Can we just NOT touch the TV? Please?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by andyra1, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. andyra1

    andyra1 Member

    We had a coffee table in front of the tv to block access, worked wonderfully for ages, but I am watching them play and right in front of me last week and they climb up on top of the coffee table. I was shocked and now I don't know what to do to rectify the problem.

    I have tried distractions, I have started new games with them, tried to get them outside (they think they're "escaping"), I try not to touch the TV in front of them. Doesn't matter if the TV is on or off, I've even unplugged it so the buttons don't do anything. I feel like a broken record of "no touching" without the coffee table in front of it. Suggestions?

    My mom doesn't see why I care and why it worries me, but with two of them, I don't want them to pull the TV down on top of themselves. She thinks I am ridiculous, and maybe I am, but I am their mom, I am allowed to be!! Besides, my mom is a Grandma, so her grandchildren can do whatever they want at her house....

    There are doors that we can close in front of the TV, maybe we should put a latch on it to keep them out......

    oh, and this is in our living room, where we like to hang out AFTER bedtime with each other, and maybe a movie.
  2. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    Put a superyard around it I have always used it to keep kids out rather than in.
  3. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I am still battling with this. My DD is almost 4!!
  4. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    We also have the superyard in front of the tv so the kids can't get to it.

  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I don't know what kind of entertainment unit you have with your tv but we have one of those units that has 2 tall side pieces and and a piece that goes across the top of those and then we have the center piece of the unit that has a glass top that our tv sits on. We actually pulled out the side pieces and put this gate between them

    It has worked amazingly for us. It's tall enough that they can't reach the tv but short enough that it doesn't interfer with anyones vision of the tv. They sometimes like to stand right at it and watch from there. It's great because it adjusts up to 60 in and tightens without mounting so it won't ruin our entertainment unit. If you don't have that kind of unit then the playyard thing sounds like a good suggestion.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had the exact same problem a few months ago. Ugh, it drove me crazy. Now I think they have gotten over it, although I probably shouldn't say anything like that. Now Trevor just likes to try and push the VCR/DVD players off the cabinet. :rolleyes:
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We have a low bookcase in front of the TV with all their toys on it -- it also blocks the DVD player and stereo. It was meant as a stopgap solution until we could put a fence up, but it worked so well we just left it that way.

    Every once in a while they try to climb the bookcase (mostly when Big Bird is on TV), but "Keep your feet on the floor" seems to work pretty well.

    Since you have doors that you can latch, I'd try that before doing anything more complicated. Maybe after a couple of weeks of not being able to get at it, they'll sort of forget about it. Worth a shot, anyway....
  8. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    We had to do cabinet latches for our entertainment unit, and a really big plastic picutre frame in from of the buttons. They can't press the buttons, but the remote still works. We get lots of fingerprints on the front of the TV still.
  9. andyra1

    andyra1 Member

    Hmmm...... this sounds like it may work for us, I will give it a try when I get home, otherwise, we may buy a superyard to fix this. My entire house is full of toys, I would like to still have a bit of a living room for us once they girls go to bed!
  10. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I just put a latch on mine. The tv is on top, so they can't reach it yet. I also had one of those kids' fold up couches in front of the tv, which for a long time kept them out of it. Now they've figured out how to move the couch - which is when I put on the latch. See pic (if you need a password, it's candy corn) There was just no way I could always keep them out of it! And I got tired of turning on the tv & getting my eardrums blasted b/c someone fiddled with the volume on the surround sound.

    It's tiring, though! If we go to someone else's house, I don't let them touch their tv. To me, it's just kind of disrepectful.
  11. ohiomom

    ohiomom Well-Known Member

    Like some of the others, we used a Superyard around our entertainment center. When they turned 2 we realized it would be eaiser for them to understand that they cannot touch the TV so we moved it. Right now the Superyard is around our office area of our greatroom. There's too much temptation there so I'm sure we'll keep it up until they are 3 and hope after that we can keep them from messing with our stuff.
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