Cervix, Steroids, and Peri Questions?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kitkat72783, May 6, 2009.

  1. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    Two weeks ago my cervix had suddenly thinned from about 5cm to 2.4cm so the peri said it was something watch and instead of my 4 week apt. I needed a two week apt. He said try to keep your feet up, but was totally against taking me off work since I have a desk job. I was seen at my OB last week and we agreed it was almost time to stop work but when I was in L&D monday night cuz of all the cramping I was feeling at work (stopped as soon as laid down) he decided that time was now, so he filled out all my FMLA and STD paperwork yesterday (STD has already been processsed=) which was my bigest worry that they would deny it and we needed the income) Today I went to the peri again and now my cervix has gone from 2.4 to 1.5cm in the last two weeks. He asked what my activity looked like and I said now I just take it easy but up until yesterday I worked all day and took care of my son at night because you didn't want me to stop working, he was like well what was the reasoning for your OB to take you out of work (he looked puzzled) I told him about my cramping/ contractions/ and back issues and he was like well ok, we'll see youin 3 weeks and our goal is to keep them in for at least 3 more weeks so keep your feet up when you can. So I guess I'm still not on "bedrest". I called my OB's office to let them know about my cervix (he had told me last week if I ended up on bedrest to call him so I could be seen this week instead of next) but he's out of the office today so the nurse will call me back tomorow. She said My OB will Talk with My Peri and we'll go from there, but it seriously feels like I would have to be in full blown labor before my Peri wold concider bedrest, He thinks I should still be working never mind bedrest. So I guess I'm wondering with my cervix thinning this fast is it posible to make it three more weeks +++ without "bedrest"? When I talk to the OB tomorow or at my apt. next week should I be more insistant on steroid shots? My OB had told me to see how today goes when I asked about steroids last week, I mean does it do any harm to give them to me if I dont end up going early? I would think better safe than sorry.?. Is it normal for a Peri to be so lacksed, I thought since he was a high risk dr he would be more prone to do something than my OB but I guess he see's worse everyday.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow, I am very surprised your peri did not put you on bedrest. If I were you, I would put myself on bedrest, your cerrvix is shortening and you've got to slow down so it will not get any shorter. :hug: Please take this seriously.

    As for the steroid shots, I don't think they cause any harm if you get them and the babies are not born early, I've never heard that they do. But they do help, if the babies are born early. :good:

    I wouldn't wait for your OB to call you back, I'd get in bed and stay there as much as you possibly can, you don't want to have the babies early if you can help it.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    5-1.5 is a really big change in two weeks. At this point I think change is ok, but personally, I would be worried about that big of a change. I agree with putting yourself on bedrest. It can't hurt! As for the steroid shots, I had them at 33 weeks, and delivered at 37 weeks.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I am also surprised your peri didn't put you on bedrest. If I were you I would put yourself on strict bedrest. It sounds like things are changing for you very quickly. I definitely recommend getting the steroid shots. they will not do any harm at all if you get them and end up not "needing" them. Keep us posted! :hug:
  5. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp. I would go ahead and schedule and appt. with your OB to get answers to your questions. I had a really short cervix for the last 3 months (6mm). We made it to 36 weeks on bed rest. I took the steroid shots and had P17 shots every week. I would go with your OB's recommendation....but I would do at least modified bed rest. Why put more stress on yourself and your body? I'm glad your OB took you out of work.

    I had a very problematic pregnancy. I hated when I got different opinions from my OB and Peri. It drove me nuts. I ended up looking at all of their advice, and picking the most conservative route. I didn't want to have any regrets (or more regrets) if something bad happened in my pregnancy. My OB and Peri usually didn't give the same advice, but it was good to get input from several different professionals. It sounds like you really trust your OB, so follow your gut instinct.
  6. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Your peri sounds like a real gem!! :nea: Definitely time to take charge here and follow your instincts. I think you're dead-on right. Even if you and the babies end up being fine, better safe than sorry no matter what the putz says!! And frankly, I'm quite surprised that they're only seeing you every 3-4 wks at this point, esp. w/ the issues you're having. Cripes, I've had an event-free pregnancy and I was going more often than that at the stage you're at!!

    Good luck...keep those babies cookin and keep us posted!!!!! :hug:

  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am also very surprised you had to struggle to get off of work... what does the peri have to lose by letting you off? And you have everything to gain by getting some well deserved rest!

    Anyway, I hope all goes well for you from now on.. sending good vibes that you can hang on for at least that extra 3 weeks!
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Im here to tell you that you can Totally make it! I was dialting and effacing quickly at 29weeks when I did my first 4 day stint in the hospital to monitor/slow my contractions. I was put on bedrest until 34 weks and ended up carrying until I was induced at 37 weeks (at which point I showed up to the hospital dilated 5 and 100% effaced)!!

    I did get the steriod shots at 29weeks when things were questionable. Theres no harm in having the steriod shots, but the thing is you want them to be given as close to delivery time as possible to give them the best chance of working. Its best to get the last shot (its a 2 shot series) within 24-48 hours of your delivery time.

    I didnt have a peri and OB. I just had a VERY competent OB. I saw her every 2 weeks until my cervix started shortening and doing weird things, then she saw my weekly until 32 weeks when she started seeing me 2x a week!

    Put your feet up, follow your gut and demand the doctors take care of you!!!
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd put yourself on bedrest. Laying down, not sitting, as sitting puts just as much stress on your cervix as standing. And drink tons of water!!! Hopefully your OB takes more action. That's a lot of cervix length gone in a short time. Did anyone mention putting you on any anti-contraction meds?
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