Bringing twins out to their car seats

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MyMMchelle, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    So I was starting to think of the day my boys are out of their infant carriers.. They are 14 and 16 pounds now, leaving little time until they are out of them. I was just wondering, if you are going out alone with your twins, how do you get them both to the car at the same time? First I was thinking bring one out and then come get the other one. But I don't want to leave one in the car and one in the house.. How do you do it??
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I put one in the car and then I leave that car door open (so it doesn't get too hot) and then I go and get the baby who is in the house.
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I made two trips. Put one in while leaving one in the pnp then go back for the second one.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also make two trips. Unless my 7 yr old is home and then he carries my lighter 14 lb ds out while I carry the chubbier 16 lb dd out! :)
  5. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    My twins are still in their infant carriers but I have to park on the street. What I do is plug the baby monitor downstairs then get my car, bring it to the house, then load the girls up. The monitor allows me to hear anything going on.
  6. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    when i am at home i park in the garage and make two trips, leaving one in the pnp or exersaucer inside. when i am not able to park in a garage, i take them out in the stroller and then put the stroller in my car, since i'm probably gonna need the stroller anyway.

    i found that it was so much easier to go out after we switched to convertible seats. the infant carriers we sooooo heavy towards the end, i just didn't want to go anywhere because i didn't want to deal with the carriers!
  7. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    I wear one in an infant carrier and wheel the other one out in a single umbrella stroller. Sometimes I wheel both of them out in the double stroller.
  8. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I made two trips. I'd bring one out and whoever was still inside was in their bumbo seat until they go too big for that. At that point they were usually at the door looking out.

    I'm lucky that our back door is close to where I park so I never felt uncomfortable doing that.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I make two trips as well. One is behind the gate while the other is placed in the car seat. I leave the car door open for the one in the car (during the summer) and then bring the other one out.
  10. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    When we first switched I would make two trips also. My driveway where I park is only like 10 feet from the door, so not much of a trip. I'd usually leave one in the exersaucer.
  11. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    I used an umbrella stroller to haul them to and from the car.
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We really should have a FAQ about this. :ibiggrin:

    I made two trips (leaving one in the house or in the car). In fact, I often did that when they were in infant carriers too, because it was just so much easier to just carry one.

    At daycare (where I was not allowed to leave one in the car), I used a baby bjorn for a couple of months: strap one in the bjorn and carry the other. Then I switched to a single umbrella stroller, which I found less awkward.

    It was totally doable, but it was still nice when at least one of them could walk.
  13. Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum Well-Known Member

    I really don’t like leaving either of my boys alone in the car, so when it’s picking the boys up from daycare or getting them into the house I put one in an umbrella stroller and carry the other. For everything else I use the double stroller.
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