C-section: Epidural or spinal?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by SC_Amy, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    At this point I'm planning to try for a vaginal delivery but want to know just in case. I'd been under the impression that an epidural was usually better--fewer side effects and risks? But when I was going over my birth plan with my new OB, he mentioned that a spinal usually gives better pain relief.

    I'd love to get you all's input on what you've read/experienced; what are the pros and cons? Also, I want to BF as soon as possible after birth; would a spinal interfere with that? Don't you have to lie flat on your back for 12 hours afterward (sounds very uncomfortable to me!) or did I misunderstand what I read?
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have never had an epidural so I can't really help you there. I have however had 2 spinal's and they were great. By the time they sew you up and move you to the recovery room the feeling is coming back in your arms and upper body, altho your feet/legs/stomach take a bit longer to recover. My son was whisked to the NICU after birth so I didn't get to hold him until the next day, but I did get to sit up within a few hours I think...his birth is really fuzzy because I had IV drugs and they messed up my memory of that whole next day. But my dd was waiting for me in the recovery room. As soon as my arms were strong enough, and with the help of pillows, I was able to nurse her immediately. They do sit you up, you don't have to lay flat on your back. I didn't get out of bed until about 24 hrs after birth, they want your legs to be strong enough to support yourself, and have some good pain relief, but otherwise there was no real restrictions. I sat up in bed, nursed as needed, my dd roomed in with me. It was great! I think the spinal is a safer option because there is less chance of it being "hit and miss". Sometimes epidural's can be spotty and the last thing I would want is for it to not numb the area that needs to be cut open! That's just my experience :)
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't help you with the epidural either...but I do have had a spinal!

    My boys were a scheduled c/s. I had them at 1pm and was sewn up by 2pm and then went to recovery right after. In recovery-they had me try to b/f them pretty much right away-and tandem b/f at that! Once I could wiggle my toes-I was wheeled off into my room-it was probably around 4/5pm.

    I felt fine after the spinal-in the sense of I never felt ill, nausea, etc. I didn't have headaches and I was really worried about that happening! I also didn't know too much about the spinal, which in the end was better for me! LOL! I was never in too much pain-as long as you stay ahead of your meds and not fall behind-you should be golden!

    I loved my c/s and I thought the recovery was great. I was worried about all the side effects, as well as the recovery at home-but really, it all was great. Oh-and as for lying flat-nope-did not have to do that. I was sitting up in bed as soon as I was in my bed in my room!

    I wish you the best of luck! It's an amazing experience!
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I had a semi-planned C-section (planned about six hours ahead of time when my blood pressure rose high enough that the doctors said I couldn't wait any longer). I was not given a choice between an epidural or a spinal. My OB, the head of maternal/fetal medicine at our hospital, said they only did spinals for planned C-sections. Like Meg, I had no problems. The actual injection hurt, but then no pain and no complications. I regained feeling about two hours after the shot and was sitting up soon after. There were no restrictions about staying in bed or lying flat.

    Good luck to you!
  5. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    I'll have planned c-section and my doctors give a combo. It's a spinal for numbing and epi for pain management (or I might have those reversed).

    Has anyone else ever had this?
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I had a spinal - and never had any side effects, my girls were born at 8:02 and 8:03am the nurses had me up walking by 7pm that same night. I have had epidurals in the past and IMO the spinal was better - my epidurals always wore off or did not work on one side or the other OR I could feel pressure but not so much pain. With the spinal, after it was in I felt nothing! I could not even help the nurses move me from the recovery bed into my bed in my room!!
  7. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Thanks to those of you who responded! :) So I guess a spinal doesn't sound so bad after all. ;)
  8. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I have had back surgury before, so it took a little while to get the spinal in the right spot, but other than that, it was a breeze. The main difference is the spinal is a nerve block--one shot that stops the receptors in your spine from communicating with the brain. An epi is a constant stream of medicine. The spinal helps a lot with post-pain, but it also means it takes much longer to get the feeling back--the epi you can just turn off, so to speak.

