Calling all New Years Eve Twins

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by smitch, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. smitch

    smitch Well-Known Member

    It MUST be a New Years Eve baby thing! Our LOs seem to be losing it! LOL... I just find it odd that they are each displaying the same/similar behavior--of course, maybe it is just that this is "normal" behavior for babies at their exact age??

    And don't even get me started on the monkey business at diaper change time...UGH!!!! I can't keep them STILL! Am I losing my mind or what???

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Ahh! That is TOO funny. Well, I am reassured to know that it's not just our household that is starting to go crazy. :) We're in it together, ladies! These girls of ours... (all in all, aren't they wonderful, though?)
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I just had to chime in...even though mine are older...mine have been going crazy lately, too. Maybe it is a New Year's Eve thing! :D
  4. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    :rofl: how funny!! Do yours have 666 on the forehead aswell?

    Sorry but it really cheers me up.. knowing that i'm not the only one dealing with little beasts! When i'm not in a rush to get anywhere i'm finding the defiance quite amusing, she is just so cute even when she's whiny and awkward!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I agree, Liz - while the screaming, arching, whiny, somewhat defiant behavior is annoying if I'm trying to get out the door, I actually think it is cool otherwise. I mean, this is the first that she is showing a sense of independence, of her own opinion, and of trying to make something happen (I think crawling, she's scooting backwards an awful lot these days) and she's frustrated. The first time that she's able to express those emotions. Of course, I feel bad that she gets so frustrated, but its just so darn cute too. :)

    Now, if this continues for a couple of years, I may have a different opinion. I'm just glad they're hitting me with this one at a time. I can expect something like this from the other one in a few weeks, I bet.
  6. smitch

    smitch Well-Known Member

    This is too funny....I didn't realize we all have girls on top of the New Years Eve thing! And only one of our girls is going nuts!

    I too, find her antics amusing...when I'm not trying to get somewhere or do something else! Oh, and Payton is just beginning to move forward--she was also doing the "backwards scoot" and now she puts her hands waaay in front of her and then propels herself forward! She looks like a little leapfrog! Too cute! And now, Zoe, her sissy, is doing the backwards scoot. I have this feeling that both of them will be mobile VERY soon! Both of them are sitting up unassisted now. They do have their moments, though, when they topple over, but for the most part they are doing pretty good at sitting up with no help!

    To New Years Eve baby girl twins...and the 3-year olds too (Utopia122). ;)

    You realize we are all going to be the "go-to" parents for New Years Eve every year....oohh boy!
  7. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    I just love the fact that everybody across the globe is celebrating our kidiies birthday! lol I was worried about there birthday being overlooked because of xmas and new years but i'm getting more used to the idea now, any excuse to have a another party!

    Amber is definately more mobile! I used to leave her on the rug in the lounge and be confidant she wouldn't go off it onto the hardfloor but she is allover the place now doing multiple rolls. Last night i was putting Ruby to bed and i looked across at Amber to find her up on all fours staring at us :shok: It was so bizarre! Where did my baby go? Ruby seems to meet all her milestones a few wks after Amber so no doubt we will go through this stage again but i will be wiser to the tricks this time lol

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    OK, ladies - add mine to the list of "mobile"! Claire (the fussy one) took her first few crawls yesterday. I suspected that something was up when on Tuesday she started doing real push-ups: on arms and toes! Then yesterday, she was reaching for a toy and couldn't quite get it. She did a push up, started revving her little legs like pistons, and finally her knees hit the ground and - jolt - off she went, like a little grasshopper. It was SO cute and she was really proud of herself.

    And not to be left behind, little Aubrey tried to move right along with her sister. When she couldn't reach her toy, she stretched her little body out, fingertips to toenails to try to get it. With no success, she kept her chest on the floor, arms stretched towards the prize, and slowly - deliberately, raised her little bum up in the air, pulled her knees up under her, and pushed off from her feet to move just far enough forward to get that toy!

    So I have a grasshopper and an inchworm over here. And it doesn't surprise me one bit, as it completely matches their personalities! I was surprised since neither one sits up on her own yet... but they are getting really close to that, I think. Liz - do your girls sit unassisted yet?
  9. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Oh Stacy that's absolutley fantastic :banana: I hope you are baby safe right now lol
    Yes the girlies are sitting up unassisted and i'm sure that Amber is so close to crawling aswell. Wow, i bet your so proud of them, if a little sad that they are growing up so quick! Hoepfully this will put paid to Claire's out of character behaviour too. How Exciting hehehehe x
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