Bye-bye naps!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Danibell, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I knew it would happen. None of my kids have ever napped very long, and the summer they were 2 going on 3 is when the older kids gave up their naps. :( It's a sad sad more naps for mommy!

    I've instituted the "Movie time" in the afternoon, just like I did with my older kids! For the last 2 days at 1:30 I sit the kiddo's on the couch and stick a movie in, with the intention they have to sit for the movie (and maybe let me snooze a bit too ;) ). So far so good! Let's hope it continues to work! The twins are handling this "no nap" thing much better than mommy is ;)
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  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I remember when we said goodbye to naps. The upside of no naps is MUCH easier bedtime.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Uggggh I'd put keep trying honestly. My kids went through at least 3 one week long phases without naps, but we only stopped naps 3 months ago (mostly because 9pm bedtime was getting too late). Every time it was just a phase and they went back to napping after a week or so.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd love for them to keep napping, but it meant that bedtime was a *nightmare*!!! It would take over an hour to get them to settle down and go to sleep. Their bedtime is already 9:30-10pm, so it was knocking on 11pm before they would go to sleep! Not good news. But since they gave up naps a few weeks ago, we put them to bed about 9:30 and they are asleep by 9:50, and sleep until 9:15-9:30. I like the easy bedtime even if I miss the afternoon downtime ;) They were only napping for 50 mins or so....I don't know why my kids all gave up naps so young, I LOVE napping myself! :laughing:
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'd nap every day if I could! :lol:

    My guys are still firmly napping (sometimes up to 4 hours! :shok:), but I'm wondering if I should start limiting them. They are nightmarishly crabby when they skip a nap, but last night they were up until almost 10pm (they were in bed with the lights out at just after 8). :wacko:
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm with Valerie, I'd nap daily if I could too.
    Danielle, I am glad the twins are handling being nap free well. I just hope you adjust too. I think I will cry the day my two give up naps completely. I know it's coming soon...DD is already showing signs of it, she's shortened her nap times to 60-90 minutes a day. DS still goes anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours.
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm in awe of all your ladies who have kids that nap longer than 2 hrs!!! Seriously, none of my kids have EVER napped that long! When they had 2 naps my oldest slept the longest, at 1.5 hrs each nap if I was lucky. The twins, slept 60 mins tops each nap. When they went down to single naps, again, my oldest slept the longest, and that's probably because he slept with me on the couch :FIFblush: The twins, only napped about 60 mins, Liam sometimes would nap an extra 30 mins after Rylee got up but that was only once a week or so. He needs just a little more sleep than Rylee does.

    Valerie it probably would help bedtime a lot if they napped a little less than 4 hrs ;) I think at this age they need between 12-13 hrs of sleep a day, so I guess it depends on how much sleep they are getting at night. Mine get about 12 hrs at night, and every 3-4 days they'll sleep an extra hour or so in the morning, like their bodies need to catch up some sleep.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My kids rarely napped for less than 2 hours, which really was a pain because their bedtime was just way too late (9pm and waking up at 7am).
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