Breastfeeding while pregnant w/twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jenn79, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to know if anyone else is nursing an older child during your pregnancy with twins.
    I have an 8 month old son that I am still nursing. I want to make it to a year with him but I am working full time and have to pump while at work. When I am at home with him he is satifisfied after nursing for a full four hours as usual. But my supply has gone down drastically when I pump. I have frozen milk stored up but the supply is getting low as I pump enough for one bottle the next day and have to use frozen for the other.
    My guestion is if anyone else doing this, was there a point in the pregnancy where the supply returns to what it was? I am hoping to not have to supplement even a bottle a day with formula but I think it is inevitable. Also, how much more did you increase your food intake. I feel like I am eating constantly but I want to make sure I am getting enough for two babies growing inside, the one eating from me, and maybe have a little left for myself to stay energized! :D
    Anyway, any tips, information, or words of advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!
  2. wilsonbaby

    wilsonbaby Member

    Hi there!

    I am not breastfeeding while pregnant but I am reading 'Mothering Multiples' which I purchased from La Leche League and they advise against breastfeeding while pregnant with mulitples. They cited that it wasn't as big of a deal if you are pregnant with one but that it is not as safe while pregnant with two or more. I would perhaps do some research on this or call your local La Leche League person and ask. Good luck and I think it is WONDERFUL that you are so dedicated to breastfeeding.

    QUOTE(MommaJ @ Dec 24 2008, 11:49 AM) [snapback]1121474[/snapback]
    I wanted to know if anyone else is nursing an older child during your pregnancy with twins.
    I have an 8 month old son that I am still nursing. I want to make it to a year with him but I am working full time and have to pump while at work. When I am at home with him he is satifisfied after nursing for a full four hours as usual. But my supply has gone down drastically when I pump. I have frozen milk stored up but the supply is getting low as I pump enough for one bottle the next day and have to use frozen for the other.
    My guestion is if anyone else doing this, was there a point in the pregnancy where the supply returns to what it was? I am hoping to not have to supplement even a bottle a day with formula but I think it is inevitable. Also, how much more did you increase your food intake. I feel like I am eating constantly but I want to make sure I am getting enough for two babies growing inside, the one eating from me, and maybe have a little left for myself to stay energized! :D
    Anyway, any tips, information, or words of advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!
  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice as my older DS had weaned before I got pregnant with my twins but I was going to suggest you check out the "Breastfeeding" forum here on TS - there are a lot of ladies over there who know a lot about breastfeeding and they might be able to answer your question. You might also call a Lactation Consultant or La Leche League to find out if they have any information regarding bfing while pregnant with twins.

    Good luck and congrats on both bfing and on your twins! :)
  4. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Please be careful with the advice you seek. Many OB practitioners are very much against nursing while pregnant, period. They don't care if you are pregnant with one or two. Just because they say no doesn't mean it's accurate. They need to cover their behinds due to malpractice reasons, etc... I second finding some opinions through LLL. They might be helpful.

    I was nursing my twins and was told to stop nursing. The OB was shocked I was nursing twins and was almost 3 months pregnant. Due to feeling weak, tired, and constantly reprimanded for nursing twins, I stopped when they were 14 months, a decision I regreted. After I stopped nursing them I felt such guilt that I tried to get them back on my breast only 2-3 weeks later. They absolutely refused. I was heartbroken. Side note, I left that practice and stayed far away from having an OB present at my subsequent birth.

    I don't know what the answer is. My hunch, I think nursing is likely fine unless you experience contractions, have bleeding, etc.. In an otherwise normal twin pregnancy, I would take it day by day. Find people who support and love you to reach a decision.
  5. erwelch

    erwelch Well-Known Member

    I got pregnant with my twins when my DS was 9mths old, I nursed him until he was 13mths and then weaned him b/c I needed a break between BF my twins. I'm not sure how my supply was when I was pregnant b/c I never pumped just straight from the boob. At that age I would think they eat enough solids/ finger foods that the breast milk should be sufficient. I know my MD said it was fine to nurse him until closer to the end of pregnancy when PTL can come into play.
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I've heard that a lot of kids self wean when mom is pregnant. With multiples there are additional complications that can happen. Eat & drink a lot (healthy) and take it day by day. Good luck.
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