cat litter/cat food

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by olya_ao, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. olya_ao

    olya_ao New Member

    I am just wondering where do you put cat litter and cat food (for those who has ones) to hide from babies when they become mobile. Do you put gate to seperate cats' area? and how can cats have an access to their territory? If you put cat litter in a bathroom or laudry rood, do you keep the do open all the time? How do you keep twins away from it.
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I cut a pet door into the laundry room wall for the litterboxes. The food was behind a gate, but now they pretty much leave it alone.
  3. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    We didn't do anything differently. We just let the girls know that they weren't allowed to touch it and reinforced it as needed and have never had any problems other than the knocking the water bowl over on many occasions.
  4. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    The cat food has always been kept in one of the
    secured cabinets in the kitchen; and when they
    were first mobile, the litter box was in the dining
    room and they could move freely about the living
    room. As they got older and their free space grew;
    they were always told NOT to go near the litter
    box. Now they can move freely throughout the house
    and the litter box has never been an issue. And the
    food remains locked in a cabinet in the kitchen!
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We have it in the laundry room and they know not to touch it. When they were younger we had a different house which allowed us to gate the area that had the food/litter in it. We used a plastic gate and cut a cat sized hole in it
  6. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    Our litter box is in the basement, so we installed a cat door (had to take the actual door off though b/c the cat wouldn't go through it, now it is basically a hole in the door!) The twins also LOVE looking down there and calling for da da! And when they are crawling around, i just take the food and water bowls off the floor in the kitchen and place them on top of the counter. I have forgotten a few times and my DD just seems to love the taste of the stuff...eww!
  7. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    We have an outside cat, but a friend of mine put a cat door on one of her closet doors, and that is where he goes. She hated looking at it, so it is out of site. I thought that was a good idea.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Our cat litter and food is in our home office. We don't keep it blocked off, but the girls don't go into the room that much (except for diapers -- that's also where we keep the changing table). It was hard when the twins were newly mobile and curious (around 14 months maybe?) to keep them from playing with the food -- they thought it was a great game to pick up one piece at a time and drop it in the cat's water dish. I just did a lot of redirection and repetition, and eventually they gave it up (mostly).

    We did go through a brief period of keeping the door closed, but that was hard on the cat. I kept having to run back to open it for her, then I'd forget and leave it open, and eventually it became easier just to leave it open and not make a big deal of it.

    They never did try to mess with the litter, probably because it's way in the corner under a table, so it would be very hard for them to get to. Amy does sometimes try to play with the little dustpan and broom that I keep back there to sweep up the litter (blech). But again, I mostly just redirect.
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