her happy on the journey.

    ETA: If you try just taking her without a feed a couple of times and she does get upset on the way you could try giving her a very small feed (like 1-2oz) at 6 to tide her over, and maybe get her back to sleep in her carrier, and then have the sitter give the rest at the 'normal' time.
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