Bummed about not showing yet.

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Audiogirl, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. Audiogirl

    Audiogirl Member

    I'm 13.5 weeks and not showing yet........the best I get is a "bloated" look at the end of the day.

    It totally freaks me out....I've had two miscarriages last year and am just waiting for something horrible to happen to one or both of my little babies.

    The rational part of my brain is trying to tell me to relax.......everyone begins to show at different times AND I just had a doc appointment last Monday where he assured me there were still two good heart beats....but I can't shake this "bad" feeling and enjoy being pregnant.

    Does the stress of worrying that something will go wrong ever go away?!?!
  2. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    I wasn't really showing at 13.5 weeks either--and I've already had two full-term pregnancies! (I didn't know it was twins yet at that point --in fact that really convinced us it couldn't be.) Maybe you just have nice muscle tone. ;-)

    No, the worrying never goes away. Once they start kicking you'll worry about whether they've kicked often enough and whether you've felt *both* of them or just one. Once they're born you'll put your hands on their backs in the night to make sure they're still breathing. Eventually they'll grow up and move far away and you'll still worry about them all the time.

    Just part of being a mother. But there are compensating factors. :) Praying all goes well for you and your little ones.
  3. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Queen of Carrots @ Mar 16 2008, 06:13 PM) [snapback]671739[/snapback]
    No, the worrying never goes away. Once they start kicking you'll worry about whether they've kicked often enough and whether you've felt *both* of them or just one. Once they're born you'll put your hands on their backs in the night to make sure they're still breathing. Eventually they'll grow up and move far away and you'll still worry about them all the time.

    That's the truth! I wasn't showing at 13.5 weeks either. In fact, I wasn't really showing until closer to 20 weeks. I'm sure all is fine. Good luck!
  4. cynthia502

    cynthia502 Well-Known Member

    I found out I was having twins at my 14 week u/s and I was still wearing my regular jeans at that point. Don't worry you will be showing soon enough....but you are right, the worrying never ends. Good luck to you and enjoy your little belly while you can!!! :D
  5. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    I didn't really start showing until 18-20 weeks or so. I felt much the same way you did - I'm sure my OB was sick of me asking him if everything was OK because I wasn't showing. I distinctly remember one appointment where I looked at my OB and said, "I thought I'd be showing more by now." His response? "There's plenty of time for that." I gained 60 lbs total, and I'm 4.5 weeks post-partum. I still can't wear my old clothes...even my "fat jeans." Enjoy being little!

    And no, the worrying doesn't go away, as PP said. If it takes the OB a little bit longer to find a heartbeat, you'll worry. If you feel kicking in one spot but not the other, you'll worry. Just take care of yourself!

    And congrats!

  6. kribar

    kribar Well-Known Member

    I didn't start showing til 18-20 too. Try not to worry (easier said than done, I'm sure.) I'd LOVE to feel not pregnant again! I feel like a Weeble Wobble and have soo much back pain and keep gettin kicked in the ribs!! :laughing:
  7. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

  8. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    What you worry about changes. I had a m/c before getting pregnant with my boys and everything freaked me out. I did feel better once I could feel them kick, but like pp's, I worried if they didn't kick enough or I thought one was kicking more than the other. I know what you mean about wanting to just enjoy your pregnancy and I know it can be hard to do since you've had previous losses, but try, try, try not to worry and enjoy everything about your twin pregnancy!
  9. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I think I was showing around week 15 or so. Or maybe I was just at that in-between stage where I just felt fat! As the pp have said, the worrying never ends. Hang in there, Lisa
  10. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(5girlies @ Mar 16 2008, 09:42 PM) [snapback]672035[/snapback]
    I think I was showing around week 15 or so. Or maybe I was just at that in-between stage where I just felt fat! As the pp have said, the worrying never ends. Hang in there, Lisa

    I'm in the same boat as your are... I had 3 early mcs and the only thing that makes me feel better is going to see the babies in the ultrasound,
    I always had a lower belly so I haven't seen a change either.... just keep praying for the best
  11. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    DH and I could tell I was showing at 14-16 weeks, but no one else could see it. At 20 weeks the ladies in my office started making comments that I was really starting to show.

    However, here I am at 27 weeks tomorrow and an older lady at church heard me talking and said "Oh your pregnant? You don't look it. How far along are you?" I explained I was 7 months along and due in June with twins. She just mumbled something and walked away. I looked at DH at said "I guess I just look fat". The funny thing is I was wearing a maternity top that REALLY makes be look pregnant.

    Now keep in mind I am tall (almost 5'10"), a bit overweight, with a long torso, so I do hide my pregnancy well.

    I think you will get a wide range of comments on whether you look pregnant or not. I just laugh most of them off. Of course DH says if I walked around naked everyone could tell for sure. Sorry that is not an option :rofl:
  12. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    :lol: I want you to print out your post and pull it out to laugh at in 20 weeks!!
  13. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    it's ok I too had two m/c last year and I freak out too but depending on your size it can vary when you will acutually start to show good.
  14. Audiogirl

    Audiogirl Member

    QUOTE(Overachiever @ Mar 17 2008, 12:19 PM) [snapback]672721[/snapback]
    :lol: I want you to print out your post and pull it out to laugh at in 20 weeks!!

    Love your answer.........I'll have to do that. :p
  15. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I know how hard it is not to worry but you really need to enjoy the pregnancy. I didn't gain much weight by my 20th week and I was so worried and the dr's said, you will gain the weight and pop up over night just watch and they were right. I couldn't wait for each ultrasound to see them and make sure they were well and I don't think that goes away but in between I pampered myself and had my husband pamper me and just talked to them and told them I loved them. It really helped me relax. Soon you will feel them moving and that is so amazing and enjoyable.

    Big hugs
  16. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Worrying never stops...even when they get here. Like one of the pps said, your worries changes though.

    I was "bloated" looking until about 16 weeks when I transitioned to "fat" looking and then I became "pregnant" looking around 18 weeks.

    You will show...and it will happen before you know it and when you can't find clothes to fit anymore because your belly hangs out of everything and pants are constantly falling off, you'll wonder back about the days when you didn't show.
  17. CatholicMom

    CatholicMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Audiogirl @ Mar 16 2008, 06:07 PM) [snapback]671734[/snapback]
    I'm 13.5 weeks and not showing yet........the best I get is a "bloated" look at the end of the day.

    It totally freaks me out....I've had two miscarriages last year and am just waiting for something horrible to happen to one or both of my little babies.

    The rational part of my brain is trying to tell me to relax.......everyone begins to show at different times AND I just had a doc appointment last Monday where he assured me there were still two good heart beats....but I can't shake this "bad" feeling and enjoy being pregnant.

    Does the stress of worrying that something will go wrong ever go away?!?!

    Here I am, at 13w, 6d, still wearing my regular clothes. (didn't know we had twins at this point)
    Hiding twins in there
    Trust me, when you start showing .... you start SHOWING!

    I have not enjoyed this PG as much as previous ones, partly due to the fatigue, but mostly due to the anxiety. I just try to give it up to God.
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