Cankles at 15 weeks?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ThePowersTwins, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. ThePowersTwins

    ThePowersTwins New Member

    So is this normal to get them so early? I was pretty swollen last night. I thought it was an easy day but drove 140 miles for work, ran 2 401K meetings and then went to dinner with my girlfriend and sat in a bar stool/chair (no . . . not at the bar ladies!! :p). Super swollen, put feet up, swelling got better after 1 hour, went to bed and woke up in the morning w/ normal ankles again. Today no problem. Should I be concerned that my first swollen day was in my 15th week? Any one else experience this?

    Thanks and good luck to you all and your little miracles!!
  2. semolina

    semolina Member

    I first got swollen at 16 weeks in this pregnancy (twins) and in my previous pregnancy (singleton). In the beginning it does go down again ... at 32 weeks I can't remember what normal feet look like! Provided your BP is doing OK and you aren't spilling any protein in your urine, they don't tend to worry about swelling any more. When my sister was expecting her twins, by the time she delivered (37 weeks) her swelling went all the way up to her hips. Last time I had swelling up past my knees (delivered healthy singleton at 40 weeks, no problems) so it's a case of just wait and see this time ...

    But in answer to your question -- 15 weeks -- ya, unlucky, but not anything alarming if it's the only thing going on. Can recommend swimming, drinking lots of water, and trying not to get hot, as well as the usual stuff about putting feet up as much as possible.

  3. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't start until about 23 weeks. More in my feet and on top, than in the ankles though. But, they have been swollen monster feet ever since! So far, everything else is good, good BP, and no swelling anywhere else. It's rough too cause the weather has been in the high 90's for weeks hot and so swollen. YUCK.
  4. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    With my first child, I started swelling later in pregnancy due to the weather heating up. The hotter the day, the more swelling I had. I had him in August. With the twins, I didn't have much swelling until the very end and even then it wasn't much but it could be that is was late winter/early spring. Is it warm/hot where you are? I don't know all my state flags so I don't know where you live, lol. ;)
  5. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I was gonna ask about the heat where you are too? My swelling is definitely starting now that the heat is here. Mention it to your doc at your next visit for sure though. :)
  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Err, I didn't make it out of the first trimester before I had semi-permanent cankles. They started being permanent cankles at 20 weeks. By the time I had the kids, I couldn't move my feet, as my husband said, "they look like supervillian feets".
  7. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    With the twins mine starting swelling & stayed like that at 18-19 weeks.
    With this pregnancy I've notice when I sit for long periods of time like driving(you said you drove 140 miles for work) they are swelling bad and this started about a week ago. Once I get completely off of them and stretch them out it goes down.
    I'll cross my fingers it'll stay the same for you too :)
    Take Care & Best Wishes on your pregnancy!
  8. ThePowersTwins

    ThePowersTwins New Member

    Thank you for your replies! Makes me feel a lot better. Definitely telling my OB . . . it just gets so scary when your friends with singletons gasp with a furrowed brow . . . still amazes me how different our pregnancies are!!

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