Bubble Gum - how bad is it?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twins225, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    i took my girls to a birthday party and they were given goody bags before we left. i know i should've checked them, but i didn't want them to make a scene in the middle of the party, by taking them away. so we were driving home and i was shocked when i saw rianne chewing on a piece of bubble gum! what was that mother thinking? so i figured, no biggie, we were almost home, and i could get her to spit it out then. i couldn't really do much while i was driving anyway. so we got home and i went to get the girls out of the truck and i saw 5 empty wrappers on the floor of the truck and there was nothing in her mouth! she had swallowed all 5 pieces of gum! these were big pieces of gum too...the bubbalicious kind. this was yesterday and they have both pooped this morning. so i don't know if i should be worried about it upsetting their tummies. probably like most of you, i grew up hearing the old tale of gum not digesting for 7 years!! (LOL!) i know it's not true, but it can't be good either.

    anyone have any experience with this??

    thanks in advance,
  2. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I chew gum a lot, but try not to let my kids chew it. However, one of my boys is obsessed with getting my gum! No matter where I put it, he frequently finds it. He has swallowed many pieces over the last few months and nothing bad has happened. It's sugar free though, but I think that just makes it easier to clean up and less yuck for their teeth.

    There is some show on TLC (I think) that talks about well known myths and whether they are true or not. The gum and 7 years digestion was one of them. As you know, that isn't true, but it also said that swallowing gum isn't "bad". I can't remember all that they said about it, just that the bottom line was that my boy wasn't going to have problems because he'd swallowed a few pieces here and there. I think your DD is going to be just fine. At least she didn't deposit any of it in her hair!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't believe swallowing gum really does any harm. I know my oldest DD has swallowed a few pieces and never complained about anything. I'm sure they'll be fine. :)
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Yes it is not as bad as they say. I am sure they will be ok.

    Although, I still tell my students it will sit in their stomachs for 7 years... :girl_devil:
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I don't chew gum, I have a bad jaw so it hurtsto chew gum. I rarely let my kids chew guma dn never let the little ones chew gum I would have pulled my car over if I saw my kids with something that concerned me.

    I agree that checking the goodies bag in the middle of the party is rude but I always check them once I get to the car and before I give them back to them for the ride home.
  6. ehm

    ehm Banned

    I found this info when someone recently asked about what age they allow gum.

    while it is true that gum tends to be poorly digested, it simply means that it passes through the digestive system relative intact. Therefore, the occasional swallowing of gum causes no significant alimentary problems....However, gum poses a different risk in the toddler and young child, namely choking.... children do not learn to perform this grinding motion well until about age four. In addition, children under the age of three tend to not have the coordination to protect their airway while laughing or horsing around when food in their mouths.
    Robert Steele MD
  7. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Oh man, I wouldnt have been too happy about finding 5 empty wrappers !! I can understand your worry .. I'd have been concerned as well. I dont give my boys gum because I know they'll swallow it. Even though they "promise" not to .. they do it EVERY time ! lol

    We went to a party just recently and there were pieces of HARD candy in it ! I dont like to complain but party throwers really need to consider the ages of the children attending the parties .. kwim ?
    My boys were so excited to get the goody bag and I ended up having to take 95 % of the candy out of it. Needless to say, there were a few tears.
  8. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I always swallowed my gum as a kid/teenager. No problems.
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