cervix gettting shorter

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by toni4veka, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    Hallo my friends,
    We are worried again:(
    I am 23 weeks pregnant with identical girls.
    Today we went for US and my cervix is 2.2.Last week was 3.2,and week before that 2.6.Weeks before was 3.6
    They put me on complete bad rest,and they told me to come in Monday.If cervix getting shorter they will do cerlcage.
    Tell me do you have experience with shortening cervix,how danger is it?Do we have chance to make till 30 weeks?
    We are so scared and confused.Help me
    Why is so difficult:(
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Twin pregnancies are hard. :hug:

    I had a shortened cervix, too, although mine started at 28 weeks. It went from 4cm to 1.7cm in 2 weeks. The docs gave me the steroid shots that weekend for lung maturity.

    I did modified bedrest and was rechecked a few days later. My cervix went up to 1.9cm.

    With continual rest, I kept my boys in until 37w5d, although I was ready to be done at 37w :lol:

    I think this is pretty common with twin moms. It's like you're body is full grown but your babies are not. ;) I took this as a sign that I needed to slow down and worked from home 4 days a week and only worked a few hours on the in office day. I basically ate, rested and slept for weeks on end.

  3. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    I also had a shortened cervix (at 28 weeks it was down to 1.2cm). I did complete bedrest from 28 to 32 weeks, then modified bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy (but I still spent most of my time lying down). I made it to 37w3d. Twin pregnancies are hard, but I think you have a good chance of going to 30 weeks and beyond.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My cervix went from 4cm at 24 weeks to 2cm at 27 weeks. I also received the steroid shots at that point & was put on modified bedrest. I made it to 34w1d. :good: The girls spent 13 days in the NICU but mostly as feeders/growers. They didn't have any serious or lasting effects from coming early.

    Hang in there! :hug:
  5. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    thank you my friends
    I cried today.We went trough 2 ivf cycle till I get pregnant,and I am very scared .
    Your support means a lot
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Definitely be good with your bed rest and do it, that is really important and helps. On Monday you might want to ask about the steroid shots....just in case, they do help. :good:
  7. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    Yes, ask about the steroid shots. A cerclage can be a wonderful thing - it helped us keep the boys in until 35 weeks. We didn't have one with the girls and delivered them at 29.5 weeks. I'll pray you don't need one and that your cervix is holding good at your next appointment.
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I am glad that your doctor is being proactive and putting you on bedrest. I went on bedrest at 24 weeks when my cervix measured about the same as yours. I don't want to alarm you, but I did stay in the hospital for a week, until they could identify the problem (I was contracting and not feeling it). With the right meds, I was able to be at home on bedrest until 28 weeks. At 28 weeks, my cervix was down to about 1.8 and I had a positive fFN test. I was rehospitalized for 3 weeks, and received steroid shots to help develop the lungs. During that time I received several other treatments, from procardia to terbutaline to percocet (to relax the uterus). I was sent home at 32 weeks with home monitoring and nurse visits. At 34 weeks, 4 days, I delivered two healthy babies that were able to come home with us 3 days later.

    Here is the thing...it has been almost 7 years since all this happened and it is now a blur. You can do it!!!!! Rest lots and take those orders seriously! Hopefully you have a network of friends and family to help. My DH was my angel...taking over EVERYTHING, packing my breakfasts and lunches, making me dinner, cleaning the house, doing the laundry. It was a blessing in disguise as this ordeal prepared him for fatherhood and taking on more responsibilities.

