Can't feel the other baby, little worried

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Mommy2BofTwins, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. Mommy2BofTwins

    Mommy2BofTwins Well-Known Member

    I am confused a little bit :blink: , i don't know if i should call the doc or or wait a little bit more, i feel my left baby boy but my baby girl on the right side i hvn't really started feeling yet, my boy is very active the ultrasound technician said when i went last week for my level II, i feel little flutters now more noticeable but the baby on the right i feel very little even if i try to lay down and relax i can't feel her.

    Did any of you feel this way in the beginning or am i just getting paranoid about it or should i call my doc please suggest what should i do. i hv been trying to feel the baby on the right from abt 2 or 3 days but not much or you have any tricks for the right baby to move. Any of your twins did this to you,

    one you felt later than the other ? and if you did how many weeks late. please let me know as i am very worried abt it now :unsure:

    thanx a lot girls
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'd drink some orange juice & see if that gets them moving. Since you say you haven't felt on one side for a few days, I'd call in and see what they want you to do. One time I was feeling mine move, but just not like normal and they clinic had me come in and the doctor gave me an ultrasound and it seems they were facing each other, kicking & hitting each other. Whew! What a relief! Of course that night they turned again and started kicking me, but it is better to be safe. I'd give the doctor a call and see what they want you to do. :hug99:
  3. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    i had the same fears. turns out i had an anterior placenta, meaning the placenta was situated further back in my uterus, thus making it more difficult to feel movement.
  4. Mommy2BofTwins

    Mommy2BofTwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the replies but i was wondering is this in the beginning coz i just started feeling, one baby the other one i hvn't, anymore suggestions would really help
  5. monaraj

    monaraj Well-Known Member

    I would definitly call the doctor, just to put my mind at ease.
    Although I have had days when I didnt feel Twin A, who is very low. Just 3 days ago, I couldnt feel the Twin B move at all, who is usually on a kick fest pretty much the whole day. I had an u/s sound and sure enough, he was kicking away to glory. The dr said that sometimes, baby's kick in ways that we can't feel them.
    But surely call the doctor.
    Good Luck :hug99: and keep us updated.
  6. kimadams

    kimadams Active Member

    I dealt with this all throughout my pregnancy. My twins just weren't big movers. I never had that kick in the ribs everyone talks about
    or the big jabs. Maybe because I was on bedrest and just stayed on my side all day, who knows. I did not feel A move very much at all. Baby B
    would move around and I could feel it, but more like flutters or waves the whole time. Every now and then I would feel A and I would
    be so relieved. As long as I felt A once a day, I felt ok. Baby A was very low, head down, trying to bust through my cerclage :)
    Every morning I would drink orange juice and monitor for contractions (I had a home monitor thing through Matria) and B would move around.
    Maybe I was feeling A and just thought all the moves were from B. It was so hard with twins! And frustrating! I went to my doctor once every
    two weeks. I would just hold my breath when he would do the doppler, until he got both heart beats!
    Let us know what the doctor says!
  7. audie522

    audie522 Active Member

    When I was pregnant I thought I felt her move more than him but everytime I went for a sonogram it turned out it was him moving around. I was never able to tell which one was really doing the moving because they were so close together. I finally stopped worrying about it b/c everythime I went for a sono everything was fine. I'd definitley go to the doc b/c your not going to feel better until you see the other one move but chances are your other baby is moving- you just either don't feel it or don't realize its the other baby, too.
  8. tburke75

    tburke75 Well-Known Member

    I had this happen many times with both my twins. Sometimes I didn't feel Baby A and Sometimes I didn't feel Baby B. Because my twins are mono/di I have u/s every two weeks and this would reassure me. I also spent weeks 24-28 in hospital with weekly u/s and dopplers three times a day. Turns out whomever I couldn't feel it was always positional. Twin B facing my spine, Twin A facing Twin B and kicking her instead of me etc. I would't worry too much, but I would call your doctor just for reassurance. When I came home from hospital I rented a doppler which is very reassuring and only costs about 80 cents a day. My husband and I joke about being the crazy people with the rented doppler, but I am telling you it really takes the worry out of it! Twin pregnancy is hard enough without extra worries!
  9. murphy-hecht

    murphy-hecht New Member

    QUOTE(Mommy2BofTwins @ Jun 23 2008, 05:46 AM) [snapback]840725[/snapback]
    I am confused a little bit :blink: , i don't know if i should call the doc or or wait a little bit more, i feel my left baby boy but my baby girl on the right side i hvn't really started feeling yet, my boy is very active the ultrasound technician said when i went last week for my level II, i feel little flutters now more noticeable but the baby on the right i feel very little even if i try to lay down and relax i can't feel her.

    Did any of you feel this way in the beginning or am i just getting paranoid about it or should i call my doc please suggest what should i do. i hv been trying to feel the baby on the right from abt 2 or 3 days but not much or you have any tricks for the right baby to move. Any of your twins did this to you,

    one you felt later than the other ? and if you did how many weeks late. please let me know as i am very worried abt it now :unsure:

    thanx a lot girls
  10. murphy-hecht

    murphy-hecht New Member

    I am 34 weeks pregnant and I still can't tell which twin is which. I feel like twin a does not move much but when I am being monitored they say she is. Personally, I get frustrated when the doc asks if I feel both of them move...because I really can't tell the difference. If you are freaking out go in and get piece of mind. THey always say never go to bed worrying about your baby!

    I am 34 weeks pregnant and I still can't tell which twin is which. I feel like twin a does not move much but when I am being monitored they say she is. Personally, I get frustrated when the doc asks if I feel both of them move...because I really can't tell the difference. If you are freaking out go in and get piece of mind. THey always say never go to bed worrying about your baby!
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