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think they told me that the spinal makes your BP drop kind of suddenly, and you may get nausous. I did, and heaved a little but didn't actually throw up. The feeling only lasted 4-5 minutes, and I was totally better by the time they were getting the babies out. Be sure to follow the no eating instructions! Then again, I had pre-e and crazy high BP already, so that's why it felt so bad. I think I went from 155/110 to 80/50 in about 10 seconds!

    I had my boys at 9:30 am, and I think I had the feeling back everywhere by about 4 or so. I was up and walking a couple hours later. I could sit up, breastfeed, roll around etc until it wore off. The only thing I'll warn you about is the itchies you get when coming off the spinal. I kept rubbing and scratching my face. I felt like some kind of drug addict! But it was gone by the next morning, and they can give you things to help.
  9. Carefulove

    Carefulove Well-Known Member

    Had a spinal at about 3 PM (on the day of the C-Section). Had to stay in bed FLAT for the rest of the day after the section was done sipping ice cubes.
    I was up the next morning and fighting with the nurse so she would give me food. I had Delaudid (sp?) injected IM during the night but asked them stop all pain meds in the AM as I was feeling great. Took motrin maybe 2 more times and that was it for my pain meds. I had no problems, pains, gas nothing at all. I was walking around the next day.
    Have no experience with Epidural.
  10. sarawoodside

    sarawoodside Well-Known Member

    I had a spinal with my boys as well. It was scary at first but it was wonderful. You have no pain until the next day when it starts to wear off. The only thing I wish I would have known was that sometimes they can hit a nerve and it will send a shock down your leg. It is a bit painful but it only last for really a second. I just wish I would have been warned so I could have at least known what it was. Just try your best to not move.

    Good Luck!! :D
  11. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    With the twins, they couldn't get the spinal placed so instead of trying again they did an epidural. I am a rare case, but I didn't feel the incisions but I felt everything else. They put me to sleep after the 2nd cord was clamped. With my 2nd c section, they got the spinal in and I felt NOTHING! That was such a relief!
  12. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I guess I will be the exception (there always is one). I had a spinal b/c honestly I didn't know the difference and that is what they told me I would have. The first time the dr. went in I had this AWFUL pain that ran down my right leg. He pulled out and started over. The second time my whole bottom half felt warm and then nothing. I did feel a little sick right after, but I fell asleep while they were sewing me up. I went to recovery for 2 hours and then was told that I had to lay flat on my back until the next morning, so no feeding for me.

    Fast forward over 2 years. I STILL have terrible pain in my back and right leg. I assume he hit a nerve. I have heard it can take up to 5 years for this to go away.

    GL whatever you decide!!
  13. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(brandycaviness @ Dec 2 2008, 11:42 AM) [snapback]1093707[/snapback]
    I guess I will be the exception (there always is one). I had a spinal b/c honestly I didn't know the difference and that is what they told me I would have. The first time the dr. went in I had this AWFUL pain that ran down my right leg. He pulled out and started over. The second time my whole bottom half felt warm and then nothing. I did feel a little sick right after, but I fell asleep while they were sewing me up. I went to recovery for 2 hours and then was told that I had to lay flat on my back until the next morning, so no feeding for me.

    Fast forward over 2 years. I STILL have terrible pain in my back and right leg. I assume he hit a nerve. I have heard it can take up to 5 years for this to go away.

    GL whatever you decide!!

    Yikes Brandy, that is scary! I hope your pain goes away soon. :( I'm praying I don't have to have a C-section so I don't have any needles in my spine at all! I had a really bad spinal tap experience a while back, and the whole idea just freaks me out. Still though, it's good to hear pros and cons of both in case I do need one.
  14. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    hi there, I had a epidural with my son with a vaginal delivery and it was great BUT if I have to have a c-section, I'm getting a spinal. I've never had a spinal before but I would rather be completely numb and more relaxed and I remember with the epidural it numbed me up good (my mother was in shock, her labor was not so easy...lol) but I dont think it numbed me enough to cut me open.
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