Cervix question-35 weeks

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinnersmoms, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. twinnersmoms

    twinnersmoms Member

    I had some bleeding this morning-- just spotting... Buy when I went into the OB I was feeling really good hoping that things were progressing. I want to make it to 36, but they are both about 5.5 pounds so I was feeling ok about it. They did a check and my dr says "you are closed up like Ft. Knox! You will go till 38 weeks and then we may have to induce.... I am so
    dissapointed. I really was getting excited and feel
    like it's a letdown. Again I want what's best for them, but can he possibly know at this point how
    long it could be? I have BH so strong all day and was sure I would have some "action" down there. He couldn't find the source of any bleeding
    and I haven't had any since. But I really feel between 36-37 weeks would be perfect and I am cautious about going past 36 weeks since they share a placenta... Anyone have a "locked up" cervix and go into labor naturally within a few weeks?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: at your next appointment ask your doctor if your cervix is posterior (facing your back) or anterior (facing your front) & how soft it is. during pregnancy your cervix will be posterior to protect the babies & uterus. as you approach labour, part of the job of all those pre-labour contractions & BH is to bring your cervix forward so babies can be born. also, your cervix needs to ripen (soften) and thin before it can dilate. how many cms you are, or are not, dilated gives little to no indication of when active labour will start. knowing that other information though may be encouraging because it will show that things are moving in the right direction for labour to start.

    from a blog i really like: The Pre-labour Cervix is Not a Magic 8 Ball
  3. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I don't have an answer to your question about the cervix, but I went into labour--water broke naturally before the contractions started at 35 weeks. I also once read that a lot of women with mono-di twins go into labour around 35 weeks.

    I know it's hard to wait, but really after all these weeks what's two more? Hang in there, once they are on the outside the real work begins!
  4. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    It really doesn't mean anything that you're still closed. I went into L&D on Dec 23 with no sign of cervical change and my girls were born on the 29th. My water broke and labor progressed to birth within a few short hours. You never know!

    Hang in there, it's almost time!
  5. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I, too, had strong BH contractions for the last month or so of my twin pregnancy - strong enough that I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't already had two children, and wasn't hell bent on a particular birthday, I would've been in L&D. But my weekly (and bi-weekly at the very end) checks showed no dilation and I made it to my chosen day at 38+5.

    I know it's such a bummer to be sent home visit after visit - I wanted to go early when I was miserable at the end. I'm glad I held on, though. My boys are mono-di as well.

    Hang in there!!
  6. 3timesblessed

    3timesblessed Well-Known Member

    I had a doctors appt. on a Friday, I was just over 36 weeks and was really hoping to get these babies here. The doctor told me I was closed, not dilated at all and baby A's head was still very high. He was positive I was going to make it to my scheduled C-section at 39 weeks, I was extremely dissapointed because I could not imagine having to go another couple weeks. Well anyways, I made it through the weekend and had a NST on Tuesday. I was contracting reguarly every two minutes and dilated to two. They didn't think anything was going to happen that day, because I couldn't even feel the contractions so they just sent me home. I got home and started to have some bloody show and I could feel the contractions coming but they weren't painful at all. After having contractions all day long I decided to go to L & D just to see if anything had changed, I was positive they were going to send me home too because I still wasn't in pain at all. So in L&D they check me I'm 5 cm dilated and almost completely effaced, so they said your having your c-section in 45 minutes, I was in complete shock. My point is though I went from nothing at all to a couple days later having my babies, you never know when your body will go into labor, it can happen at any time. You're so close now, not too much longer and you will have those babies in your arms. Good luck I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
  7. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    Oh honey, I know you are miserable. But you will look back and thank your lucky stars that you were able to keep them in for so long. Take it from me...it is no fun having babies in the NICU. Just because they are big doesn't mean their little lungs are ready to breathe. Lungs are the very last thing on a baby to fully developed. Try to hang in there a couple more weeks. I know you are DONE!!! But :youcandoit:
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