Can't be overstimulated?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TeeandGee, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    So, after spending 3 weekends away over the past 2 months, we think we have come to the conclusion that one of our DDs can't handle being overstimulated or removed from her normal, everyday routine. Can anyone relate?

    Here is what happened:

    Weekend #1: went to upper state NY to visit a friend for just one night. Arrived Saturday afternoon, came home Sunday afternoon. Saturday she was fine all day and evening, didn't sleep too bad at night but Sunday morning, she was cranky/unhappy/tired until we left.

    Weekend #2: went to a family member's cottage for 2 nights. Arrived Saturday afternoon. Saturday was fine, they slept well Saturday night, didn't nap well on Sunday but was happy in the day then Sunday night woke up screaming and had trouble going back to sleep. Monday she was cranky/unhappy/tired until we left.

    Weekend #3: rented cottage with friends for 2 nights. First day she was fine, first night she slept great. Second day she was fine but did not nap well and did not sleep well that night. The final day, she was cranky/unhappy/tired until we left.

    All 3 weekends included A LOT of outdoor time and fresh air. There was lots of excitement, new faces, new places etc. She must have been overtired every weekend but we aren't sure why she didn't sleep well the 2nd nights there.

    Anyone else have insight? Is this just a phase? We are going to continue to introduce her to new places & faces and go away on weekends BUT it makes it very hard for all of us (most of all her, of course).
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I can relate - directly to your DD that is! If I spent 3 weekends away from home in 2 months, I would be a total basket case. And I'm a grownup, not a toddler!
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ PP- I dont like going away frequently ( more than 1x a month or so), it unsettles me as an adult, I like my rountine and rhythms here at home. It is the same for adults- some sleep GREAT at hotels and others dont becuase it is different.

    One of my DDs is the same way and gets 'over stimulated' with too much going on- the other DD would love to travel & see new people every day! It can have a lot to do with personality and personal tolerance for change.

    I would continue to visit and travel, but try to space it out to give her some 'down time'. There is comfort in routine and familiarity- especially for some kids so stick with a similair routine that you do at home. She may get scared and/or not sleep well in a strange place and panic when she wakes. Make sure she has some 'quite' time or time to wind down after an exciting day.

    Oddly enough- even though they are tired, if my girls get 'overtired' they dont sleep well. They get overtired from too much activity/newness/ poor naps/ too busy- especially if it is more than 1 day. Usually 1 day or newness is ok, the second off a routine and they get grouchy.

    Also talk to her (even at that age) about what you are doing and what comes next, that may help w/ any stress she feels from being out of her comfort zone (home).

    Good Luck and I hope it gets better for you all!
  4. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    My son Ezra is like that also. I had planned to go to the cottage every weekend this summer (I'm single and its a big help to me to go there where my parents are to help) and he totally couldn't handle it. He is the higher strung of my boys (that's an understatement). I think for Elias, home is where the mommy is but for Ezra he needed his familiar surroundings. Not only was he a mess at the cottage with his sleep schedule all messed up and just with hair trigger emotions, it carried forward to when we got home and he had a bit of an adjustment there too. I changed my plan to every second weekend and this will be the 3rd weekend in a row I haven't been up (though I'm going next weekend). To me, the cottage is my second home so it was a shocker to realize that he didn't feel the same way (how could he?) I just hope he gets used to it and welcomes the visits next year because, in my opinion, it is the best place for a kid! Your dd was going to 3 different places. It might have been different if it was the same place over and over again.
  5. dan&gab2007

    dan&gab2007 Active Member

    Were you able to maintain the same schedule and routine? I find that helps teh girls out a lot when we are away from home for a day or more. I know it can get difficult. I also agree with pp, I don't enjoy being away from home too much. I really can't relax.
  6. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for your replies. Yes, it was a lot of travelling but that is just how our summer turned out. We don't normally travel so much and hope that next time won't be so bad. I don't think we are going away again until October.
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