car drive

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    When my husband takes care of the twins, he takes them out for a car drive every time they're fussy or sleepy but can't fall gets into a habit. Anybody is doing this? I want to train the kids again. But right now he is the one who is taking care of them and I have to work. I'm worried winter is coming and he can't take them out like that anymore. Please help!thankssss!
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I'm a bit confused. :FIFblush: Do you want to train them to fall asleep from the car ride or do you not want to train them to need a car ride?

    Depending on your housing/garage/parking situation, taking them out for winter is not all that much harder than summer IF you won't be taking them out of the car to go into a store. If you can get them into a warm car, just carry them out in their car seat with a fleece blanket wrapped around them. I'm assuming your DH is stronger than I am so he can carry infant seats with 6 month olds in them. Then come home, bring them inside and into bed.

    If you don't want to train them to need the car to sleep, can you replicate the movement with a swing/bouncy seat or bouncing them?
  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I meant I don't want they depend on cardrive to fall asleep. They don't fall asleep in bouncy seats or swings either. I wanna get rid of cardrive but don't know how. Cardrive works like 90%. They get knocked out right after 5 mins. But I think its just weird.they used not to be like this. It just happens the past 2 months becuase they are teething and easy to get fussy. I can't blame my husband becuase he is doing everything he can to survive.
  4. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I drove all over the place with my son...for a while the car was the only place he would nap. Like you said at that point I was doing it to survive. Eventually he learnt how to sleep in his own bed (by about 8 months he was napping almost 100% in his crib). I wouldn't stress too much about it, they will eventually sleep in their beds and if taking them for a drive gives you (or your husband) a few minutes of quiet there's no harm in that.
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