Car seat struggle

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rematuska, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    so besides entering us all in the WWE, any tips on getting them to settle down and strapped into their car seats? They do the same thing getting into their high chairs, but I can move around them more, so it seems easier. It's just started about the same time that they are starting walking, so I think it has to do with their wanting to be mobile all the time. The car seat wrestling match just makes me feel like I have to hold them in so tightly that I'm afraid one of us is going to get hurt.

    If you don't have any tps, did yours go through this, and was it over quickly? (there's a lot of hope typed in that word "quickly".) My 3 year old skipped this, so this wrestlemania is new to me.

  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Do they enjoy helping you around the house yet? I engaged mine in "assisting" with the buckling and it worked wonders (used the same tactic with the stroller and highchairs). They were so focused on the task that they forgot all about not wanting to be strapped in. As an extra bonus, they've learned to do buckles themselves and now will fasten themselves into the stoller, wagon, and highchairs. I have to help them still with the crotch buckle in the carseat but they can do the chest buckle on their own. :good:
  3. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    my youngest son still does this..

    i let my oldest ds walk accross to his seat on the passenger side..

    then i grab my daughter and let her go accross..

    then youngest wrestler..

    i do afew things..

    i tell them they have no choce.
    sit him down

    put pressure on his stomach and buckle..

    i hate doing it but he wants the freedom to get in my himself but
    doesnt listen like the other two..

    i just dont know what else to do..

  4. ohiomom

    ohiomom Well-Known Member

    I find I have much better luck when I let them crawl up into their seats themselves. When I try to put them in, they will oftan times struggle with me. But now that we have the minivan they are able to get into the van themselve and climb up into their seats. Then I pull their buckles out and they help me buckle in.
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We went through a similar phase and yes sometimes it involved some wrestling. Try to distract them, if you can. If not just try to do it as quickly as possible!
  6. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Sorry I don't have any advice. Mine are doing it too and I've been putting my best WWE moves on mine when distraction doesn't work ;)
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Mine are doing that too. I either let them "help" or I turn on the TV in the car...Dora gets their attention so well that I could do practically anything to them. And when neither of these work...we all just fight it out! :rolleyes:
  8. Thumper

    Thumper Well-Known Member

    We would have special "car toys" that they could only play with once they were in their seats and strapped in. Toy cars, or these battery-powered lightsticks. It also helped to have them put on part of the belt themselves (specifically, latching the buckle on their chest) They'd even get upset if we did it for them! :lol:

    Hope that helps!

    --> Andy
  9. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your suggestions. Now I have some other things to try out.
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