Cervix thinning at almost 32 weeks

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by akuaba, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    Hey there-
    So...some news at the doctor today. I told her that I am having some contractions that are waking me up and uncomfortable. Plus I have had some pinching sensations "down there". Also, I am having a bit more (sorry...TMI) discharge than before. She checked my cervix and its closed but thinning :blink: I asked her if I could go 6 more weeks like this and she said "anything is possible. But, you could go sooner." Holy Toledo. She also had my blood drawn for toxemia as I have some puffiness in my feet and ankles. But, my blood pressure is really good..that is good news.
    And she took a swab to test for the protein to see if I am going to go into labor in 2 weeks. I have to wait until tomorrow for that result.
    It's getting interesting now. I go in on Thursday for another ultrasound to check the weights and growth of the babies. I am hoping that they are over 4 and half pounds each. That would make me feel better. Last check, they were about 3 and half pounds and that was 2 weeks ago and I have gained about 6 pounds since then.
    Anyone out there had the experience of a thinning cervix and not go into labor for awhile? The little girl twin is breech so they will probably need to do a C-section, I suppose. We shall see. One thing at a time...
    I am living at my MIL house as my DH is renovating our house. He waited too long to start on the project :nea: and now it's down to the wire. We are setting up a nursery at his MIL's house just in case they come before the house is done. We still have to get the inspector in there, electrical and then drywall and paint. We do have people to do the work..it's just takes so long for every stage to get done. Oh well..as long as the babies are okay and the delivery goes okay..everything is gravy at this point. I am trying to keep a good attitude with the house thing as there is nothing I can do about it at this point.
    Anyway..sorry for the looooong post. Hope everyone is wonderful.
    Take care!
  2. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

  3. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    GL:) I hope u can go 6 more weeks! cant wait to see some pics of your renov; sounds great!
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Any mention of possibly getting the steroid shots to mature tha babies lungs? Hang in there. :hug99:
  5. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    Good news. The FFN (is that the name of the test to see if you are going into labor in 2 weeks??) came back negative as did the toxemia test. Thank goodness. I am hoping that the little ones stay in there for awhile longer.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(akuaba @ Feb 27 2008, 01:37 PM) [snapback]643214[/snapback]
    Good news. The FFN (is that the name of the test to see if you are going into labor in 2 weeks??) came back negative as did the toxemia test. Thank goodness. I am hoping that the little ones stay in there for awhile longer.

    That is great news. :clapping:
  7. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I was 2 cm dialated at 32 and 33 weeks, 3 cm at 34 and 35 weeks, 4 cm at 36 and 37 weeks, 4 1/2 cm at 38 weeks ... you could days, weeks or even another month +!

    Good luck!
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