Bus issues UPDATED with more issues

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by ljcrochet, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not sure how to handle this, but dani came off the bus yesterday upset that not only was another girl mean to her, she also spit at her.
    There have been a few minor things with this girl this school year. In fact the girl has called twice to apologize about hurting Dani's feelings. Once was over something dani didn't get upset about till after she called.
    Tuesday I got the girls off the bus in front of that girls house. That girl came off the bus crying. I asked my girls what was wrong with her. They both said she makes herself cry to tell her mom a kindergarten boy is bothering her.
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the girl is drama enbodied. Could you request the girls not sit by her? I'd definitely ask the bus driver about it.
  3. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    Definitely talk to the bus driver. Sounds like "Drama" likes to create a problem to get attention. Hopefully, the school has noticed the trend so that she does not falsely accuse other children.
  4. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm pretty sure the school knows about the issue. I think my dd is supposed to be the good influence between "drama" (its her perfectly) and another girl. I told my girls before the school year started to not sit with either of these girls on the bus, but Dani wanted to sit with them. Then "Drama" had her seat moved, but she is now back. I think on Monday i'm going to call the assistant principal and talk to him. I didn't want to be that parent.

    We went to a birthday party today, and she was there. I stayed as did most of the parents. Dani came over to me, i was right next to her mom, saying that she was mean to me. I went over and Dani was seating right across from her. It was a ceramic painting party. A boy that my girls are both friends with was sitting next to Dani across from sydney, but his mom had him move. At the time I figured it was just to sit near another boy room the class. I had Dani move over a seat to sit across from another girl. But still near this girl. The whole time they are painting, "drama" kept on criticizing how they other kids were not following the models, and poking fun at their color choices. I told Sydney, she should be creative and paint how ever she wanted, and she did not have to follow the sample.

    The party moved into the party room. When it was time for the kids to sit down and have pizza, Sydney comes over crying saying that "drama" pushed her off the chair. "drama"'s mom says she saw the whole thing, they both got to the seat at the same time and her daughter did not push Sydney. From my angle i could not see. I walked Sydney over to where Dani was sitting. When the kids went to play again, the boys mom from before told me that she saw "drama" push Sydney off the chair. Then she tells me how "drama" teased her son the whole first month of school. It was to the point that he didn't want to go to school any more, when the mom got the story out of him and spoke to the teacher. The teacher moved seats around so they were not near one another.

    I also want to add that my girls have know "drama" since they were about 10 months old when we moved to our house. We have to pass their house to get to our house.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    wonder what is going on at home...sounds like she's acting out to get attention
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Seems like her mom knows and is over indulgening her or just can't face the facts
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I am second on wondering what is going on at home. DS#1 was teased by a girl but her brother had died and she had a new baby sibling so everyone things she was just acting out. The teacher also moved seats in this case. I know it's hard but maybe having a talk with your girls about what a friend does (and doesnt) do is in order and perhaps asking them to sit together on the bus would help.
  8. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    She is the youngest of 3 and most of her life is revolved around her older siblings activities. They are 14 and 17 i think. She did not get to socialize with kids her age. Her first schooling was pre-K. When my girls were little, when ever we walked to the park we had to pass her house. She would ask if they would stay in front of her house to play with her since that was all she was allowed to do. If she did go to the playground she could only stay for like 10 mintues.

    Now I have to tell you about what happened Sunday. The girls had another birthday party. We get there and there is just 2 other kids besides the birthday girl. One of which is "drama". My girls were every good about not going to what ever table she was working on without it seeming rude. At the end of the party, "drama" was running and slipped/knocked into Dani and at the top of her lungs she shouted Thanks alot Dani. of course her mom asked what happened. I told her , and i over heard her giving her daughter a good talking to. Right after we got home, the girls called to tell Dani she was sorry. Sydney gets on the phone and says when are you going to say Sorry for pushing me off the chair.
  9. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Good for her!
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