Calling All Moms of Babies 4 months and older...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lbrooks, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Hi, Looking for advice on a few things.

    I'm learning from my mistakes already! I abandoned the bottle at 2 weeks to make sure that my girls would be good worked and they are now not taking a bottle which is very sad for me (never a break) so I learned and would tell a mom of a two week old to continue to periodically give the bottle. That got me thinking...I would like to ask every mother:


    About sleeping, about eating, about anything...habits etc. Is there something you wish you would have done when they were 2-3 months to make 4+ months easier in any category? I'd love to learn from you if you have a moment to share...

    Oh, and if you have some magic answer to getting a baby to take a bottle I'd love to know that too.

  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Have you tried different types of bottles or having DH or someone other than you offer a bottle?

    My only advice would be let them sleep wherever they want too so that you can sleep too. But at 4 months mine were just starting to go into their cribs. Another thing is be consistent.
  3. Schoebdoo

    Schoebdoo Well-Known Member

    Sleep when they sleep or Go to bed when they go to bed. DW tried to "Get things done" while they slept and ended up going 24 hours with only two hours of sleep in 1/2 hour increments.
  4. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member


    That I cannot control what these babies do... that life is so much better if I STOP stressing about naps, feedings, night time, etc. and just enjoy my precious boys. I wish I had not spent the first few months of their lives stressing so much over them taking naps at the right time, or eating at the right time, going to sleep at the right time, waking up at the right time. I have just recently learned that they are going to do what they want to do... regardless of what my plans are or what other babies are doing or what the books say they should be doing. And when I just go with the flow we all have a much better day. I enjoy them so much more now that I'm not worrying all day because they only took a 30 minute morning nap. I've learned to say oh well! Hopefully the next one will be better... on with the day!

    Enjoy those babies!! It goes by SO fast!
  5. 2moregirls

    2moregirls Active Member

    QUOTE(girls! @ Nov 16 2007, 05:06 PM) [snapback]499208[/snapback]
    Oh, and if you have some magic answer to getting a baby to take a bottle I'd love to know that too.


    Back when I nursed my 3yr I learned that to get her to take a bottle I had to be out of her sight. If I wasn't around she would take a bottle with little to no problem. Unfortunatly this time around I can only give my girls bottles, medical issues. I would try leaving the room and see if it will work.
  6. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    For twins, most "baby books" are good only for door stoppers. But, the one thing I wish I would have done is to call my pedi earlier about my son't reflux. I felt like a weenie and didn't want to bother her with some kind of freaked out mother question. Don't EVER feel like you are bothering your pedi!!!!
  7. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Be consistent. I wish I had kept my girls on a consistent schedule - they'd be much better sleepers now if I had.....
  8. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I wish I had had more patience with their crying.

    I am happy with the way I did most things. Not too much I would change, honestly. Other than the patience. Ugh!!
  9. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Try giving them bottles when they are still half asleep, wake them up a few minute early and have the bottle already ready. One of mine is throwing fits with the bottle as well. THis works and she is getting better. She will suck for a while and then realizes it is the bottle. Then I stop and nurse her. She is slowly getting better. IT is worth a try.

    THe things I have done I alway think of the long term affects. If you want them to sleep anywhere, put them to sleep many different places. If you don't want them to wake up with noise, have noise around when they are sleeping. If you don't want them to only sleep in the dark, have them sleep in the light often. If you want them to like carseats and the car, take them places several times a week. If you want them to take bottle, give one each day. If you don't want to have to go through an elaborate routine to get them to sleep, never start.

    In the short term it makes things a little harder, but the long term is much better. Good luck
  10. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice. I want to minimize the times I have to say "I wish I had started _________ earlier." I appreciate the help.
  11. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I wish i realised earlier that my girls are two individuals with their own personalities and not fret for the first 8 weeks cos they dont sleep at the same time dont feed at the same time and have different schedules. If i had gone with their schedules i would have stressed less. Now i know better, oh and let them sleep where ever, so you will get the more sleep
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