Calling all ID Mommies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Ericka B, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]For those of you with ID twins does one resemble you and one DH yet somehow they look the same? If that's even possible.

    I have really never questioned whether my boys were ID or Fraternal. I have always thought ID becuase they always looked so much alike and with all the peri appointments and u/s the doctors were always pretty sure that there was only one placenta. The only things that make me wonder are that the doc who delivered them, well lets just say she was tired that day. I was her 9th section and 3rd set of twins that day! She and Dh looked at the placenta and she couldn't see where two had fused but I don't think she was really that concerned. The older they get the less and less they look alike and people always say that James looks like me and Jack looks more like DH (maybe DH and I just look alike). So here are some pictures of them when they were smaller, individually and recently. Opinions please, I never thought I would be questioning this!

    Jack and James at 4 months
    Jack and James together
    [/SIZE]Me and Dh
  2. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    I think they look very identical! The main difference I see is one has more hair than the other!
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I think they look most alike in their 4 month picture but still think they are ID. I was not able to tell who they looked like. Do you have one picture with all of you in it?
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I would say ID too! They are super cute!
  5. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Identical for sure
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I know it sounds weird but I totally know what you're saying. My boys are ID also and my Jesse looks just like his dad .. and Jayden looks like his older sister, Ally. Maybe its facial expressions or something ?? :)
  7. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    YES! We have this!! Nicolas looks more like me than Gabe.. Gabe looks like Daddy!

    Yours are 100% identical too. It's just nuts how WE think they look different cuz we're their parents. I see almost no resemblance in mine!! It's nuts!
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    mine are ID (one placenta), and ivana looks like DH and marina looks like me! i don't get it!
  9. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I definitely think yours look ID. One of my boys has more hair than the other too. But I do think that one of mine looks more like my older son as a baby and the other just looks different to me. DH thinks I'm nuts, and says he can only tell them apart if he concentrates really hard, and that it's impossible from the back. Well, Yeah?! :rolleyes: I think he's crazy for not being able to tell them apart. :D
  10. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    It has always been said that Micah looks just like me and Lucas looks just like dh yet noone can tell them apart.
  11. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    I think your boys look very similar. I can't see how one looks more like one parent than the other. I actually have a very similar story. I had at least 50 ultrasounds while I was pregnant which all said mono di twins. Even after they were born, the pathology report on my placenta said "gross evidence of twin to twin transfusion" which is only possible with mono di twins. So my girls don't look identical at all to me, however there is a 4lbs weight difference between them. Many people have commented that one looks more like me and the other like my husband. Most days I have a very hard time believing they are identical so I know how you feel!
  12. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    We think the same thing about our boys. Ben looks just like Dh when he was a baby and Jake looks just like me when I was baby. Even the people in our family that think they look completely identical agree that Ben reminds them of Dh and Jake reminds them of me. As far as your boys Ericka... they are identical as it gets!! And SO cute!

  13. rudy893

    rudy893 Member

    We had been told throughout the whole pregnancy that our twins would be fraternal, only to deliver & be told they were actually definatly ID's. But I've asked my OB a few times if he played hooky the week they learned about fraternal or ID in med school cause our oldest has my dark hair & eyes, the younger has blonde hair & gray blue eyes like my husband (eyes are still changing some at almost 5 mo.) But my Dr. ran tests & says they are ID & they will change quite a bit as they grow up & look more & more alike.
  14. ShelbyJ

    ShelbyJ Well-Known Member

    We had our boys tested, and they are definitely identical, but everyone says that Seth looks like me and Noah looks like his daddy. We decided that it must be their expressions. Seth is the little goofball and has his eyebrows up most of the time - apparently I'm a goofball, too!
  15. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I thought when I saw my boys for the first time- Van looks like dh and Finn looks like me. I think your boys are defintely id. My twin and I had periods of our lives when we looked more alike than others. We had pictures done every year growing up and some years we barely looked like siblings let alone twins, but other years you couldn't tell us apart. Your boys are adorable, I love the 2 bottom teeth- so cute!
  16. erinkontos

