car seats

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2Xthelove, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i have it narrowed down to 2 seats but i need help figuring it out. i tried to look for the safety ratings for the seats and can't find it.

    i am looking for a seat i can keep them inup to 65lbs then goes into a booster up to 100lbs. that way i don't have to buy another seat or is this really not whats going to happen? i don't want to spend over 250 for one but will if its best for them. they are my life and i want them safe. i also want one that is comfortable.

    the seats are

    graco nautilus 3in1

    first years true fit convertible seat by compass
  2. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    does anyone know a good sight to check the safety rating for all car seats and if there is one to compare seats
  3. mjv386

    mjv386 Member

    Hey there,

    I just went through this with our twins. I had brought the Britex Marathon and it didn't fit in our SUV backwards (our twins are still under 20lbs at a year). I spoke with the officer who was certified in putting the car seats in and asked for another recommendation. She said that all car seats have to meet the federal guidlines and you're really buying padding and comfort at the higher prices. Just an FYI....take it for what its worth.

  4. T.O. Twins

    T.O. Twins Well-Known Member

    Safety ratings are really difficult (if not impossible) to find. This topic from a forum talks about how non-existent safety ratings are.

    Another forum which I discovered has a lot of useful advice and some very knowledgeable car-seat fanatics (in the best sense of the word) who will be able to give you some good advice is through the Baby Bargains book forums. From reading a bit on that forum, I have heard a lot of good things about the Nautilus but haven't heard much about the Compass seat you mention. It could be worthwhile searching the site regarding those seats or signing up and asking your question there.

    Good luck!
  5. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    thanks for the help
  6. sottovoce

    sottovoce Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to agree with pp on; I found the people on this site to be incredibly knowledgeable and helpful.

    Good luck to you. Sotto
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I don't know if you really want to have a booster up to 100 lbs. My friend just moved her son out of a booster altogether, he is a very tall 7, just about 57" and 79 lbs. The booster was cutting into his legs and making him painfully uncomfortable. At that size, he is big enough to be in just a seatbelt, and is much more comfortable that way. So realistically, I don't see using a booster up until a child reaches 100 lbs. I think it is more a way for car seat manufaturers to play into the fears of parents of young children. Once children hit 8 years old, they are big enough to be in a regular seat. When my children were 3, the thought of no car seat was scary. Now that they are older, I can see them being ready to be out of car seats in a couple of years. In fact, I just took the back of of the Turboboosters the boys have been using since they were 3, and Jon is much more comfortable, because it gives him an extra 1 1/2 of thigh length--he was getting marks on his legs before I removed the backs.

    Also, on 5 point boosters up to 65 lbs. for a 5 point harness. I have a big almost 6 year old, and he is only 55 lbs. I can't imagine him being comfortable or willing to go into a 5 point harness--he was fighting it at 3! You will find that few if any children into preschool or beyond are actually wearing a 5 point harness. I just wanted to give you the reality, because once again, at age 1, it sounds great to have them in a 5 point harness until 65 lbs., and a booster until 100 lbs, but the reality is that they won't last that long in those seats.

    Just some thoughts from someone who is at the older end of the car seat spectrum.
  8. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    You should check out the top slot heights of the seat. Many combination seats have low top slots but I heard (but are not sure) the Graco slots are very reasonable and will fit most children until age 4-5 (I thought 18" top slots).

    My oldest is 4 and still in a Radian 65. She's been 95% since birth. She still has room to grow and I expect her to be in this seat until age 5-6. The longer the better. Five point harnasses are safest for children and safety is my #1 priority. She actually still loves her seat too. She will outgrow the seat heightwise first before reaching 65lbs (according to CDC charts at age 6 1/2 if she stays in the 95% but she may not, she's slimming down, she's just very tall too).

    Britax makes the Regent will accomodate children up to age 7-9 in a harnassed seat (they're big seats though). But whatever is safest. Seat belts are not made for kid's in my opinion and the longer you can wait to use them the better.

    So look into their slot heights so that you can keep them harnassed as long as possible. Luckily there are plenty of possibilities these days, just need to find the right seat for yourself.
  9. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the longevity of the seats, (Sharon's input was enlightening!) but we have the alpha omega elite and love it so far. (we actually have the Eddie Bauer version, but it is essentially the same seat). It is a pretty popular seat, and has gotten good reviews. It fits your requirements.
  10. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    Sharon brings up a good point, but I do know some bigger kids (up through 2nd grade) still in Britax Regents.
    My guys at almost 8 are still in their boosters as are the majority of their friends.
    At least with the nautilus, you have the option of harnessing or booster, w/out having to purchase 2 dif products.
  11. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    very good points all of you. i just need to make up my mind
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