Can you start panties too early?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Oneplus2more, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Hannah and Natalie have been potty training. I'm sure I'm doing it all "wrong" because we're not being consistant about it at all...mostly child led. But they have both peed and pooped on the potty and are very proud of themselves. Today Hannah had a major meltdown because she wanted to put on a pair of her big sisters panties. She is not ready to go without a diaper, but would you let her wear them either over or under her diaper? I'm thinking over would continue to keep her excited about PT...under might speed up the training - but could it be too much pressure and backfire? or is it better to wait until they are keeping their diapers dry most of the time?
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    If she's been potty training, I would definitely let her try to go without a diaper and try the panties. Sure, she will probably have an accident, but by wearing the panties she will start to understand why she has to pee in the potty. It may help her to be more consistent in her potty training. On the flip side, she may decide that she's not ready for panties. But either way, I think she will keep asking until you let her try.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    IMO, you can start too early. We put Sarah in underwear for one day at about 30 months -- on the recommendation of her daycare teacher -- and it was a disaster. She had 6 accidents in one day, was embarrassed about it, and wouldn't have anything to do with the potty for the next month or two.

    I wouldn't do panties + diapers -- I can see the appeal of the idea, but I think that's just confusing.

    FWIW, we did pretty much child-led, and with Amy at least, it has been a success. It took a long time though -- she started using the potty (sporadically) around 20 months, and only gave up the diapers one month before turning 3. But we've had almost no accidents, and I feel good about the way we handled it (though I almost gave up hope during the process).

    Sarah is now interested in underwear again, and we're telling her that she needs to keep her diaper dry and start using the potty on her own (not just when we remind her) before we'll do it. But it's a lot easier to explain that at 3 years than at 2.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(Utopia122 @ Oct 20 2008, 10:20 AM) [snapback]1033435[/snapback]
    If she's been potty training, I would definitely let her try to go without a diaper and try the panties. Sure, she will probably have an accident, but by wearing the panties she will start to understand why she has to pee in the potty. It may help her to be more consistent in her potty training. On the flip side, she may decide that she's not ready for panties. But either way, I think she will keep asking until you let her try.

    I agree with Rachel. Give it a good try with panties only and if she does well great, if not go back to diapers for awhile.
  5. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Minette @ Oct 20 2008, 07:03 PM) [snapback]1034248[/snapback]
    IMO, you can start too early. We put Sarah in underwear for one day at about 30 months -- on the recommendation of her daycare teacher -- and it was a disaster. She had 6 accidents in one day, was embarrassed about it, and wouldn't have anything to do with the potty for the next month or two.

    I wouldn't do panties + diapers -- I can see the appeal of the idea, but I think that's just confusing.

    FWIW, we did pretty much child-led, and with Amy at least, it has been a success. It took a long time though -- she started using the potty (sporadically) around 20 months, and only gave up the diapers one month before turning 3. But we've had almost no accidents, and I feel good about the way we handled it (though I almost gave up hope during the process).

    Sarah is now interested in underwear again, and we're telling her that she needs to keep her diaper dry and start using the potty on her own (not just when we remind her) before we'll do it. But it's a lot easier to explain that at 3 years than at 2.

    I completely agree here. Child-led has worked the best for us as well.

    It's interesting b/c I was talking to my friends mom a few weeks ago about potty training. Her view is that until the child can undress themselves and get up and down from the potty on their own, it is just mom training. I thought this was a very interesting way to put it.

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