
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by bigeyes, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. bigeyes

    bigeyes Well-Known Member

    is it reaaaaaallly a "need" or would it be under the 'want" category? they just seem so expensive ... is it really worth it? and what age did u start using them and end using them
    husband figures they will learn to sit on their own so why spend the money... hard to argue with that but thought i'd ask ya all
  2. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I would say they are a want. They'll learn how to sit up just fine on their own and if you want somewhere safe for them to sit a bouncy seat or swing is probably safer.

    We started using ours when they were 4-5 months. The thing is that they don't have buckles so you have to 1) be right there with them the whole time to make sure they don't get out and 2) never ever ever put them on an elevated surface and be out of reach.

    They are handy when you go grocery shopping or if you need an easy to clean booster seat for Grandma's house. They certainly have their uses and I liked mine.
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    The only benefit I had with them was when I brought one baby to the car, I put the other baby in the bumbo so they would not crawl around the house while I was putting the one in the car. Then taking them out of the car, I brought a baby inside and they waited in the bumbo until the other baby was taken out of the car.

    Personally, I would put it as a 'want'.

    My sons pt said they were not made to learn to sit. I remember her saying that when the child is in there, they are not needing to use any core muscles to sit so it does not teach them how to sit. They were made for children who had physical disabilities and then the general market got a hold of the concept and created the bumbo.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Feb 2 2008, 05:59 PM) [snapback]602437[/snapback]
    The only benefit I had with them was when I brought one baby to the car, I put the other baby in the bumbo so they would not crawl around the house while I was putting the one in the car. Then taking them out of the car, I brought a baby inside and they waited in the bumbo until the other baby was taken out of the car.

    Personally, I would put it as a 'want'.

    My sons pt said they were not made to learn to sit. I remember her saying that when the child is in there, they are not needing to use any core muscles to sit so it does not teach them how to sit. They were made for children who had physical disabilities and then the general market got a hold of the concept and created the bumbo.

    Thank you for saying this! They were designed for kids with CP and such who were developmentally ready to do things that required sitting up, but were physically unable to do so.

    Your kids are really better off just using the floor, and leaning against a boppy or pillows to help them learn to sit. Babies really don't need to be sitting up until they are in the 5-7 month range anyway.
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    def NOT necessary. My two kids didn't use the one we bought.
  6. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP and as a physical therapist I feel the bumbos might actually hinder learning to side because it doesn't allow baby to strengthen and develop trunk muscles. Instead baby relies on the support of the chair. Definitely not a must have item.
  7. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I never bothered with them. We try for a minimalist approach with all the baby "stuff," especially plastic stuff that'll be outgrown quickly.
  8. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Definitely only a want for us. I liked using them. I had two, with the trays, and it was a change of pace for my girls. They seemed to like to look around and play with the toys I would put on the tray.

    Try Craigslist, EBay or your local mom of twins club if you belong, you will probably find a bargain.
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Definitely a want, not a need. But we had two. I did not use mine with the intention of getting them to learn to sit. I used it to help with:

    1) Keeping a set of hands free when we were at playdates or mommy and me classes; I would put one in the bumbo and hold the other, then trade them out. Again, not a necessity, but it was definitely helpful.

    2) Grocery shopping. One would sit in the seat of the cart propped with blankets. The other would sit in the Bumbo in the basket of the cart.

    3) Sitting up to feed at restaurants or grandma's house. My kids were out of their infant carriers really early, but learned to sit up quite late. It was convenient to bring these into a restaurant since they could not sit in a high chair and we did not have carriers for them.
  10. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Feb 2 2008, 07:05 PM) [snapback]602494[/snapback]
    Try Craigslist, EBay or your local mom of twins club if you belong, you will probably find a bargain.

