Can anyone remember your solids schedule

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kellytwinmom, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    After looking through schedules posted in a sticky I am a little more confused then before. Can anyone suggest/comment on their feeding in a quick write up

    (4 months, one serving of rice cereal once a day.
    4.5 months, two servings of rice cereal after bottle (or after playing for a half an hour...which ever way
    5 months, added a veggie at 10 am and at 5 pm, introduced a new veggie after a week).

    (Also I know everyone does things at different ages)

    The girls are growing so quickly and I am just not sure what the correct next step is, how much and when. I know everyones schedule is different but any suggestions/experience would be very helpful!
  2. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    After posting I realized I should be a little more specific.

    Once introducing veggies, do you continue with rice? So could you do rice in the morning, veggies in the afternoon? If my girls stay up for 1.5 hours at a time (getting longer and longer as the days go by, should I give them their bottle when they wake up and then play a bit and then feed a veggie?)

    (Side, note...on a paper I was given at my Peds. appt it said "always feed solids before formula or breastfeeding". I was quite surprised to see that as that is not what I was thinking, nor have read before.)
  3. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    QUOTE(Kellytwinmom @ Jul 5 2008, 01:56 AM) [snapback]860828[/snapback]
    After posting I realized I should be a little more specific.

    Once introducing veggies, do you continue with rice? So could you do rice in the morning, veggies in the afternoon? If my girls stay up for 1.5 hours at a time (getting longer and longer as the days go by, should I give them their bottle when they wake up and then play a bit and then feed a veggie?)

    (Side, note...on a paper I was given at my Peds. appt it said "always feed solids before formula or breastfeeding". I was quite surprised to see that as that is not what I was thinking, nor have read before.)

    My twins are just a little over 6 months old. Here's what I do. Breatfeed in the morning when they wake up. After about 1/2 hour we go downstairs and I feed them rice cereal and mix fruit into the bowl. At lunchtime I give them a meat and then a vegetable. At dinnertime I give them another fruit and sometimes and additional veggie. My doctor told me to feed them 3 times a day.

    My doctor also said to just give them 4 bottles (breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime). But I breastfeed in the morning and right before they go to bed and then 3 bottles during the day.

    Hopefully, this helped you.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    When I started solids I did it between two bottles, so they were hungry but not starving. After you start veggies or fruit you can continue rice or oatmeal. We did one meal for a long time (5 1/2 months to 8 months) so I mixed veggies or fruit with the cereal- this helped my spitter keep it down a little better. GL!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We started solids at 4 months (our duo is now 6 months) kind of went like this:

    8am: rice cereal and then bottles (we would start off with 2 tbsp and are up to 6 tbsp now)
    11am: vegetable and then bottles (we had the go through all the stage one veggies before we did fruit, we tried the same veggie for several days)
    2pm: fruit (this started for us around 5 months) and bottles
    5pm: will be adding some cereal here and a stage two food & bottles
    8 pm: nightime bottles.

    We are going to have them try oatmeal and barley as well, this will start soon.

    I hope that helps some! Good luck!
  6. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    We only did one meal till 8 months old. Just recently at 9 months old I started 3 meals per day. I just gave them one meal, usually brunch when they got up from their first nap. Some days they did not get a meal at all and were fine. My ped. said to give after breast/formula b/c breast/formula is their main source of nutrition the first year.
  7. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say that we've been told to always give formula first before solids. LIke a pp said, that is their most important source of nutrition until a year.
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