Caleb's First Haircut (couln't handle both boys at once)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by serranoboys, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    So we thought about going to one of the fancy pants kiddie salons but the thought of spending $40 and possibly hating their hair (and having someone else to blame...why is that always so much worse than blaming yourself?!) just bugged us. So we decided to strap 'em in the high chair with a lollipop and some cartoons and give it a whirl. There was VERY little fussing, maybe 5 seconds or so. As for the skill involved...well, let's just say neither of us will be setting up at the nearest barber shop any time soon. I cut it first and when I was "done" and after a 10 second jaw-dropped stare we both burst into laughter. DH asked if he could give it a shot and thank goodness I agreed. It's much shorter than I had anticipated, but I actually like it. I had to fight back the tears (I try not to let the boys know I'm such a cry-baby) and insisted that we wait another 3 years before we do Braxton's. We'll see. I think now that we are over the intial shock we might take them somewhere to have them clean it up a bit. Well, here he is! The new Caleb :D

    Before/After side by side:)
    My big boy
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Aww, that came out great!! Soooo cute!!
  3. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Too cute! That first hair cut makes them really look like little people instead of babies. He is adorable (okay, they both are!)
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I really like it!! He looks so cute -- AND, I don't think it makes him look too grown up. I'm gonna laugh if you really wait a long time before cutting Braxton's, heehee.

    I'm so impressed you did it yourself -- did you use scissors? Do you put any product in the boys' hair? I feel like I need to play with some mousse or gel or something. :D

    I can't even fathom cutting Kevan's hair at home. It took two of us nearly sitting on him at the salon, while the woman got one snip in about every two minutes, LOL. We kind of figured, since it often takes two of us just to change his diaper, or wipe his nose -- the kid is a nut. (I paid $18 at Snip-Its -- probably worth it for what the poor stylist had to go through!)

    Now I can't wait to see Braxton's -- and if you do wait, I look forward to seeing the side-by-side holiday pictures! :lol:
  5. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I think he looks adorable! I don't see any need to take him to a salon... unless you carved up the back of his head and we can't see it - lol! Good job!
  6. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I think it's adorable!
  7. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Wow, wish I had been brave enough to conquer the first haircut at home! After Aiden's extreme cut, I was almost in tears. They took everything :(, but he really needed it since it was so out of control. When I put Conner in the chair, I specifically told him to leave it 'longer' so that he still looked somewhat baby-ish! It took Aiden's a while to fill in & now it's got this awful cowlick that stands straight up in the back & his natural wave doesn't help it :). However, now that their hair has grown out a bit, I'm happy to say I did NOT cut off all their curls (my inital freak out was that I had)! I took a scissors to Aiden in the bathtub last night to fix some stray crazies, but I just can't touch Conner's. I think I may grow his out all cute like Britney Spears's little boys :). I'd like them both to have similar hair cuts, but Aiden's is so thin & frizzy (like Mama) that I'm not sure it'll ever happen!

    Sorry, I got side tracked...I mainly came to post how handsome he looks (before AND after)! You did a FABULOUS job! Good luck bracing yourself enough to do Braxton!!!!!
  8. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Very cute and I think y'all did a great job.

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    very cute. You and your dh did a wonderful job.
  10. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    WTG!! :banana: I think it looks great! We recently went to one of those 'fancy pants kiddie salons' just to get the girls hair trimmed. <_< 40 bucks later, their hair is MAYBE 1/2 inch shorter. We just needed it cleaned up so it would grow evenly. I was not very happy with the prices. :angry: I'm not sure what we'll try next time. You guys want to come cut our girls' hair?! :lol:
  11. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    It looks wonderful. I don't think you need to take him anywhere else!
  12. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Good job!! Very handsome!
  13. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Wow! I think it looks great! I have yet to find a good solution to cutting James' hair...he fights us with every snip. We're left with an uneven cut...yours looks fantastic!!!
  14. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    He is so freaking cute!! He looks all grown up with his new haircut!!
  15. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    So Cute!! :wub:
  16. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I'm glad you like it :D . Just an update - we did NOT cut Braxton's tonight as we had intended and I'm pretty sure we'll come up with some excuses not to tomorrow night as well. I'm thinking this will end up one of those ongoing jokes like the time we werein college and both bet to see who could go without renewing their registration sticker the longest (I won by the way...over a YEAR and no, we were dumb.)

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Oct 28 2008, 06:52 PM) [snapback]1045819[/snapback]
    I'm so impressed you did it yourself -- did you use scissors? Do you put any product in the boys' hair? I feel like I need to play with some mousse or gel or something. :D

    We did use shears. The only scissors I had were my sewing scissors and I wasn't about to use those. I actually just recently started using product in their hair but I don't thin it's anything you'd be intersted in. It's more like a moisturizer (for Black hair) than a holding or texturizing product...though I am considering using a gel now that it's shorter. My husband just has something against men using product and he says once we start using it, they'll hae to use it for the rest of their loves :rolleyes: .
  17. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    OMG your boys are SOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    SO cute!! I totally agree with the "I'd rather screw it up myself" concept. I have been cutting Jackson's hair myself for a few months now... and I think he looks cute enough. Eventually, we'll go pro, but for now this works.

    I am SO glad that Jacob has almost no hair. I don't think I could have handled having to part with TWO little guys' baby hair at once!
  19. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    SOOOOOO super cute! you (both) did a great job!!

    are you serious? $40 for a kiddie haircut? and here i thought the place just behind our house was too much for $70 pesos LOL that's like $6 US dollars now that i think about it!! ($70 is what DH pays for his haircuts), and just last august the kiddie place was only $60 pesos, so it went up and i was complaining. plus, this time they left bear's a bit long and i was saying i wasn't going to take him back and pay ANOTHER $70 pesos :)

    anywho, it looks great, IMO you should really do braxton's! (or drive south of the border and have someone here do it LOL)
  20. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    :good: Looks fantastic! Of course I don't think your little cutie pie could look anything less then darling no matter the haircut.

    lol...that's funny about the car registration thing. We have ours paid but I haven't put the sticker on. I've just been waiting to get pulled over ;)
  21. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    Caleb looks handsome, you did a good job!
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