Bumbos Resurrected!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Mommy2ATeam, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    LOL! We put the Bumbos away once the girls were old enough to climb out of them. The other day, we had to clean out the closet with the A/C unit so it could be replaced and the girls came across their Bumbos in the pile of junk we kept in there. They LOVE them again! They're so light that they carry them around the living room. They sit in them to watch Jack's Big Music Show every day and today, they each got a book and sat down in their Bumbos to read them. The funniest part was how long it took them to learn how to get out of them again. Alana has had a much harder time b/c she has fatter legs than Alexis. She couldn't get her thighs out, so she would throw herself forward onto her knees with the Bumbo stuck to her butt and then stand up straight so it would fall off. :rotflmbo: They've gotten the hang of it now but I can't help but laugh when I see them sit down in them. It keeps reminding me of when they were so little and we used the Bumbos to feed them their baby food. It seems like yesterday!
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    How funny! Maybe I will get ours out again too! They didn't like them that much when they were 3-6 months, but now they are crazy for chairs that are just their size. (OTOH, Sarah's thighs were already too fat at 6 months... :D Worth a try, anyway!)
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Oh, of course this is posted the day I sold the last Bumbo I was hanging on to. How cute, I hadn't even thought of bringing them out again.
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Too cute! I think it's great that they're getting use out of them again.
  5. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Regan and Tessa have also "rediscovered" the one Bumbo seat we currently have. They climb in and out of it all the time and fight over it. It is cute watching them work themselves out of it since it is such a tight fit now!
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