Can't believe I'm considering this but...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JenCE, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. JenCE

    JenCE Active Member

    I can't believe I'm seriously considering this but I really need some time for me. The Y has free playcare while you workout. I am seriously thinking about getting a membership; I feel like a blob. I used to walk 1hr+ a day when DD was a baby but I just can't do it with the three of them. It's so hard to put 1 twin in a carrier and push the other in a stroller along with a 30+lb toddler I don't feel like it's exercise it's just hard work.

    I can't believe I'm even thinking about putting the 3 of them into the child minding while I try to get some exercise. I didn't ever leave DD with anyone until she was 9 months and that was with my mom just so I could go for a haircut.

    I'd love to be able to leave them with my DH but he works rotating 12h shifts at a job he hates so is often overtired and quite frankly MISERABLE. Besides I really don't think he can manage all 3 on his own yet he doesn't have the patience to deal with all of the "crying and Whining" :(

    So I ask (and please give me your honest opinions) do you think the twins are too young for me to leave them with "strangers" (YMCA staff and volunteers) and a bunch of germy kids? I would be in the building and it would be for max 2 hrs. I would be OK with waiting another month or 2 or even 3.

    Have any of you bee away from your little ones yet? Am I being silly? or just feeling really guilty that I can't do it all.

  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For me, yes it would be too early. But I don't even want my kids in daycare which is why I chose to be a stay at home mom :) I'm sure it would be FINE to leave them if you are comfortable with it. But my only concern is what are the Y's requirements for their childminders? Do they have infant cpr training? Those kind of things would be my concerns/questions.
  3. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would do it! I really wanted to join the gym over the winter, but our pediatrician said No to child care because it was RSV season. I had to wait until they were about 7-8 months old. I go to the Y three times a week now. It's wonderful. I feel like they are well taken care of and I get a break. Our Y has a lot of those baby swings, bouncers etc. I often see the younger ones sleeping peacefully in the swings. I leave a bottle and you can include instructions on when to feed them. The staff will come and get me if they need a diaper change or if one is crying more than 10 minutes. The excessive crying thing only happened one time for my DS. The longer you go, you get to know the staff well and they know your children. My babies are older now...11 months. But they enjoy going there. Evan loves their big bouncer and Claire likes to walk around and pull toys out of the bin. I think we have picked up a few colds there. I just keep them out until they are all better again. It's inevitable, so I try not to worry too much. You can ask your pedi for input based on your babies ages. Have you gone for a tour yet? I felt better after I visited a few places in person and picked the one I liked.

    Joining the gym has probably saved my sanity. I'm getting in better shape and feel better about myself.
  4. 1+2=3girls

    1+2=3girls Member

    Hi! Go for it!! I went to the gym when my girls where 3months old, and it went just fine!! I live in Norway, but from what I read the play care seems to be pretty similar. It's so nice to have that time to workout by my self:) Enjoy it!!
  5. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    DO IT! You'll never be there for 2 hrs so it'll be more like one hr MAX. Take it from me, GO NOW SO THEY ARE USED TO IT!

    I waited WAY too long and mine FREAK when we go so I keep them home w/ DH and go EARLY in the morning. I have/had no fear of those daycares ESP cuz I can pop in there anytime I want to to ck on them.

    As long as their respiratory systems are fine, I'd go for it. Start out slow and by the time they're six or 7 months old it will be a GREAT routine and they'll look forward to it. HUGE MISTAKE I made was waiting too long! if they didn't cry the whole time, I would literally take them there EVERY day now for 2 hrs and READ in the lobby! I'm not kidding!
  6. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I waited to join the Y until mine were about 7 months, BUT that was because of when mine were born (October) and they were 2 months early. The pedi wanted me to wait until the end of flu/RSV season. We go now and I've had no problems at all. There are quite a few TINY babies that are in the childwatch there. I would definitely do it. Most of the time when I go, I do actually work out. But there has been a time or two that I actually took the babies in there and went outside and sat at a picnic table or something, just to have a little quiet time!! ;)
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would do it. Getting out and getting exercise makes me a much happier mom.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would do it too. You can always ask the Y about your concerns so that you feel comfortable with their child care professionals. I am not sure if the Y works like our gym does but if there is a problem, my gym's daycare will page the parents. I think sometime to yourself is great for the mind and soul!
  9. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I never know how to respond to things like this. My kids have been in daycare - with "strangers" and "germy kids" - since 8 weeks full-time. They are fine. I am fine. We are all fine.
  10. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    It is ridiculous to not take them to the Y. Mine have been going since 2 1/2 months. No one has gotten sick. Usually they just sleep while they are there. I go so my other son can have some alone time, and I also need to exercise. Dont let anyone make you feel like you are doing them an injustice by not staying home with them 24 hrs a day. It makes absolutely no sense. I am also a sahm and love every minute of being with my babies. I also have an extreme amount of patience, and I attribute that to my health and happiness. Plus getting them use to being around other people is very important as well, for their developmen.IMO
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