    erinkontos Well-Known Member

    Your boys are soooo adorable and definitely seem ID to me. Even the way their hair grows seems to be the exact same pattern. It's so cute!
    I have had the same experience throughout my pregnancy saying my boys are ID and now I feel it's questionable! I guess any difference in weight and head shape can throw us off...
    Beautiful family!
  17. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Buttercup1 @ Apr 30 2008, 01:54 AM) [snapback]747023[/snapback]
    I think your boys look very similar. I can't see how one looks more like one parent than the other. I actually have a very similar story. I had at least 50 ultrasounds while I was pregnant which all said mono di twins. Even after they were born, the pathology report on my placenta said "gross evidence of twin to twin transfusion" which is only possible with mono di twins. So my girls don't look identical at all to me, however there is a 4lbs weight difference between them. Many people have commented that one looks more like me and the other like my husband. Most days I have a very hard time believing they are identical so I know how you feel!

    I can see how you would think your girls look different but if you evened out the weight difference they would look EXACTLY the same! They are gorgeous girls and getting so big.
  18. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I think your boys look identical! Jake is a mini me of Jeff and Ryan looks like the babies on my side of the family, but we're still thinking frat.
  19. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    I think my ID girls look SO different. They have a 3+ pound difference between them, though... They both look like my son looked as a baby, though, and they definitely look like siblings. We had TTTS, confirmed by a placenta pathology report, so we know they're ID, but sometimes it's hard to believe:

    I also think that the twins pics I have seen look ID to me, although I can see what you're saying about the weight difference making it hard to believe!

  20. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I totally get what you are talking about. I think Maddy looks just like my dad and Micky looks alot like my older DD. Funny thing is that whenever I get THE question "Which one is the boy?" Everyone thinks Micky is the boy. Weird!

    Micky's face narrows near the eyes, perhaps this is why???

    I already do not know which is which in this one:

    Maddy left, Micky right:

    More recent, Maddy L, Micky R:
  21. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I think they look incredibly identical. They are adorable!!

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    I am so proud I am not the only one with identicals that look different in a way. I always thought Hope looks like her daddy and Grace looks more like me. When they were first born my dad said that Grace looked just like I did when I was a baby. I think it must be facial expressions because Hope is always has a twinkle in her eye and so does my dh. Grace always seems to have a more serious look on her face like me. Not to mention they have different head shapes. It is pretty easy to tell them apart unless I put a hat on them.
  23. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    They are so cute!

    I think ID.
    I also have one who is more like DH--it's a facial expression thing. And one who is more like me (actually looks like my dad to me, but I guess I look like him to other people.)
  24. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    We think this about our girls too. It's because Ainsley is a pound bigger, mostly in her cute chubby cheeks! So she looks like daddy, while Anni looks a little more like me especially around her eyes, which are shaped ever so slightly different.

    nO one else can see what we think are huge differences...

    for example, your boys look exactly alike to me!
  25. lindsay084

    lindsay084 Well-Known Member

  26. Soon2Bmotherof3

    Soon2Bmotherof3 Well-Known Member

    Yours are definitely ID and know just what you are talking one daughter "looks" like me and the other "looks" like her brother (who is a clone of his father). Nice to read that other people with ID's feel this way too. The other thing about my girls is that we always think that we are going to go to the doctor and find that Hailey has outgrown Reese by a pound or so and people are always asking us if Hailey is the bigger one, but everytime we go they are the same weight or a half ounce apart. So Hailey just looks bigger which is probably why I think she looks more like her brother did.
  27. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    Ericka, your boys are so obviously ID! :) I've had my doubts here and there about my girls, but I KNOW they had one placenta. It was confirmed numerous times throughout my pregnancy by different doctors. And I saw the placenta for myself afterwards. There's no way it was two that had merged! I think people (myself included) just think ID twins should be identical. But they're monozygotic! So many things can affect appearance just slightly. So now I know head shape isn't totally just genetic, since my girls have different head/face shapes...probably because of position in the womb. :D Also, in pictures where my girls are looking in the exact same direction or have the same expression they look a lot alike. But in pictures where one's smiliing/one's not, etc. then they maybe don't look as much alike. KWIM? I wouldn't waste money on testing if I were you. :)

    Oh, I especially like to compare my girls toes/feet, etc. because they look almost exactly alike. I can also compare them to my older DD, whose features are totally different from theirs. Since you don't have any other kids yet, you don't have that option. ;)

    I'll post a couple pics in a separate thread in a while...
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