    Yes! This! I bought one off of Craig's list for $20. I got it bc it is another way to keep DS off his back since he's getting a flat spot. It helps as an alternative to tummy time or holding him. We started using it at around 10w. I wouldn't think you would want to use this as a tool for them to learn to sit up though.
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We made it through our first year without a bumbo, and they learned to sit on their own just fine.
  12. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Definitely a want. We got one as a shower gift and I figured if the girls really liked it I would go get another. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I used it. Like a pp said, since there is no buckle you have to be right there with them. If thats the case, I rather they practice balancing and trying to sit on the floor alone (with a boppy around them). For times when I need a baby contained, it was usually because I had to run out of the room (to the bathroom or something).. so I'd use the bouncy or a swing.
  13. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    We don't have one, so definitely not a need for us. I know alot of people use them when first doing solids, we found that the bouncy seats work just fine, and now they are in highchairs and have plenty of support.
  14. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Definately not a need..my kids didn't even like them!
  15. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm unusual, but I used mine constantly!! Still do. I put my babies in them when I'm cooking in the kitched (tile surface). My girls watch Baby Einstein in them while I'm in the shower--keeps them contained. Mine play with toys in them while we eat. I used them for music classes to keep one baby sitting up while I held the other. I'm not sure they were a need but they made my life a whole lot easier. Just my two cents!!
  16. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    We never used them and didn't need them.

    I honestly think that babies sit up when they should sit up.
  17. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    Yep, it's a WANT, not a NEED. They look kind of fun, but we never felt the need to get one (or two). A bouncy seat or swing or Jumperoo served the same sort of purpose for us.
  18. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    They're nice, but they definitely have a limited lifespan. I had one from my older DD (who also used it for a very short time), and I borrowed a second one from a friend.

    I found it most useful for my DS, who struggled with neck control early on -- I think it really helped with that.

    As soon as my babies got a little stronger, they refused to sit in the Bumbos -- they would squirm and buck and wriggle out of them. And, they still don't sit very well unassisted, so clearly they didn't help with that, anyway....

    I wouldn't buy them, but see if you can borrow one, or find one cheap on Craig's List...
  19. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this! I was just looking at the Bumbo's today at target and contemplating whether or not we "needed" them...You got some great replies!
  20. JenniferZ

    JenniferZ Well-Known Member

    My twins are 18 weeks. They don't like the Bumbo's. They cry after about 4-5 minutes. They would much rather sit in a boppy pillow. It wraps around their waist and supports them perfectly. The bumbos seem really uncomfortable...
  21. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    Got mine cheap off craigs list 20.00. We don't need them but use them every now and then for something different. I really like the grocery shopping idea never thought of that. We don't have the trays but I do try to feed them in there (not bottles just baby food) I also set them on opposite sides of their gym so they can get a different perspective on that. We started them right around 3 months and still had to stuff a blanket around my smaller twin not so much to learn to sit just to give them something different for a bit. I don't think I'd have ever bought them at full price though. I like that they are easy to clean.
  22. caba

    caba Banned

    My kids love them now. We tried them around 4 months and no one was happy with them ... probably closer to when they started to sit up on their own (around 6 months) they didn't mind them ... it was a good way for me to have them upright after eating, even though they weren't strong enough to sit up on their own. My pedi also recommended them, because my daughter had a flat spot, and she said it would help keep her off her head. I got them as gifts, I do they are a bit pricey. But if you can get them used, or off ebay or craigslist, go for it! But no rush.
  23. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I think its just a want. I didn't have them with the twins or Katie... and she is already sitting on her own on the couch and in my lap.... I think its just all about working with them... getting in the floor with them and helping them.
  24. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Definitely not a necessity. I've had 3 kids and never used one with any of the them. One child was sitting by herself by 5 1/2 months, the twins started sitting around 7 1/2 months. I think they are a lot of money for the short amount of time you can use them. Babies don't want to be restrained in things when they start being mobile.
  25. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    Mine are collecting dust....My nearly 3 year old likes to jam himself in there every now and again!
  26. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I loved them when the girls were really young. We started using them at 3 months. I took them to restaurants - esp. restaurants with limited space that my double stroller was way big for ( my girls were never huge fans of the infant carseats - or the stroller without the carseats for that matter!) I sat them on the table at restaurants -it was a big help. I also sat them in the back of shopping carts. and all over my house while I cleaned or dressed. they really helped me ! - My girls could escape the bumbo by about 7 months and Ava scooted herself across the floor in her bumbo at 4 months!! Now, I take them to restaurants to use as booster seats so that I don't have to use the highchairs (we sit in booths when I do this and I have one on my side and DH has the other). IMO the bumbos were not used to help them - they were to help ME !!!

    ETA: I also used them in the bathtub - to sit one baby in while I bathed the other before they could sit up good -
  27. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I think people are missing the point of the bumbo---it's obviously not designed to "teach" your kid to sit up. It allows them to sit up, be somewhat restrained, and see what's going on. I used mine every single day until they were self-feeding in their high chairs. they made my life infinitely easier for several months. Well worth the money IMO.

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