Cartoons and babies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by monique+2, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    Since about 3 months after bathtime, and sometimes at bedtime I would put the Cartoons on for the twins while i got them ready for bed just to have something to look at to distract them from basic hygiene routines and getting fussy, Up until recently they had no interest in it, but lately they seem to enjoy it so much! They are only watching it for like a 30 min max, but they are so into it laughing and everything. they have been watching the NOggin channel. I don't see anything wrong with the shows I think they could actually learn something from it,but it just seems weird to let them because they are so young. What is your experience with it? Would you compare It to like watching a Baby Einstein video, or something, or do you think it takes away from face to face hands on learning skills?
  2. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I don't see anything wrong with it! Emily watches Noggin and when she has it on the girls sometimes get intuned to it. She was playing "EA Playground" for the Wii and Carlie was really into that. I think with the music and the bright colors on it she was just into that. Besides that my girls could careless about the TV. 30 minutes is definetly not going to harm them...especially if it means you getting them through what you need to!

  3. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    My tv is on for noise all day and once the girls starting paying attention to it I switched to cartoons, kiddie shows and baby einstein for them. I am pro-tv!!
  4. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    You know ... it is probably like a lot of things ... if you NEVER let them watch it, then when the rare time that it IS on ... they will be GLUED to it. I put Noggin on a lot just so I can feed one ... or do a load of laundry ... whatever ... and now, when my hubby is home watching sports or whatever ... they may look up at it sometimes ... but they aren't addicted to it! I think a little TV is FINE! Especially at this age. When they are older, I would rather them do active things ... but for now, I think the TV is a good learning tool.
  5. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I put it on for 30 min max in the morning so I can get up and dressed, brush teeth and grab a glass of juice and get their stuff together. They love it and laugh and smile and kick their feet. I put on the Disney chanel because Higgleytown Heroes or My friends Tigger and Pooh is on and they love it. I dont like the Wiggles, that show freaks me out but once in a while they catch it if they are up early.

    I don't see anything wrong if you only do it for a short time and the rest of the day is one on one stuff.
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    The AAP recommends no TV at all for children under age 2. The latest study on this revealed that the more TV babies watch -- especially between 8 and 16 months -- the more their language skills are hindered. And, the overstimulation from TV, even Baby Einstein, supposedly makes for short attention spans later on. (Some even link it to ADHD, but I don't know if there's an official study on that....)

    That said, I am a "moderation in all things" kind of person. We have Baby Einstein videos, and I put one in maybe once a week. I also put in a Signing Time video once or twice a week.

    My 4-year-old is allowed one hour of TV a day, and a couple movies on the weekends. I try to only let her watch when the babies are napping, but it doesn't always work out -- so yes, they've seen Dora, Diego, Backyardigans, and Pinky Dinky Doo, LOL.

    So, to answer your question -- no, we don't put cartoons on specifically for the babies, and we try to limit their exposure to TV as much as possible. The Baby Einstein and occasional Signing Time video are really for my benefit, if I'm desperate to get something done and need them to stay put...
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    This may be bad, but we only have the t.v. on when they are really cranky and more than anything I need a break. It happens about once a week, usually around bedtime and usually on Fridays, I turn on the Food Network (always seems to be Rachel Ray at that time of night), and they relax and are entertained for about 15 minutes until it is time to do the bedtime routine. I agree with some of the previous posters, everything in moderation.
  8. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    Mine watch Baby Einsteins videos. I just HAVE to put it on sometimes at night so I can wash dishes, take care of the older two kids, or quiet down some really ill fussy babies. I do not let them sit there all day and watch it though. I have found they love classical music so sometimes while in the living room, I will turn the cable on the classical channel and they love it.
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I swore my girls weren't going to watch tv until at LEAST one year old. HA! A lot of good that plan did. I used to put on Noggin just for my own sanity! I'm not talking let them sit in front of it hours on end with no interaction from me, just occasionally when I needed to catch my breath.
  10. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    I do bathtime alone and I let one of them watch Noggin while the other is in the bath. Otherwise, there will be MELTDOWNS and I hate to have them upset right before bed. It ends up being about 15 minutes and it's usually Dora at that time (why couldn't it be ANY other show!). HOnestly, they don't even watch the show, but they love that little moose guy that pops up during commercials and sings songs.
  11. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    tv is part of our morning routine. My three year old wakes up, and I get everyone sippies and they watch a show while I get breakfast ready and them dressed. That study way say that tv hinders speech capacity, but I have not had that experience. My three year old is the most verbal child I know. Full, complete sentences and complex ideas since he was 2. He's had a steady diet of morning/evening tv his whole life. I limit it for them, but they definitely watch it.

