Can't the rest of the pregnancy be normal and have everyone healthy?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by desolation_anonymous, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    So today I had my second episode of weird heart stuff- heart pounding, chest tight, short of breath, pain in my chest for 25 minutes or so. I had a bad heart arhythmia episode 2 weeks ago so thought it was more of the same. Called Kaiser advice nurse just to be safe, told to go back to the ER.

    Long story short, my heart rate is too high. It is ranging 105-130. I asked that 'isn't it normal for heart to go up in pregnnacy' I was told not THAT much.

    And apparantly I am anemic. A lot worse. They told me i have to follow up with my OB and regular Dr. on Monday, to make sure anemia and heart stuff doesn't affect me or the babies badly.

    I think the thing that scared me most was they said my Dr. might need to refer me to a heart specialist, and both could 'hurt me or the babies'.

    Ok, can things just be normal for the rest of the pregnancy had have everyone be OK and healthy?
  2. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    My sister had heart issues during her pregnancy. She had to wear a heart monitor and be watched more closely but all was safe and sound. Your blood volume is double now compared to what it is when not pregnant so a higher heart rate is not uncommon. Anemia can be fixed with an iron tablet or change in the diet. I don't blame you for being worried and stressed, though. Good luck!
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

  4. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(momof5 @ Jul 26 2008, 04:24 AM) [snapback]897313[/snapback]
    My sister had heart issues during her pregnancy. She had to wear a heart monitor and be watched more closely but all was safe and sound. Your blood volume is double now compared to what it is when not pregnant so a higher heart rate is not uncommon. Anemia can be fixed with an iron tablet or change in the diet. I don't blame you for being worried and stressed, though. Good luck!

    I had this happen also during both of my pregnancies, it went away after delivery. My understanding is that it's pretty common..
  5. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    i was anemic but when my docs put me through all the tests it turned out that i was anemic due to my increased blood volume - same number of rbcs in double blood volume=1/2 as much Hg per ml of blood. also i was experiencing these events - usually when walking (even slowly) - where my heartrate would skyrocket and i would gey dizzy and nauseus and have to sit down for a wile. i felt pretty lame when it would happen while doing something as simple as taking the dog for a walk around the block! my doc said that probably the weight of my growing belly was causing blood to pool in my legs, which was causing my blood pressure to drop so then my herrt rate would go up to try to move the blood back up into the rest of my body. to be safe they sent me to a cardiologist who made me wear a holter monitor for 24 hrs (so annoying). but all turned up ok. something the doc suggested was wearing Teds, you know, those surgical tights. i got real lucky b/c a friend who has had some blood clot issues had a number of prescription strength pairs and leant me one. they were so tight at first but they made me feel sooooo much better. i'd ask your doc about those - b/c it sounds like you may be having the same events happen that i did. teds can be expensive but your doc should be able to write a prescription and insurance should mostly cover it - but make sure you get the super tight ones, because standadr teds which they made me wear in the hospital are pretty loose and i dont know that they would have helped much. the super tight ones are rated by mm Hg and have to be fitted to your legs. good luck - and realize that I survived just fine - and so will you.
  6. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(momof5 @ Jul 26 2008, 04:24 AM) [snapback]897313[/snapback]
    My sister had heart issues during her pregnancy. She had to wear a heart monitor and be watched more closely but all was safe and sound. Your blood volume is double now compared to what it is when not pregnant so a higher heart rate is not uncommon. Anemia can be fixed with an iron tablet or change in the diet. I don't blame you for being worried and stressed, though. Good luck!

    Thanks... hearing about your sister makes me feel better!

    Thing is I have been taking iron supplements- iron is in the prenatal, I've been taking an extra one every day, I've been trying to get spinach and foods with iron in them in my diet- and none of it is working, anemia has gotten worse throughout the whole preg. I have no idea what can be done for the anemia
  7. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ese @ Jul 26 2008, 09:48 AM) [snapback]897588[/snapback]
    i was anemic but when my docs put me through all the tests it turned out that i was anemic due to my increased blood volume - same number of rbcs in double blood volume=1/2 as much Hg per ml of blood. also i was experiencing these events - usually when walking (even slowly) - where my heartrate would skyrocket and i would gey dizzy and nauseus and have to sit down for a wile. i felt pretty lame when it would happen while doing something as simple as taking the dog for a walk around the block! my doc said that probably the weight of my growing belly was causing blood to pool in my legs, which was causing my blood pressure to drop so then my herrt rate would go up to try to move the blood back up into the rest of my body. to be safe they sent me to a cardiologist who made me wear a holter monitor for 24 hrs (so annoying). but all turned up ok. something the doc suggested was wearing Teds, you know, those surgical tights. i got real lucky b/c a friend who has had some blood clot issues had a number of prescription strength pairs and leant me one. they were so tight at first but they made me feel sooooo much better. i'd ask your doc about those - b/c it sounds like you may be having the same events happen that i did. teds can be expensive but your doc should be able to write a prescription and insurance should mostly cover it - but make sure you get the super tight ones, because standadr teds which they made me wear in the hospital are pretty loose and i dont know that they would have helped much. the super tight ones are rated by mm Hg and have to be fitted to your legs. good luck - and realize that I survived just fine - and so will you.

    Thanks! Been wearing support hose and if my doc is OK will try the teds- I have a pair my doc prescribed me for swelling and you are right my support hose works WAY better (they are not very tight) So it would be good to find the ones that really work.
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