Bunk beds!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by w101ttd, May 25, 2012.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies! happy holiday! My g/b twins are 25.5 months old. They dont sleep on their toddler beds anymore. They have been sleeping on the queen bed in their room. I am about to get rid of their toddler beds and get twin/full beds. Suddenly I thought about bunk bed. Is it too early for 2 yrs olds? I love the idea. However, I am afraid they will fight over something and push each other off the bed. Am I crazy to think about bunk beds? Any of you actualy let their twins use bunk beds? btw, we dont have nap/bed time issue anymore. TIA TIA! Happy holiday!
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    We are planning on bunk or loft beds when they are around 6. I would be way too nervous to put a 2-year-old in them.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd just leave them sleeping on the queen bed for now! If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    I think they are too little for bunk beds though. I think most manufacturers recommend waiting until they are 6 or 7. I for sure wouldn't put either of my two in them, they thrash too much in their sleep.
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  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I put my girls in bunk beds at 4. It's no problem at all. I am really glad I didn't get the kind with stairs b/c I have a toddler who is 17 months and if we had stairs I wouldn't be able to keep him from the top bunk. I could have put my girls in bunks as early as 2. They don't really horse play too much and don't thrash in their sleep. It's probably different for every family but I know mine would have been fine. Now my third child is another story. If you get bunk beds I'd suggest getting the kind that can be unbunked. That's the kind we got, just in case they weren't ready but they've stayed bunked the whole time we've had them.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Personally I wouldn't put a 2 yr old in bunk beds. My kids still get up at night, I just know one of them would forget and just climb over the side of the bed, and go crashing to the floor. The recommended age is at least 5 yrs old, with some beds recommending 6-7 yr olds.

    My oldest son was 6 yrs old when we put him on the top bunk and put our daughter on the bottom bunk. My daughter is 5 now and will be sleeping on the top bunk in our new camper this summer.

    We bought bunk beds for the twins but have them seperated right now, I won't put them together as bunk beds for a couple more years. It makes their room really small and squishy but it's just safer for them.
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  6. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I too would just leave it the way it is, unless you have to change it. I bought bunk beds for my twins just before they turned 3, but kept them as two single beds in the same room. They didn't get put together as bunk beds until they were 5.
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I honestly wouldn't trust my 4yo in bunk beds, no way I would have done it at 2.
  8. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I agree. I think 2 years old is a bit too young for bunk beds. If you are willing to keep the queen and they are sleeping comfortably in it, then why not let them keep that? Until something comes up like they keep each other up or somethign along those lines, why change a good thing?

    When I was a little girl, My mother had bought a bunk bed set that allowed her to remove the top bed and use it as a twin bed. When or if I had wanted a bunk bed, she'd have been able to easily put the top bed back on. I didn't really care for a bunk bed so I never asked for it. The top bunk was just used as the guest bed and fit comfortably in the room it was in at the time. I ended up getting a queen bed instead. I preferred to be closer to the ground anyhow so really there was no point in a bunk bed. My brother had a loft bed in his room and there was no way I was sharing space with my much older brother.

    I'd say, get a bunk bed when they are older and if they want it...or you need the space. Bunk beds are great if you need space. But, if you need to get new beds because the queen is no longer working for you, then get the twin beds. My boys have twin beds in separate rooms and they are very comfortable.
  9. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would not put a 2 year old in a top bunk. My benchmark for putting any child in a top bunk is that I feel confident they could manage coming down the ladder in the middle of the night (in the dark, possibly half asleep).

    If you are getting new beds now why not just get bunks that can be separated. Then you can keep them un-bunked until they are old enough and have bunkbeds later without any additional cost.
  10. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I agree with everyone else. I think 2 is too young. My boys got these Jr. Loft Beds shortly after they turned 4. There is no way I would have put them in a traditional loft bed which is about 72" high (these are 48").

    They are in seperate rooms and I liked the idea of them having their own "upper bunk" all the time. Plus, they enjoy playing under them.
  11. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. We are getting rid of the queen bed anyway. Its very old and the mattress is not comfortable anymore. We will get the bunk beds that can be 2 individual twin beds for them. I want to get 2 full beds. But then it will be so crowded in their room. Thanks again. Happy holiday weekend!
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