  12. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i have noggin on all day long. it's not like my kids just sit there and watch t.v. i have them in a play yard and we sit in there and play with their toys. they hear music they look at the t.v. then back to playing. we get plenty of one on one that way. when they wake up they are in high chairs with noggin on while i get bottles ready. then t.v. goes off and we eat. then they sit and watch noggin for 15 minutes to half hour so food can settle or they would spit it up. then it's playtime until nap time. noggin gets me sometime to go to the bathroom put a load of laundry in, or just when i need a quick break. like i said as long as their not in front of it all day long just staring at the t.v. like a couch potatoe i think it's fine.

    my DS has been talking also he says mama, dada, bubba, ba ba, good good, my DD saya mama, dada, up, nanananana(means no when she doesn't want something)
    so i really doubt the t.v. has anything to do with speech problems.
  13. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Mar 30 2008, 02:41 AM) [snapback]694692[/snapback]
    The AAP recommends no TV at all for children under age 2. The latest study on this revealed that the more TV babies watch -- especially between 8 and 16 months -- the more their language skills are hindered. And, the overstimulation from TV, even Baby Einstein, supposedly makes for short attention spans later on. (Some even link it to ADHD, but I don't know if there's an official study on that....)

    Emily just had it on when she told me this:

    Em: "Mom, Little Einsteins are not good for you."

    Me: "Who told you that?"

    Em: "I sawthat on TV at Mama's (grandma) house yesterday. I don't know must be because of the rockets or something."

    I had to chuckle :lol:
  14. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I'm not a TV person--I grew up without it, and would far rather read a book to this day. It kind of overstimulates ME, so I don't typically watch much. One thing I DO is tivo american Idol, and watch it while the boys are breastfeeding, and that's about all the TV exposure they typically get.

    Last night, we went out to eat, and there were TVs on all over the restaurant. (we had to sit in the bar area for there to be room for our duoglider--thank goodness there is no smoking in GA restaurants!!!) Wouldn't you know, Joel's eyes were GLUED to the TV the entire night???? I couldn't believe it! He could not drag his eyes away from whatever sports game was on. He's only 11 weeks old!

    I don't think its a big deal for a kid to watch some TV--especially if its oriented to their age group. But last night definitely woke me up to the fact that is a TV is on, a baby is going to be attracted to it!!! (which makes me feel a little guilty exposing them to American Idol at such a young age...)
  15. eviedc

    eviedc Well-Known Member

    We don't have a tv, which is saying we don't get cable at all ... nothing but snow. We haven't had tv in 6 years and it was honestly the best decision we ever made. The girls are allowed to watch one movie per week and besides some computer time that is all the screen time they get. My girls are uninterested in tv. We can be anywhere and they really won't pay any attention to it. My boys will not be watching tv either.
    My girls don't have any idea about the latest fads in toys clothing. My 7 year old has no clue who Hannah Montana is. THANK GOD! Also, and I won't attribute it to no tv but I think it helps ... my 7 year-old is reading at a 6th grade level. My 4-year old has started reading as well. They both have excellent attention spans and can concentrate on a project for a really long time. Once again I don't think that not having a tv caused this but I think it helps. I expect them to find something to do not be provided with entertainment.

  16. Wilmington Twin Mom to Be

    Wilmington Twin Mom to Be Well-Known Member

    My girls watch whatever is on Playhouse Disney when they take their bottle in the morning. It gives my husband and I time to do what we need to do in the morning. I get ready for work and he has his breakfast etc (he goes to work later in the day). In the afternoon if I need sometime to do something I will put on Sesame Street....they love Elmo! And I have on our cable its available On Demand.

    TV gives me time to do what needs to be done sometimes :)
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