    Keep your chin up, think positively, follow your doctor's orders, and know that great things can still happen...even with a shortened cervix at 23 weeks!
    2 people like this.
  9. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    Hello ladies ,
    I had scary 2 days,at Saturday and yesterday.I felt contraction like tightness and my belly was like a stone.We called the doctor and we went to labor to measure contraction.They were around 30 ,so they called that irritability.I had infusion,and after 6 hours they let me go home.
    I was so scared.They checked on cervix(the same like before around 2),and they did US.Girls are doing fine except that around baby B is more fluid.Today I am 24 weeks,and we are going for another US to see the fluid.
    I am on bed rest and kind of use to it.
    We are worried and praying.I hope that we will reach at least 28 weeks
    Hugs from me,
  10. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I know how scary that can be. I had a similar experience at 24 weeks, I was hospitalized for a week, then put on strict bedrest. I made it to 37 weeks, and I was 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced at 24 weeks. Just stick to your bedrest and hopefully those girls will stay in past the 28 weeks mark.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Sorry you've had a scary few days.
    Did they mention the steroid shots?
  12. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    My cervix went from 3.6 to 1.7 in 2 weeks (26 weeks or so).... they sent me straight to the hospital. I was sent home the next day and told by the peri that I would not make it past 32 weeks maybe sooner....Then at about 30 weeks I went to the hospital again for contractions, shortening and pos Ffn. I stayed 1 week. I was on modified rest at home (although I was much stricter than the Dr said I had to be) I was on Procardia for irritability and contractions ( you may want to ask about this also) I had the steroids too. To everyone's surprise I went to 35 and 5 and both babies came home with me, no NICU. It was a scary time but you can do it!!! Drink a lot of water and eat a lot of good healthy proteins. :grouphug:
  13. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    I am 2 weeks and 2 days on bed rest . I need power to believe that I will make it.
    Today I had vaginal check of my cervix,it is 1.4 cm close and tight.Last week was 1.7 so we have progression every week ,and I am scared.
    Today,I am 25 week and 1 day.
    I hope that our babies have a chance at least trough 28 weeks.
    Thank you for your support
  14. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I went on bedrest at 24 weeks, the stopped labour a total of 5 times for me. At 24 weeks I was 2 cm dialated and 60% effaced. I carried my boys until 37 weeks. I had the steroid shot 3 times, so 6 shots altogther, and I was on Adalat which is a contrax control med from 24-35 weeks.
  15. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    Dear Ladies,update from me ...
    Today I am 26W 1 DAY.
    I had US this morning CERVIX is 1.6 ,close and tight.
    I am on beginning of 4th week of bed rest,it is not that hard as long as my babies are fine.
    I had flu shot ,and glucose test .
    Your support is amazing,thank you very much

  16. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    How wonderful that you're still hanging in! It's so hard! Are they still talking about doing a cerclage? I would think at 1.6 they would want to, but I'm not an expert by any means - especially with a later term cerclage (mine were early preventative). You're doing an awesome job!!!
  17. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's great! Congratulations. So happy for you and your babies. Hang in there.
  18. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Glad things seem to be going well and you are still hanging in there.

    I know when I had mine at 23w6d, my OB said 24 weeks was the very latest they do them. Not sure if that is standard practice or not, but I've never heard of them being done later than that.
  19. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    That's what I was thinking too Amy. After that the babies are viable (hate that word) anyway and the risk of the cerclage is higher as you get further into pg.
  20. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    We just came back from US and cervix check,everything is the same,stable :).
    Fluid between babies are the same,cervix is close.
    I am 5th week of bedrest,and 28w1d of pregnancy.I hope that we can do it more weeks.
    Today,we talked about delivery with the doctor.One baby is head down,one is breech,and they want to do labor with me if everything stay like this,which is very happy news for me.
    Thank you for you support
  21. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Great news and good work, Mama!!!
  22. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Wonderful news..you are doing great! prayers that you keep em in a bit longer :)
  23. toni4veka

    toni4veka Active Member

    Ladies,my doctor on the last cervical check told me that if everything stay stable I can be on feet 4 hours per day.I am not comfortable at all to get off the bed when my cervix is 1.23,and in Thursday I will be 32 weeks.I want to keep babies at least 34 weeks.Scary...I am staying in bed:)
    What do you think?
    hugs from me
  24. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think you should listen to your body and intuition. More time resting won't kill you but if it gives you peace of mind, take it slow. :hug:
  25. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I agree with Michelle. One thing I learned while pregnant with the twins was even though your OB is your doctor they don't always know what is best for you, follow your gut and do what makes YOU feel comfortable.
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