c-section questions...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Stephanie1074, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone... I have really not considered that this birth would be much different then my daughter, but now that it is less than 10 days away I am beginning to wonder. Obviously, it will be different in that there are 2 babies, placentas, ect... BUT, what about recovery? With my daughter, I had an emergency c-section after a VERY long active labor. I was in labor for a total of 30 hours with about the last 20-24 in active labor... So, obviously, I was exhausted after the birth and also recovering from the surgery part of things. So I guess my main questions are:

    1. Is there a difference in c-section recovery with twins vs. singleton?

    2. Is there more bleeding afterward?

    3. Any other differences I should know about?
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    1. Is there a difference in c-section recovery with twins vs. singleton?

    Not really... to me it was about the same, recovery wise.

    2. Is there more bleeding afterward?

    I bled for 3 months after the twins, and with my singleton only for 5-6 weeks.

    3. Any other differences I should know about?

    The 2nd c-section for me was easier. I was up the next morning showering, and walking further distances quicker. BUT it is still really sore... I think the difference is I knew what to expect pain wise.
  3. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(KYsweetheart @ Oct 29 2007, 09:45 PM) [snapback]472821[/snapback]
    1. Is there a difference in c-section recovery with twins vs. singleton?

    Not really... to me it was about the same, recovery wise.

    2. Is there more bleeding afterward?

    I bled for 3 months after the twins, and with my singleton only for 5-6 weeks.

    3. Any other differences I should know about?

    The 2nd c-section for me was easier. I was up the next morning showering, and walking further distances quicker. BUT it is still really sore... I think the difference is I knew what to expect pain wise.

    Thanks! I am hopingthis one will be easier! I had a really hard time with the first, not so much physically, but emotionally I was unprepared. We were totally not considering this as an option, we had planned on delivering in the Alt. Birthing Center no meds no nothing, but it became a life or death situation and you do what you have to do...

    I was thinking that the bleeding might be more intense since there is more placenta that has covered the uterus, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be that different... Oh, well, a small price to pay for 2 babies! :p
  4. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Stephanie1074 @ Oct 29 2007, 09:41 PM) [snapback]472812[/snapback]
    1. Is there a difference in c-section recovery with twins vs. singleton?

    I haven't had my singleton yet and I'm hoping to go VBAC so I can't answer that.

    2. Is there more bleeding afterward?

    Again, not sure. However, with my planned twin c/s, I only bled about 3wks, if that, and it wasn't very heavy at all after the first 5 days.

    3. Any other differences I should know about?

    Again, my c/s was planned, but it really wasn't too bad as far as recovery went. If it weren't for other factors, I probably would just go with the planned c/s again.

    Good luck and good job getting so far!
  5. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jennie-OH @ Oct 29 2007, 09:54 PM) [snapback]472848[/snapback]
    I haven't had my singleton yet and I'm hoping to go VBAC so I can't answer that.
    Again, not sure. However, with my planned twin c/s, I only bled about 3wks, if that, and it wasn't very heavy at all after the first 5 days.
    Again, my c/s was planned, but it really wasn't too bad as far as recovery went. If it weren't for other factors, I probably would just go with the planned c/s again.

    Good luck and good job getting so far!

    I am jealous! I wanted to try VBAC, but my doctor really didn't think it was worth the risk since there were twins. He said he would do whatever I wanted to do, but if I were his daughter or wife he would want a c-section.... Basically, he said that since my uterus would already be strched more than normal a VBAC would put me at a greater risk for uterine rupture and hemmorage. Good luck with your birth! I hope all goes well for you! :)

    Just curious.... With the planned c-section were you scared about the spinal and surgery itself? I was scared with my first, but so out of it I really have no recollection of the epidural placement... Any advice for getting through the fact that I will really know what is happening this time?
  6. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1. Is there a difference in c-section recovery with twins vs. singleton?

    I had two very different deliveries. My twins were an emergency c/s. I had two platelet transfusions, magnesium sulfate, and God knows what other drugs for their delivery. They were delivered under General Anesthesia so I wasn't even awake for the delivery. It was definitely more than 24 hours before I could get out of bed so I had the catheter for more than a day.

    With Liam, it was a planned c/s. I got the spinal and then ended up under general again because the spinal didn't seem to work well enough for me. I was able to get up the same day and was up and about a little bit more.

    With the incision and the bleeding, they were both about the same.

    2. Is there more bleeding afterward?

    About the same for me.

    3. Any other differences I should know about?

    I know that for me, they were reluctant to leave me alone with the two babies more so than with my singleton. They would try to make sure that someone was there with me the first couple of days before bringing the babies in from the nursery.
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