Can he please stop screaming or can I at least get a dishwasher

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MeredithMM, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    One of my boys is a screamer. I know it's somewhat normal at this age, but he is SO loud and the pitch of his screams is just downright painful. He gets frustrated easily, and at 14 months is already trying really hard to speak. He can say a few things, but he wants to communicate more. I started doing baby sign with them early on, but neither of them seems to really pick it up. He knows more words than signs. I don't get it.

    Anyway, it's starting to kind of drive me crazy. He screams so much these days I feel on edge all the time just waiting for the next ear piercing wail. He had an ear infection last week, and it seems to be better. But maybe that is making it worse. I don't know. He also recently starting walking and also seems extra bossy and pushy with his twin brother.

    And as for the dishwasher....I am just would really, really love to have one some days. Especially on those days when I am being screamed at. Doing dishes by hand, especially when you cook for a family of four for all three meals a day, is just so time consuming. Just felt the need to gripe. Thanks for understanding. Anyone else manage without a dishwasher? I could use a pep talk. haha.

    Plus, and I swear I'll shut up after this, I've been sick and I just feel so exhausted. I would love to talk to my mother. She died two years ago before the boys were born. Some days not having a mom around is really hard. Today is one of those days.

    Thanks for listening. Any thoughts on the screaming are much appreciated.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of my kids went through that screaming phase when they could not communicate what they wanted to. It drove me :wacko: I would say that 14-18-19ish months was really hard for me...once the kids could start verbalizing their needs better, the screaming went down dramatically (as did the pushing stuff too). Having an ear infection does not help matters either and Mom feeling sick and stressed out does not help in dealing with it. I hope you are feeling better soon and that your little guy feels better soon. This is one of those tough stages, so hang tough Momma!
    I also do not have a dishwasher, unless I can label myself differently and we don't have a hook up for a dishwasher in our house (or room in the kitchen) and I told my DH that when we get another house, some day, it has to have a dishwasher.
    I am also sorry for the loss of your Mom :hug:
  3. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    No ideas, just wanted to let you know I am right there with you. My DS gets frustrated very easily and is often screaming about something. He screams when happy just to hear himself scream and he screams in a high pitched whiny way when upset. Just when he started to get a little better with communicating he hit the tantrum phase! I would say keep using the signs consistently. All of a sudden ours picked up and started using a lot of them, but I think they were about 15 m when it happened.
  4. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies.
    I appreciate the feedback.

    I am glad to hear that all of a sudden they pick up the signs. I thought for sure they would be using them by now, but maybe they will have a sign explosion or something.

    I think I am going to get some ear plugs this afternoon. I can still hear them, but hopefully that will cut down on the pain in my ear.

    Thanks again!
  5. rkokinda

    rkokinda Well-Known Member

    I have one whiner and one screamer. No advice, just lots of :grouphug: .
  6. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    My son (almost 21 months) likes to scream sometimes too but I've found that it's mostly when he's tired. Every so often I have to get him to take an extra nap and that seems to help but getting him down for that nap can be pretty frustrating too. He also just screams when overwhelmed with emotion (like when he's really happy that dad is home from work or I come home from the store. No solution for that one though. Luckily the "good" screaming is short lived. :)

    I don't know that is much help... but my heart goes out to you. It'll get better! And I say go ahead and talk to your Mom :) She may have passed but it's clear that she's alive in your heart. I wish I could have my mom around too.
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice about the screaming, but when things get really bad at my place dish-wise, I pull out the cheap paper plates. I've even done this on Thanksgiving when I was overwhelmed. :blush: And I *have* a dishwasher! :lol:
  8. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    We went through a screaming phase. It was called September and 1/2 of October. Then one day, it stopped. We were so shellshocked, it took us a week to stop feeling like we were walking on eggshells. There is only so much you can do but you need to take a break. Can dishes wait until after bedtime? That is when i finally could get things done.


    We lived off paper plates and bowls. I know it is not environmentally friendly but it was better than not having dishes.
  9. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have screamers. They are better now than they were, but there was a period where I thought I was going to lose my hearing and my mind. Mine are still not talking but they've figured out how to express themselves better, they aren't teething at the moment (I think!) and they have longer attention spans so they don't need me to entertain them as long. So, it gets better.. I totally agree with ear plugs though!

    Oh, and a dishwasher doesn't help if no one actually loads and empties it either. Even with a dishwasher I find myself hand washing a LOT of stuff!
  10. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    DS is a screamer and I have started witholding things I know he wants if he screams for it. Like if I am feeding him and he screams for more or screams for his cup I won't give it until he asks nice. He usually then points and does a little grunt and I give him what he wants. It seems to be getting better. He still screams really loud when his sister steals his toys but there isn't much I can do about that yet. And sorry about your Mom. Not sure what I would do without mine.
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wavey: screamers/squealers here too! That ear splitting/window shattering squeal of glee when they chase each other is just as bad as the screaming in anger! :lol: It does get better once their verbal skills start to take off, but mine will still let off a shriek every once in awhile that makes my toes curl!

    And as for a dishwasher....we have 6 people in our family, most days the dishwasher runs once, sometimes twice a day, and i still have to wash some dishes :faint: I totally ditto the paper plates sometimes, I keep a pack stashed for when I'm overwhelmed and don't want to have to mess with usually coincides with take out pizza night! :good: And I prepared ahead with my 2nd child and the twins, we bought paper plates, plastic cups and silverware before I had the baby/babies, so i was dishes free for at least a month after each birth! :D
  12. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry. I have a screamer too, in fact that's all she does most days. She is actually the most miserable child I have ever had. :( It really sucks.

    I can't remember when but it was between 15 months and 18 months that my last dd was constantly whining and it took a while but I taught her the word help and oh what a difference that made! Her asking for help cutely was so much better than the screaming! Unfortunately I don't think that will work on my dd twin as she is just a miserable little gal in general. We haven' called her princess pissy pants form day one for nothing! (Although I had hoped by 14 months we would have left that nickname behind!)

    We have a dishwasher but as others have said it has to be loaded and unloaded and sometimes runs 2 times a day for this family of 6 and i still do some dishes by hand. I second buying paper plates!

    So sorry on the loss of your mother! Mine lives 18 hours away and I so wish I had family close by. :hug:
  13. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    Chellebelle I picked up princes pissy pants along time ago from you. What an awesome name for a difficult girl
  14. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    heehee well my hubby is actually to thank for that nickname lol!
  15. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    So they make these countertop dishwashers that you hook right up to the faucet. I used to have on---take a look at them.
  16. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Aside from the first couple months, 12-18 months was by far the hardest. They want to communicate but can't well. They learn to walk but don't listen. Ugh. After 18 months, it was enormously easier!
  17. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ladies. It helps to know at least I am not alone.
    I thought to myself today that this feels almost as hard as when they were newborns. I never in a million years thought I would think something like that!!

    I do think a lot of it is frustration. I have taught them babysigns, but they still have yet to pick up on them. Surely they will begin using them soon. They sure do love to use the words they know.

    Just out of curiosity, how long does it take for the ringing in your ears to go away? I meant to get ear plugs today, but we had some company and I didn't get my errands run. The insides of my ears throb and itch. Maybe they will grow up to be great singers.
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