can anyone recommend a easy to use carrier (bjorn?)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by healer27, May 11, 2010.

  1. healer27

    healer27 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, I'm scheduled to have my little ones on 5/24 if all goes well. I currently have a 21/2 year old at home. I was thinking a carrier, probabl 2 would be good for being able to handle things with 3 kiddos. I know slings were recalled but I did't hear anything about harder carriers like the baby bjorn? Has anyone used these and would you recommend them? i bought one similar to the bjorn for my daughter when she was born but it was so difficult to get her in and out of I gave up on it. so I'm looking for something easy to put on and get babies in and out of. thakns for any advice.
  2. baby_boo

    baby_boo Member

    an ergo is fairly easy once you get it set up the first time
    I've heard good things about a mei tai too

    keep your eye on sites like mamabargains, babyhalfoff an babysteals as carriers are sometimes there on sale!
  3. pandax3

    pandax3 Well-Known Member

    DH and I loved the Baby Bjorns (The navy blue with Anchor) when DS was a baby which made everything very easy to carry him around. Also worked really well with us going places like Disney(DS went for the first time at 4 months). I also got another Baby Bjorn (navy with red) for me so we can both carry the twins and still be able to run after DS. Carriers are great and it allows you have your hands free. I perfer the Baby Bjorn ones rather than other brands(Infantino).
  4. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

    i like meitais (lots of brands out there, my favorites are baby hawk, ergo, sweet slings, hibiscus baby ntmt)
    i also love using ring slings - sweet slings
    and also wraps - didymos, wrapsody, and maya
  5. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I really like the ergo but bought it when my twins were 6 months old so I don't know much about the newborn insert.
    I have heard good things about this
  6. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    My DH and I loved our Baby Bjorns. They were great, at first because we were hands free, and then later because the babies could look out and see the world. One day we retired our beloved BBs because the girls were long enough (and wearing shoes) so that they would kick DH in a delicate spot.

    Then we upgraded to the Ergo, which we're still enjoying.

    Pros and cons:

    Both - easy to get babe into, two snaps and nothing to tie. soft fabric can be thrown in a bag or the washer.

    BB - can wear newborns, baby looks out. But not terribly easy on your back, babes outgrow fairly quickly.

    Ergo - three ways of carrying; when needed I can wear two babes at once. There's a pocket that fits a diaper, plastic bag, napkin and wallet. Can potentially remove without waking baby. love the sleeping hood. new patterns aren't as cute as they should be, and no outwards facing position.
  7. healer27

    healer27 Well-Known Member

    Hi Gena! thansk for that info? were your girls monozygotic? just saw that you had mz written at the bottom of the post? just asking because I am having mono/mono twins been here in the hospital for 7 weeks now!! :)

  8. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    Yup! Mine are monozygotic. I had a great maternal-fetal-medicine practice, so I have to take their word that our girls were di-di, although I strongly suspect they were mono-di. We only found out about the twins at a routine u/s at 19 weeks, and at that point the placentas had fused. I got a look at it after birth and it sure looked like one placenta to me, but clearly, I'm not an expert. We confirmed that the girls were identical with a DNA test.

    Another reason I suspect mono-di is that my girls were a pound apart at birth. Which I feel is a big deal. MZ twins, at 5.12 and 6.11 lbs each, that's almost a 20% weight difference. And I still feel weird about it. Like my body let Baby B down, by not providing enough nutrition. I just don't get how that could have happened in a di-di pregnancy. I don't suspect TTTS, just unequal sharing. I've asked a couple docs about it and haven't gotten a good answer.

    But I share that because even though my MZ girls weighed a pound apart at birth, Baby B is perfect. She is very nearly as tall as her sister, just ever so slightly smaller in every way. Still skinnier, and a totally different appetite. But they hit all their milestones exactly the same - teeth came in together, rolled over together, walked together. I can't say who did what first. Really, they've been developing just the same. Very different personalities, but both girls are wonderful. (FWIW - I think the personality difference has something to do with their in utero housing. Izzy was lodged behind the monster placenta, so her world was sheltered. Now she's more introspective, and Belle's the attention hound.)

    The only negative effect on Baby B was depleted iron stores, a common issue in lower birth weight babes. I made sure she got iron supplements and iron rich foods, and now she's great.

    Hope your hospital stay is uneventful and spa-like. Read lots of positive stories and try to enjoy yourself!
  9. medicinemansgirl

    medicinemansgirl Well-Known Member

    Sleepywrap for newborns all the way up to 6 months and even beyond. Ergo for 6+ months. I"ve never don ethe newborn insert with the Ergo. Thought f trying it out with this baby but am too in love with the sleepywrap. We've used both the sleepywrap and Ergo with our 5 yrs old....and with every baby since them and have loved every minute of both. The Baby Bjorn just didn't cut it for me and the slings were so frustrating due to having to have the fit just right. I LOVE both the sleepywrap and Ergo. Both are easy on the back and shoulders and comfy to wear. I just ordered a 2nd sleepywrap since we've used our 1st so much. I have to time it just right when I wash it so that it's ready to go all the time. we have a 2nd! And I love how affordable they are! We took the Ergo on vacation last year from TX to the outer banks of NC and loved it. It traveled well, fit in the smallest places and even with her being 10 months old felt like she weighed nothing. Both sleepywrap and Ergo fit in the diaper bag....a huge must for me.

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