Can I please vent?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Magpie76, May 5, 2009.

  1. Magpie76

    Magpie76 Well-Known Member

    I just need to rant. I posted earlier about what my day looks like and I’ve honestly found myself steaming ever since. Here’s what I said:

    “I’m working from home halftime and taking care of the boys, so I basically get to my computer every moment they are sleeping. The cleaning is very minimal – I’ll tidy up each room just so things are presentable. And I always have to have a clean kitchen – nothing in the sink, bottles washed, etc. I get help in the afternoon so that I can pick up DS from school, run to the bank, grocery store, etc. and then do the homework, figure out dinner and so on. Work some more. Always more work. *sigh*”

    I am soooooo busy. I bring in about 60% of our income as a consultant, working from home AND raising these kids. I sleep about 4 hrs a night - on the couch! And my partner has the audacity to say – why are you so stressed out/tired/etc? I get critiqued if the trash is piling up, if the babies are sitting in their swings throughout the day, or if I haven’t gotten around to creating the chore chart I brainstormed last month after watching Supernanny! I know it’s hard to work at a desk job for 8 hours a day and come home to a tired person, messy house, etc., but come on!!!

    Am I the only one going through this? I thought this was the time where everyone is just doing their best to survive each day. It hasn’t even been 2 months since my c-section and I think I’m doing amazing. I can’t believe I’m accomplishing everything I do each day. Sometimes just making it through the days (and nights) is beyond my imagination.

    Sorry this is so long. I just needed to vent a bit I guess. :angry:
  2. Kaie05

    Kaie05 Well-Known Member

    Let me say that even though you're working half-time, I give you BIG props in my book because I surely couldn't. You ARE doing an amazing job and don't let anyone tell you different. Why don't you try to take your older DC out on a day when your partner can stay home with the twins and take care of them so that what you do on a daily basis is taken into consideration after epxeriencing it first hand? That's what I did. And my husband never once would every critique me now for not cleaning, etc. He went through what I go through all day while he's gone, and not only did he get stressed out being by himself with the twins, but he tells me everyday that he envies how I do it.

    Keep up what you're doing because you are getting through each day with healthy babies, and AT LEAST the rooms are presentable and there's no bottles laying around. There's been day when NO rooms in my house are presentable and every bottle I own is on my couch.
  3. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    Wow - sounds to me like you are doing amazing!! At 2 months pp I would not have been able to work and take care of babies. I was in survival mode, my house was/is messy, and babies spent a lot of time in swings.
    I also think that it would be good for your partner to know exactly what your day is like - at least the taking care of the babies part. I'm sure that he would be more understanding/helpful once he realizes how it really is. :hug:
  4. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    :woman:! I was a basket case the first 3 months! I would not have been able to work part time too. Is there any way you could afford a mother's helper or part time nanny to help while you are working? I sure hope you get some rest soon!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Hang in there. You are doing an amazing job. :hug:
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    OMG you are amazing!!! I mean it. I was a mess the first 3 months and could barely take care of myself (I mean it I don't think I bathed or brushed my teeth lol) You better get an amazing Mother's day gift. I am totally in awe of you!!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You are doing a fabulous job! Only getting 4 hours of sleep a night is rough! There is no way I could even balance part time work in those early days. It was a struggle for me to find time to even keep the house straightened up!
  8. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send :hug: your way. I work full time; two days of it from home due to a very understanding boss who set up the computer connection to allow this. He knew we needed the income because I am the main breadwinner in our house and I carry our health insurance. In the beginning we decided not to nit pick at each other over small household chores because they will always be there. Raising twins is hard enough and add two full time working parents to the mix is not easy. We decided to switch off sleep in days on Saturday and Sunday to allow each other to catch up on sleep a little, so I sleep an extra hour on Saturday and DH on Sunday. Maybe you could discuss you concerns and lack of sleep. Good luck.
  9. twinmommyoh

    twinmommyoh Member

    I, too, work full-time with 2 of those days being at home because of my understanding employer. I don't have any help with the babies when I'm working at home, so like you, when they nap, I'm at the computer immediately. I get no breaks, and there is certainly no time to clean the house! Are you kidding?! My work-from-home days are WAY WAY harder than my "work-at-work" days. Just wanted to send you some hugs and let you know I understand how stressful it can be. Hang in there! You can do it!

    5-month-old twin boys
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