Can someone Help me?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I hope that everyone can help a poor mom out here!
    We are having problems with napping! They aren't really taking a morning nap(I still make them stay in their cribs until the hour is up) and then the afternoon nap is only lasting 45 mins to an hour! What am I doing wrong or do you think that they are starting to transition to only 1 nap a day?
    If I don't put them down in the mornings that start acting fussy but, once I put them down it's like they get a second wind and start playing in their cribs.
    Here's our sched:
    6:30 wake & play in crib
    7:00 get up have milk with in sippies and change out of pj's..then play
    8:00 b'fast
    9:00-10:00 nap (which they haven't been sleeping!)
    10:00 sippy w/water or juice & snack
    11:45 lunch
    1:00-3:00 nap (which they are only sleeping an hour of this time!) so they are getting up & out of the crib by 2:30 at the latest!
    3:00 sippy & snack
    5:00 Supper
    6:30 Bath,storytime & Last Sippy with milk
    7:00 Bed

    Could you post your sched for me and tell me where I could change mine to either drop to 1 nap or how to make them actually sleep longer for their second?

    Thank you... I need all the help I can get!LOL
  2. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    I have a son who is 1 year 4 months and he only has one sleep now he has 1-2 hours at about 10am and then he goes down for the night at 6:30. Id say they are giving up that second sleep. Good luck!
  3. Phia713

    Phia713 Well-Known Member

    When my girls were going through that phase, we just transitioned to the afternoon nap. During the 9 am to 11 am, could you take them out to a park or find a playgroup? HTH
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I switched them to one nap at 13mos even though they weren't necessarily showing me they needed to. I needed them to for my older two's school schedule. What I would do to shift your schedule to one nap is feed them breakfast when you get them up at 7. Then keep them busy in the morning during the time they would normally be in the crib. Feed lunch a bit early, like 11, then put them down as soon as they are done. Nap from 11:30ish to 2:30. (you are really just combining the day time sleep to one session rather than two) Then snack when they get up, dinner bath bed like usual. It may take a week or two for them to start actually sleeping that whole time (or most of it) so just stick with it. Give it AT LEAST a week before you let yourself wonder if it's really working. It took almost a month for them to really start sleeping well during that time. Some nights during the transition I had to put them to bed early because they really needed that sleep they weren't getting at naptime. I hth!
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Ditto sounds like they may be ready.

    In lieu of that snack/sippy at 10, I'd hold off...go for lunch at 11 and then down around 11:30ish for a nap, then snack when they get up. Something like that. Just try to keep them entertained during the time they would ordinarily "nap."

    My boys' schedule at that age and even now is:

    6:00 wake up/breakfast
    8:00 snack
    11:00 lunch
    11:30/12:00 nap
    2:00 wake up/snack (sometimes they get up around 1:30ish sometimes 2:30)
    6:00 dinner
    6:45 bath
    7:00 bedtime
  6. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies! Right now they are playing & jumping around in their cribs during this morning nap!
    Hopefully the afternoon they will rest some. Tomorrow I will try moving the sched around where they only do one nap and see how that goes!
    Thanks Again & If anyone else has any suggestions please add them!
  7. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I think they are probably ready to drop the morning nap and hopefully will take an extended afternoon nap . . . hope so for your sake!

    I agree with a pp that you may need to take them out of the house in the mornings to help keep them up through the morning nap. What if you skip the morning snack and give them an early lunch at around 11-11:30. Then let them nap and give a good healthy afternoon snack when they wake.

    Good luck making the transition and figuring out the sleep issue.
  8. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp and keep them up, shift meals/snacks earlier so they can eat lunch before noon and take them out and get them tired. I try to do something where they are active in the morning so that they are tired when it is time for nap. I also have found that if I try to push them past when they are ready for a nap, they don't nap as well, because they are overtired. So you will have to experiment a little to see what works for you.

    Good luck making the transition and figuring out the sleep issue.
  9. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I'd adjust and go for one mid-day nap around noon (lunch around 11 or 11:15 then new diapers, stories, snuggle, etc. before bed). My boys only slept an hour at first but now they'll do anywhere from 90 minutes (Evan) to 3 hours (on a good day - James). That one nap lengthens with time. But I really recommend just forgetting the whole 2 nap thing. I struggled for 2 months and then finally at 14 months just switch to one nap and have never looked back. It's wonderful!

    7ish - up
    7:30ish - breakfast
    10ish - snack
    11:30ish - lunch
    12:30ish - nap (used to 12ish but now it's more like 12:30/12:45)
    3:30ish - snack
    5:45ish - dinner
    7ish - bed
  10. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    If they are not teething or having some other type of discomfort that could keep them awake, then I would say maybe try going to one nap. I am in FLA as well and we are lucky that we have a nice long outdoors season. When transitioning try to take them outside when they get tired in the morning. I would also recommend trying to push them back about 15 min each day until you get to 11am or so and then do that for a week and then jump right to 12:30 or 1 or whatever time you envision working. That is how we did it and it went really really well. Let me know if that does not make sense and I will try to explain better.
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