Carseats...can you kids get out of them?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Ok, I always thought that kids could NOT get out of carseats no matter how hard they try, but my DS has learned how to get his shoulders and arms out of the carseat!! we live in the middle-east and ended up buying a carseat from a popular European store called "Mamas and Papas", it was an expensive carseat (we bought it for the kids when they were about 12months old, and they should be able to use it until they are about 4yrs old). However I have just now realized that it only has a clip-in buckle at the bottom and no clip across the chest line - hence, why my DS can wiggle his shoulders free (as there is only one buckle right at his groin area). Is this normal? Can your kids get our of your carseats? Can I somehow order a clip that fits across his chest?

    When I am driving, the last thing I want to worry about is if DS is half-way out of his carseat the entire time!
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  2. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    My girls have seats with the 5 point harness and they both can get their arms and shoulders out. Usually it is during a temper tantrum, but they can do it if they set their minds to it. And yes, the straps are properly placed. I have started to move the chest part up under their chins instead of across their chest. It is the only thing that keeps them in a bit longer.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Ours also has the 5-point harness, so there is a clip across their chest. There have been only a few occasions where they figured out they could push it down and wriggle their little arms out. I put a end to that quickly! I would definitely see if there is something you can order to attach across it. Or, what about a velcro strap you can just secure across it? I would be nervous too wondering if he was getting out. :unsure:
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  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD is able to wiggle out of her chest straps. We also have the 5 point harness car seats and moving the chest strap higher has helped her not to wiggle yet.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Mine figured it out too. But after I had a very stern conversation about how you have to sit properly or we can't drive anywhere, they stopped wiggling out. If you think they'd understand then try to talk to them first. If not, I agree with Michelle about securing it.
  6. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I'd be concerned just because it sounds like yours isn't a typical 5-pt harness. Don't they all have a clip across the chest? Without it, in case of an accident, couldn't their upper body just be pulled out?

    Mine can get their upper body out if they slide the clip down, but I explained to them that it wasn't safe and they make sure they are pulled up nice and snug, now.
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We have a 5-point harness and one of my boys can get out of his. He did it about 10 times in one week, and thankfully hasn't done it again. I have been making sure that his chest buckle is as high as it can safely be, and that he is secured as tightly as is comfortably possible. I also talked to him about not doing it, and stopped the car immediately when he did it. If I were you, I would order (or create) something to secure him across the chest. I remember the panic I had the first time he did it, and I can't imagine having to worry about it constantly. Good luck - I hope you find a solution soon! :)
  8. Kymy

    Kymy Well-Known Member

    I know different countries have different rules, that seat would not be legal to use in the US or Canada. All my kids use 5 point harnesses. We have Radians that have hefty chest clips. I have never had issues with my kids but I know friends who have.

    One of my friends put a 2nd chest clip (you can get spares online) on the seat so even if her daugher pushed them both down there wasn't enough extra room to wiggle out!

    I would suggest looking to see if you can buy a chest clip for it, that should help. This is what the straps on the seats here in the US look like. They are connected to the seat in 5 places... 2 shoulders, 2 hips & the crotch where they click into then with a chest strap. They used to make the 3points like yours but they still had a chest clip.

  9. Kymy

    Kymy Well-Known Member

    Thats another thing, if the staps aren't snug it is very easy for them to get out as well as hurt in an accident. My brothers are firefighters & first responders and I can't tell you how many kids get hurt becuase they simple are strapped in properly! You want the straps to be snug enough that you just slip to of your fingers under them!
  10. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Both of my little boys can get completely out of their 5 point harness seats in no time at all. Tightness doesn't matter to them. I would check the manufacturers suggestions on the paperwork that came with the seat. If you add anything to the seat it could become dangerous in a car accident. Only use what is suggested by the company. They may have additional parts you can purchase to add.
    We have punishments if the twins escape their seats. And if one stays buckled that twin get all the love and attention for positive reinforcment.
  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    THANKYOU for asking this question!!!! I swear both of my girls can escape. We do have the chest clips and I am going to add a second one and maybe some velcro. I went to BRU last night looking for some kind of contraption that would keep them in! I wish I had bought the second chest clips then! that is a great idea! I have stopped the car and told them that we would have to stay right there until they can stay buckled safely - that works for that trip but the next day we are back at square 1 ! I have been SO frustrated!
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