Can't get 30 seconds peace unless they're watching TV

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I will be the first to admit that things are easier now than when they were babies or young toddlers -- but their neediness is driving me nuts. If I have 5 consecutive minutes to cook, fold laundry, or anything, it's inevitably because they're watching TV. Otherwise, someone is hollering "Mommy" every 30 seconds. They can't play without fighting. They can't eat without spilling. They can't get dressed, clean up, or do any other minor task without supervision.

    Is this just a really needy age? (It seemed like they actually played independently a little better a year ago.) It probably has something to do with starting a new daycare class (even more kids, even less attention from adults), but shouldn't they be a TINY bit self-sufficient by age 4?
  2. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I think some of it may be starting the new daycare. My 5 yr old started back to school 2 weeks ago, and since then she has been noticeably needier, wanting help with things like putting on her shoes and her pajamas that she ahs been able to do for years, and most annoyingly - she has started to follow me in to the bathroom again. Who knew prekid that peeing alone was an activity to look forward to?

    Another thing I've noticed with all mine is when they first learn to do something they are very proud and enjoy doing it themselves, then when the novelty wears off they think maybe constantly needing Momma's help is the preferred way. *sigh*[​IMG]
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    It depends on the day. Some days, they are pretty good about eating without drama, playing together, etc. But other days, yeah. Every two seconds it's "She's touching my chair!" "Ainswee is sayin Ariel is NOT a mermaid! Tell her to stop!"
    I try to get them to do whatever they can without my help, like at least attempt to clean up a spill without me, but I don't know, I guess it's just another phase.
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    My boys are always talking talking talking. I thought when my bff complained about it a couple years ago she was CRAZY!! I thought how great would it be to be able to talk to them and have them ask questions. YEAH!!!!

    I dont go more then a minute with out being tapped on my arm while someone is saying mommy, mommy, mommy. I need to ask you something, But the asking is telling or showing not asking at all. If they try to show me something and I dont physically turn my head they will tell me Im not looking at them and so on and so forth.

    Tonight I was trying to take and bath when Brandon came in and asked if Daddy could feed him his dinner. I said he could but you are a big boy and you can do it your self. His answer: Im not 4 yet! I said ok but you are almost 4 so you can do it. He went out and took a bite and was so proud of himself. LMAO.. Keep in mind I think he was eating mac n cheese so pretty easy compaired to the bowl of cereal and milk he polished off eariler in the day.

    I dont get quite here unless them are sleeping or watching Sponge Bob and I HATE Sponge Bob!
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    This cracked me up too. :laughing:

    I thought of this thread again this morning as I was trying to get them out the door for school. It was literally to the point of me saying, "Here are your dirty pajamas. Pick them up. Now walk to the laundry hamper. Now throw them in! No, don't take them to the living room. Walk back to the laundry hamper. Now let go of the pajamas!" :gah: (I just had to use that smiley because I love it.)

    Anyway, they were actually a lot easier this weekend, for whatever reason. I think we got through a whole morning yesterday with no whining, fighting, or crying! It definitely helps to keep 'em busy. ;)
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Haha! I've had those mornings. It's a good thing we have a small house, but they still manage to get distracted the short walk from the living room to their bedroom.
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